Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-07-07 02:31
Story here. Excerpt:
'EVANSTON, Wyo. – A woman who has spent 20 years in a mental institution for beheading and mutilating her two young daughters because she said they were evil clones may soon get supervised release.
The Wyoming State Mental Hospital in Evanston has asked a judge to place Laura Lee Rice in a group home or an apartment on the hospital's campus, saying she has not shown signs of violent behavior and is a low risk to re-offend, The Gillette News Record reported Sunday.
Rice, 58, was declared criminally insane and found not guilty by reason of mental illness in the deaths of her daughters, who were 15 and 4 months old when they were killed in 1989.
Police found the children's decapitated bodies in plastic bags at Rice's home south of Gillette. After the children were killed, Rice cut various parts of their bodies in an effort to determine whether the girls were clones, authorities said.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2010-07-06 16:12
Story here. Excerpt:
'The law – the first of its kind – means that partners who make such insults or threats of physical violence faces up to three years in prison and a €75,000 (£60,000) fine.
French magistrates have slammed the new legislation as "inapplicable", as they argue the definition of what constitutes an insult is too vague and verbal abuse too hard to prove.
Nadine Morano, the junior family minister, told the National Assembly that "we have introduced an important measure here, which recognises psychological violence, because it isn't just blows (that hurt), but also words."
Miss Morano said the primary abuse help line for French women got 90,000 calls a year, with 84 per cent concerning psychological violence.
But men now also have the right to report their wives verbal abuse in a domestic row.
It will apply to both married couples and cohabiting partners.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Tue, 2010-07-06 01:00
Article here. Excerpt:
"NHS bosses have been slammed today after spending thousands of taxpayers' cash training jobless women to become stand-up comedians.
Health bosses have launched the scheme to pay for council tenants to attend the lessons to help them make friends.
The course is supposed to be for women who are at risk of developing mental health problems - but a spokesman admitted participants had not had to provide proof of this.
Kat Bailey, Women and Theatre's spokesperson, said: 'The scheme is aimed at unemployed women, many of them single mums from deprived areas, who are at risk of isolation.
'None of the women have existing mental health problems.'
Public spending watchdog the Taxpayers' Alliance said it was unlike anything it had ever heard of before.
Chief executive Mark Elliot said: 'It is ridiculous to spend NHS resources on something like stand-up comedy.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2010-07-05 17:19
Without a state budget passed and the governor of New York making good on his promise to veto by July 9 each and every unsigned spending item (a whopping 6,900 of them) placed before him, the New York State legislature somehow managed to find time to allow no-fault divorce. This is not bad in and of itself; what is bad is the presumptions made around it, as reflected in the article reporting it. Left undone was the reclassifying of the regulation of post-first-trimester abortions as a matter of public health instead of a criminal matter, but noticeably absent is any mention of a guarantee of the (purported) father's right to an equivalent form of discretionary choice. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2010-07-05 14:42
From Dec 2009, but still a good pointer for those involved in church work. Article here (.pdf). Excerpt:
'International Men’s Day probably went unnoticed by most people—just like a social problem that has been overlooked, or ignored, or deliberately suppressed for far too long, by both secular and Christian segments of society. 19 November 2009 saw the quiet launch of the ‘One in Three Campaign’ (, which aims to help many silent victims: men who are the victims of domestic violence.
According to those behind the One in Three Campaign, ‘we could no longer retain our moral or intellectual integrity by ignoring the authoritative and growing body of data that indicates males are a substantial proportion of victims of family violence and abuse. While welcoming the advances that have taken place over recent decades to support women and children suffering from violence, we acknow ledge that there is a complete lack of programs, services and support to help men in the same situation.'
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Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2010-07-05 12:52
Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2010-07-05 12:40
Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2010-07-05 12:37
Article here. Excerpt:
"Women are set to bear the brunt of the Coalition's budget cuts, with the majority of the £8billion raised from tax and benefit changes to come from female taxpayers.
Research commissioned by shadow welfare secretary Yvette Cooper showed that £6billion - more than 70 per cent - of the revenue raised will come from women and just £2billion from men.
