Man Robbed By Drink-Drugging Women Speaks Out

Story here. Excerpt:

'A North Miami Beach man who police believe may have been a victim of the drug 'em and rob 'em female thieves doesn't want what happened to him to happen to anyone else.

"No matter how wide open your eyes are, open them wider," said the unidentified 45-year-old man Thursday. "[I felt] definitely violated and vulnerable."

The man, who wants his identity hidden, said he was the victim of a couple of smooth female crooks who lure men in with a drink, drug them and rob them blind.

It was November 2009 when the victim met the woman and a friend at Set Night Club in South Beach. They danced, they dined and they drank.
In all, six designer watches were missing, along with about $26,000 in cash.

The victim thought it might be an isolated incident until reports surfaced this week of a string of similar robberies happening throughout South Florida.

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Grown Up Mean Girls: Mom on Mom Cyberbullying

Story here. Excerpt:

'Motherhood is supposed to be like apple pie and a warm hug. Wholesome. Dependable.

But online, it can be anything but. Right next to support groups on diaper rash and the terrible twosare mean girls, all grown up.

It's mom on mom cyberbullying and as the popularity of mommy blogging rises, so do the often stinging criticisms.

A mom who asks about baby bottles is called "a cop out" and "uneducated" for not breastfeeding. Working moms are "selfish" and co-sleeping moms are labeled "irresponsible" online.

"There's a lot of insecurity, a lot of confusion, resentment, just about being a mother," psychiatrist and mommy blogger Janet Taylor told "Good Morning America." "There's a sense of 'I have to be better than you and I'm going to prove it by writing negative things.' Not supporting, just writing negative things."'

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Police charge woman over false rape report

Story here.

'A McConnellsburg woman faces charges for allegedly reporting a rape that apparently didn't happen.

Rachela Spriggs, 20, reported on April 8 that she had been raped by an ex-boyfriend on March 27, according to Pennsylvania State Police, McConnellsburg. Spriggs reportedly provided investigators with a detailed account of the incident.

Police said Spriggs admitted to lying about the incident on April 13. She provided a written statement that the allegations against her ex-boyfriend were false.

A criminal complaint was filed Saturday, charging Spriggs with making false reports to law enforcement.'

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Kennel for pets of domestic violence victims

Article here.

'Orange County has awarded Harbor House of Central Florida a $50,000 grant to help build Central Florida’s first kennel for pets of domestic violence victims.

The grant will be awarded from the Animal Services Trust Fund, which sustained by donations.

The kennel at Harbor House will house up to 20 pets of shelter residents and will be one of 37 known nationwide in the American Humane Pets and Women’s Shelter program.

In addition to the kennel, the agencies’ implementation of the PAWS program includes a first-responder transport that enables Animal Services officers to take abuse victims’ pets to Harbor House’s on-kennel, vaccinate them and evaluate them for injuries. In cases where animal abuse is suspected, Animal Services will launch a cruelty investigation.

Up to 75 percent of domestic violence victims report their batterers have threatened, harmed or killed their pets, and nearly 80 percent of violent incidents occurred in the presence of women and children.'

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Home violence a men's issue, speaker argues

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic and sexual violence is a men's issue, not a women's issue, said a U.S. educator, author and filmmaker in Victoria last week as part of Prevention of Violence Against Women Week.

"Men, and masculinity itself, have been rendered invisible in conversations about domestic and sexual violence," said Jackson Katz [link added], co-founder of Mentors in Violence Prevention program, a widely used domestic- and sexual-violence prevention program in U.S. colleges and professional athletics.

Issues such as sex assault, domestic violence, sexual harassment and sexual abuse of children have historically been regarded as women's issues "that some good men help out with," he told a conference hosted by the Ending Violence Association of B.C. at the Fairmont Empress hotel.

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"Hundreds Camp Out For Job Opps In Queens"

Story here. I wonder how many were female? Excerpt:

'Hundreds of job-seekers did just that in Queens in the hopes of landing a coveted union job.

Construction workers, engineers, electricians -- hundreds spent the weekend right here. Many left with a job application, while many others walked away empty-handed.

"The sky's the limit after this!" said Aaron Johnson of Mount Vernon.

Johnson is living month-to-month, struggling to pay the bills, with a 4-year-old daughter to support -- and he was one of the lucky ones.

After three days of sleeping on the street, he left with one of just 750 job applications handed out for a position as an elevator technician apprentice -- a secure job with pension and benefits and an earning potential up to $40 an hour.
"Right here, baby girl ... she's depending on my in three years to have the big house ... and that's what I'm working on," Johnson said.'

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F&F: Did Dr. Phil Unwittingly Promote False Accusations on His Recent ‘Crisis in Family Court’ Show?

Blog article here. Excerpt:

'Dr. Phil did an hour long special called “Crisis in Family Court” on April 14. The view put forward both by Dr. Phil and his various guests was that mothers were losing custody of their children to abusive fathers, and that the courts were favoring fathers even when there is strong evidence that they are violent or have sexually abused their children.
While Dr. Phil is correct to publicize these tragic cases, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, most parental murders of children are committed by mothers, not by fathers. Dr. Phil could have had a similar show featuring fathers whose children were murdered by the children’s mothers, at times after fathers had tried to warn courts. It is misleading to only focus on murdering fathers when there are, in fact, more mothers who kill their children than fathers.

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Wellgate ad claims women never stop moving and get things done, in contrast to men

Alerted via email. Video here. Wellgate contact info here. Looks like they market exclusively to women. Maybe we should let them know our money is as green as anyone else's. Looks like the audio from their ad is also in text, here, Excerpt:

'There are a lot of differences between men and women. Women never stop moving. Women get things done. And women want to look good doing it all. So if you have sore wrists, aching knees, or weak ankles, don't settle for a brace or support made for a man. Try Wellgate for Women - made to fit the power of women.'

