UK: Pregnant teenager sets up boyfriend then watches him get tortured and murdered

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former football star was tortured and murdered after his pregnant girlfriend set him up to be attacked by two thugs so she could watch the savage beating for pleasure.

Chelsea Platt, 18, despised Martin Hyde, 22, and enjoyed seeing him bullied and humiliated.

When Mr Hyde got caught up in a petty row over £15, sadistic Platt lured her lover into the clutches of two thugs who ambushed him as he followed her down the street.

Platt later watched unfazed as Mr Hyde was viciously assaulted at her own flat during a two hour beating during which his killers shouted: 'I want a spade so we can watch him dig his own grave and put him in it.'

The victim - who played trials for Stockport County - was eventually frogmarched to a country park where he was battered to death, stabbed in the back and neck with what was believed to be a chisel and thrown into a river.'

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Germany: Man wants to serve time in women's jail to care for his daughter

Article here. Excerpt:

'A GERMAN man facing jail is pleading with justice authorities to sentence him to a female prison so he can care for his eight-week-old daughter behind bars.

Jan Wagner, 34, has been sentenced to a year inside for repeatedly driving a car without a licence.

But the Leipzig car mechanic is terrified of his daughter being put into care while he does his time - hence the request to be the only man in an all-female facility.'

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Jurors in tears as they clear student of rape - then discover another man falsely accused by same 'victim' had killed himself

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman drove a man to suicide by crying rape and forced a second innocent man to consider taking his life after falsely accusing him of a similar sex attack.

Despite being exposed in court as a serial liar, legal restrictions mean the 21-year-old woman can never be identified.

A jury took only 45 minutes to clear medical student Olumide Fadayomi, 27, of rape.

But several jurors at Sheffield Crown Court broke down in tears when the judge revealed the 'victim' had a history of crying rape.

Judge Patrick Robertshaw launched a stinging attack on the Crown Prosecution Service for making Mr Fadayomi stand trial.'

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Abusegate: Making History: Come to Washington DC June 24-25

From Abusegate Bob:

Folks, we’re really excited about our upcoming lobby-fest. Please help us spread the word, and come to DC if you can.


On June 24-25, we’re going to make history. Those days, pro-family advocates with meet with key staffers in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives to talk about reforming the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). And for the first time ever, we will be presenting specific legal language that we want included in the VAWA re-authorization.

The event will include an pre-event teleconference on June 16 and a gala dinner celebration on June 24. Free lodging is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline for pre-registration is Friday, June 11. Email your name, organization, and cell phone number to:

June 24-25, we’re going to make history. Will you be there?

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Defendant's Gender Affects Length of Sentence

Story here. Excerpt:

'In her study of simulated short criminal cases, Angela S. Ahola shows that gender and appearance affect our judgments of personality, occupation, morals, and reliability and create a frame of reference for our behavior. Among other things, it was shown that judges and lay assessors both assessed and judged accused individuals of the same gender as themselves more severely than the opposite gender. On the other hand, prosecutors, lawyers, police officers, and law students, regardless of their own gender, evaluated male defendants more harshly than women defendants. What's more, among female members of this category, that is, those without a convicting role in the legal process, differences were seen in their evaluations depending on the looks of the accused.

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Asian Male Domestic Violence Victims: Services Exclusive for Men

Via email, from abusegate Bob. Abstract here. Excerpt:

'The main reasons abused men do not seek social services include their strong endorsement of social/cultural values and avoidance of gender role conflict. Through internet-based service connections, we did not find sources in Asia, Australia, or New Zealand that advertised programs exclusively for male victims of domestic violence (DV). Nine social services in Hong Kong and Singapore describe their work with men in DV situations, but the main focus is “men as perpetrators.” Targeting men as victims, 32 sources in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom describe services designed especially for male DV victims. Findings demonstrate that services for male victims must address such factors as secretiveness, cultural values, masculine identity, tolerance, shame, and loss of face.'

You can also download the whole article here.

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Last Call for this Must-Listen Webinar!

From Abusegate Bob:

Page here:

Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence Against Women and Judge Susan B. Carbon, Director of the Office on Violence Against Women in the DOJ

There is no charge for this webinar!

This is your opportunity to ask questions of the leading advisors and federal agencies on the implementation of VAWA from a funding & policy perspective.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
12 to 1 pm ET

Register Now

Join us as Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence Against Women, and Judge Susan B. Carbon, Director of the Office on Violence Against Women in the Department of Justice, brief us on the federal government’s initiatives on domestic violence and sexual assault.

There will be 25 minutes for Q & A’s. Questions may be emailed in advance to or asked during the webinar on the screen provided.


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Two Essays on "The Pink World"

Via eamil:

Please distribute / publish the following two articles (also attached in word file form).

Thank you,
Alan Millard

Kentucky Fried Chicken “Pink Bucket”--a Sex Discriminatory Campaign.

A campaign by KFC is now underway to generate money to fund research to find a cure for women’s cancer. Why do we accept the battle against cancer, in any light, only against women’s cancer? Is this not a form of sex discrimination applying to a cure? Sure, women’s cancer is a terrible thing, but so is men’s (prostate) cancer. Why discriminate?