The revelation prompted Miss Cooper to label the budget measures as the 'fiercest attack on family support in the history of the welfare state.'
'This Budget seems to be reaching back to a pre-war approach to families,' she said.
The research was carried out by the independent House of Commons Library which analysed money raised up until 2014-15 through measures such as raising the personal tax allowance, increasing capital gains tax and the freezing of benefits."'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2010-07-05 03:11
Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-07-03 21:23
Story here.
'A Livingston County woman is being charged with second degree murder after she allegedly stabbed and killed her boyfriend after a domestic dispute Friday in Nunda.
Krista S. Kiblin, 20, of Nunda, Livingston County, allegedly stabbed her boyfriend Joseph P. Garcia, 18, of Arkport, Steuben County in the chest with a pair of scissors, according to a news release from the Livingston County Sheriff's Office. Garcia was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died from his injuries.
Kiblin was remanded to Livingston County Jail where she will be held without bail until a later court date.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-07-03 16:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'In an interesting news item out of Britain, a man has received about £3,000 in costs and damages combined for sex discrimination by British Airways (BA).
Mirko Fischer, 33, and his pregnant wife were on a London to Luxembourg flight in April 2009. Deciding she preferred the window, she exchanged her middle seat with her husband, thus seating him adjacent to a child travelling alone.
A flight attendant, who later claimed ignorance of the fact that Mr. Fischer was with his wife, informed him that he must return to his original seat, as it was BA policy not to allow adult men to sit next to an unaccompanied minor. After some discussion, Mr. Fischer did ultimately return to his seat, unwilling to make a spectacle of himself, but felt “embarrassed, humiliated and angry.”
For its part, BA conceded fault in not realizing Mr. Fischer was with his wife, but defended the general policy. A spokesman said, “We had 75,000 children fly with us last year and it is an issue we take very seriously.”
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Submitted by Broadsword on Fri, 2010-07-02 23:30
The UK government has set up a website that will supposedly allow people to suggest repealing unnecessary laws and restore civil liberties. Whether this is just a publicity stunt or not it might be worth taking the chance to suggest that some feminist inspired laws be repealed.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-07-02 03:10
Article here. Excerpt:
'Below is the open letter Intact America placed in the July 1, 2010 issue of The Washington Post. Please tell the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision that the AAP simply must stand by its oath to "protect all children," and recommend against routine infant circumcision. Read the press release about the ad.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-07-02 02:41
Story here. Excerpt:
'James Shelswell said he was looking forward to Clare growing older, and the far-off day when he might finally bond with the child he surrendered when she was only four months old.
Instead, Shelswell will fly this week from Calgary to Abbotsford B.C., to attend Clare’s funeral.
On Sunday, Clare was murdered, her throat slashed open after an apparent domestic dispute between her mom and step-dad over how to discipline the kids.
Peter Wilson, 29, is charged with killing his step daughter.
And now, all that’s left for her biological dad is to say goodbye to the stranger who was once his baby girl.
In Calgary, Shelswell, who is re-married with two kids, is a man whose fury is mixed with remorse.
He laments that he didn’t have enough money to fight back with a lawyer, back when his wife took their Calgary-born daughters away to B.C.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Thu, 2010-07-01 20:35
Article here. Excerpt:
'BBC Radio 5 live is to launch Men's Hour, an alternative to Woman's Hour aimed at the opposite gender.
Hosted by Culture Show presenter Tim Samuels, the programme will have "leading males" from sport, entertainment and politics chatting about issues that affect men.
According to the BBC, the show will bring "real candour to the challenges of relationships and life, alongside irreverent manly chatter". Louie Spence of Sky1's Pineapple Dance Studios will be a regular weekly guest.
Regular features will include Questions You Daren't Ask Your Doctor and Midlife Music Crisis. According to Samuels, the six-part series - which begins on 18 July - will celebrate "modern man's mix of swagger and neurosis".
"It's about capturing the spirit of when good mates sit around nowadays," he said.
"Amidst all the banter you can actually open up about what's on your mind without being ripped apart."'
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