I never move. I have yet to get anything done. This is because I am a man. Hell, I do believe I am a member of the plant kingdom. Water me.

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Canada: Foster mother target of lawsuit amid sex charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'WINDSOR, Ont. -- A mother who says she turned her teenage son over to the Children's Aid Society to get him needed help is suing after his foster mother was charged with having a sexual relationship with him.

The mother, who can't be named to protect the boy's identity, is acting on her son's behalf. She is suing the Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Society and the foster parents in whose care her son was placed. In allegations yet to be tested in court, she is seeking $450,000 in damages.
The mother says the CAS, knowing she was grieving and in a "fragile" emotional state, convinced her it would be in her son's best interest to be placed with a foster family. The arrangement was to be temporary, and she still had contact with her son.

But soon after the October 2008 placement, the mother "became concerned about his behaviour and aspects of his care." She said she went to CAS workers assigned to her son's case, but they "ignored her concerns."

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"Title IX covers more than sports"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Neither should one expect some education professor in a university, still using moldy old yellowed lecture notes from the 1970s, to be brave enough to suggest that male students are not being well served in our schools today. I believe there is a healthy fear that they will be perceived as politically incorrect if they skate out on the thin ice that suggests males are being discriminated against in our schools.

The data clearly show that the achievement gap between boys and girls is widening in high schools, and attention should be given to this phenomenon.

In spite of this, anyone reading educational literature will find people still writing papers claiming that girls are being short-changed in our schools, while girls continue to outperform their male classmates.

I am aware of the achievement gap data, but I don’t claim to know why the gap exists and is widening.

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Editorial: 'Men's studies' would lead to more gender trouble

Article here. Excerpt:

'Although creating a separate field of study called “men’s studies” would be redundant expanding women’s studies into gender studies would not be remiss. Recently, colleges across the nation have created concentrations known as either male or men’s studies in response to women’s studies. But this is the incorrect reaction. These majors tend to denounce or demean the topics broached in women’s studies classes, instead of working with them and finding relevant parallels.

Living in a society that is male-dominated means that many fields already inadvertently stem from “male studies” – textbooks are mostly written by men and thus have a male perspective. History classes almost always focus on men, and therefore has a male perspective. Creating men’s studies is only going to cause a greater divide between the genders and create more misunderstanding. Studies about men and masculinity should not be pitted against studies about women and femininity. Both can coexist and be discussed together.

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'Student's GF Outs Cheating BF's Sex With Teacher'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A female teacher from a Broward middle school has been busted for having an illicit relationship with a 14-year-old student after the boy's girlfriend found out the two were having sex.

Police said the teen boy confessed to his girlfriend after she found several text messages suggesting there was a relationship between the boy and their computer teacher. The girl had suspected the boy was cheating on her.

Kirsten Sullivan, 25, was arrested Tuesday and charged with two counts of sexual battery on a minor and one count of sex offense against a minor. She bonded out of Broward County jail Wednesday.
They first had sex in a computer storage room at the school, the boy told police and would sometimes have sex at least three times in a day.

Sullivan also gave the boy gifts like a mobile phone, jewelry and cash, police said. The police report also claims the woman bought the teen marijuana and that Sullivan may have been impregnated by the teen.'

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UK: 'She’s not my daughter – I want my money back'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The test result was there in black and white but even so, James did not want to believe it: “Based on the genetic testing results ... the alleged father is excluded as the biological father of the child. The probability of paternity is 0%.” In other words, his beloved 17-year-old daughter Ella wasn’t his after all.

It was something James had suspected but the reality was crushing — he commissioned a second DNA test, with a different laboratory, hoping there might have been a mistake. That test, too, confirmed he could not be Ella’s father.

“It was devastating,” he says. “People say to me ‘she’s still your daughter’ but it’s not the same. I said to Ella myself when I got the results, ‘This won’t change anything,’ but it does, of course it does.”

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Are combat veterans more prone to suicide?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are combat veterans more prone to suicide?

That’s a controversy that has heated up as the United States last year lost almost as many military personnel to suicide as to combat.

In November, the nonpartisan Congressional Quarterly reported that more active-duty military personnel committed suicide (334) in 2009 as of Nov. 24 than were killed in Afghanistan (297) or Iraq (144) that year. The Army’s active-duty suicide rate doubled from nine per 100,000 in 2001 to 20.2 per 100,000 in 2008, a number comparable with the general population. And those figures don’t take into account veterans like Jesse Huff who have been discharged from active service.
Dr. Ethan Bean, a staff psychiatrist in the primary care clinic at the Dayton VA Medical Center, said combat soldiers may be in a higher-risk category because men are six times more likely to commit suicide than women. “A lot of veterans also possess firearms, so they have easy access to that method of suicide,” he added.

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Phyllis Schlafly: 'Democrats Try to Lock Up Their Base'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Indeed, the Democrats and their feminist allies have decided on one of their major goals. It is to increase the number of single moms by increasing the flow of taxpayer-paid incentives that subsidize the non-marriage lifestyle.

The plan also includes locking in this group's dependence on government and allegiance to the Democratic Party. The plan is conveniently set forth in a 60-page document called "Advancing the Economic Security of Unmarried Women" just published by John Podesta's left-wing think tank called Center for American Progress.

The Democrats know that 70 percent of unmarried women voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 election. It's obviously part their political game plan to reward that group and keep it in the Obama column.

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