An equal effort to battle both should be a given. The sex discrimination is high-lighted by featuring the pink-colored bucket. Despite the grave numbers of male victims of prostate cancer, this sexist example is included amongst other discriminatory efforts, even by government agencies, including the U.S. Postal Service, in which case it failed to equally represent/support male cancer. Indeed, men’s health is not given nearly the concern to women’s health, and less effort is made to secure it. Although male (prostate) cancer and female (breast) cancer have an equal mortality rate, equal financial support wasn’t even arranged by the federal government for males in a postal campaign for cancer treatment, amounting to a mere government sham for men. Apparently to appear equal, “ . . . the U.S. post office issued a breast cancer and a prostate cancer stamp. The breast cancer stamp cost 40c with seven cents going to breast cancer research.” The first run of 200 million produced $14 million for breast cancer. “The prostate cancer stamp cost 33c with no proceeds earmarked for prostate cancer research” (Hise, The War Against Men, 2004, 92 & 93). This is the same criminal mindset that has allowed the implementation of the Violence Against Women Act. All these examples demonstrate efforts favoring one segment of people within society (women) over another (men).

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Leading Opponent of Recognizing Parental Alienation Apologizes to Fathers & Families for Defamatory Remarks

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Clinical Psychiatry News board member Dr. Paul J. Fink makes a shockingly irresponsible assertion in his recent column. He writes that family court reform groups seeking to have parental alienation disorder seriously considered for inclusion in the DSM-5 are doing so because they “don’t like to be interfered with when they are sexually abusing their children”…

A group of 50 mental health experts from 10 countries are part of an effort to add Parental Alienation Disorder to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychiatric Association’s “bible” of diagnoses. This scientific coalition is led by psychiatrist William Bernet, who explains that adding PAD to DSM “would spur insurance coverage, stimulate more systematic research, lend credence to a charge of parental alienation in court, and raise the odds that children would get timely treatment.”
In response, Dr. Fink, to his credit, apologized and retracted his defamatory statement in the latest issue of the Clinical Psychiatry News. Dr. Fink wrote:

I apologize for suggesting that all fathers who accuse mothers of PAS are sexually abusing their children. That was clearly an overstatement that I retract. Admittedly, I got carried away when writing the article…I had absolutely no intention of impugning Dr. Bernet, his colleagues, or Fathers & Families in any way. I hope we can all come to an agreement about what constitutes alienation, how to deal with PAS, and how to proceed in court hearings when someone alleges that one or another parent is an alienator or an abuser.

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From the That-can't-be-only-boys-act-that-way files

Report here. Excerpt:

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Danica Patrick: "It’s not my fault"

Story here. I have nothing against Danica Patrick. I have nothing against women competing in NASCAR or anyplace else. What annoys me is when they think they can compete on the same terms as men but then when things don't go their way, invoke "female privilege" to try distance themselves from the issue.

In legal matters as we know here on MANN this is called a "pu$$y pass". In other less-significant cases, I'd call it the "princess pass". Danica needs to lose the princess pass if she is going to be taken seriously--finally. She has the skills to compete. She is not the best driver in the world but neither are 99.9% of the men driving out there either. All she needs to do is cease and desist whining when things don't go her way. Whining from male drivers in intolerable. Likewise should it be from female ones. Excerpt:

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The Economist: "Fighting off rivals may be responsible for masculine traits"

Article here. Excerpt:

'WHEN two drunken men fight over a woman, alcohol and stupidity may not be the only things at work. Sadly, evolution may have shaped men to behave this way. Almost all of the traits considered to be masculine—big muscles, facial hair, square jaws, deep voices and a propensity to violence—evolved, it now seems, specifically for their usefulness in fighting off or intimidating other men, allowing the winner to get the girl.

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UK: Pakistani who 'killed husband' in 20ft Kashmir fireball gets £1,300-a-month benefits in Britain

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Pakistani woman living on benefits in the UK despite facing a murder charge in her home country was yesterday facing demands from MPs to return there to stand trial.

Bushra Ferozdin Butt, 35, spent ten months in custody after she was accused of pouring kerosene over her husband Amjad Hussain, 36, and setting him alight.

She was eventually bailed by a judge and travelled to Luton, where she had lived with Mr Hussain for nine years.

Although not a British citizen, she had previously been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK, which entitles her to £330.70 a week in council tax and housing benefit - equivalent to an annual salary of £22,000 before tax and National Insurance.'

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UK: Jail for ‘twisted’ addict nurse Rachel Baker who killed patient, 97

Story here. Excerpt:

'The manager of a care home whose drug addiction led directly to the death of an elderly patient was jailed today for ten years.

Rachel Baker, 44, stole patients’ drugs, forged medical records and then lied to investigators looking into a series of suspicious deaths of residents of Parkfields, a residential home in Butleigh, Somerset.

The investigation led to the exhumation of the bodies of three former residents to the distress of their families. Police investigated the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 12 of Baker’s patients and charged her with the murder of two.

After a ten-week trial during which the extent of Baker’s addiction to prescription drugs was revealed she was convicted only of the manslaughter of 97-year-old Lucy Cox. She was found not guilty of the manslaughter of another elderly woman, Francis Hay, and not guilty of murdering the two women.'

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Mother stages fake arrest of 5-YO son because he played with matches

Article here. Excerpt:

'An American mother persuaded police to stage a fake arrest of her son when she
caught him misbehaving.

But far from being a criminal matter the 'offence' was that he was playing with matches - and the boy was just five years old.

Appalled neighbours looked on, unaware the whole thing was a stunt, as officers handcuffed the crying child - who was barely tall enough to reach the wheel of their patrol car - and put him on the back seat.

They threatened him by saying: 'You want to go to jail?' over and over again before finally releasing him back to his mother.
'I hope it scared him to not play with matches or lighters again. That was the whole point of it, it was to make him afraid he was going to jail.'

Witnesses disagreed, with one neighbour bursting into tears as she recounted the incident.

'That's not a way to treat a child, that's not a way to teach a lesson to a little boy,' said the woman, in her 30s, said.'

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