UK: Sister of dead solider sold his war medals on eBay to fund luxury cruise

This is why men die for their country... article here. Excerpt:

'The sister of a war hero who died in Afghanistan sold his uniform and medals to an eBay trader to fund a luxury cruise for herself.

Corporal Rob Deering left his elder sister everything in his will, including four war medals, his uniform and an engraved memorial shell casing from his funeral.

But Elaine Deering, a single mother of one, sold it all for £1,100 and put the money towards a trip round the Mediterranean.

The 37-year-old, who is unemployed, said: ‘I’m on income support and I’m very hard up, so I did what I thought was best.’

Now the man who bought the mementos – which include medals from Corporal Deering’s service in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as an International Security Assistance Force medal – has returned them to the hero’s fiancee Gemma Polino.

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Canada - Man punched for finishing sandwich

Story here.

'A 27-year-old Chatham woman is charged after allegedly punching her boyfriend in the face after he ate her sandwich.

Chatham-Kent police said officers responded to a domestic dispute on Queen Street Monday evening.

A man made his girlfriend a sandwich and she ate half. The man asked if he could finish the sandwich and she agreed, police said.

A short time later, the woman got mad that the sandwich was missing and allegedly punched the man in the face.

Later that night, police said the two got into an unrelated argument and she allegedly punched him in the chest.

She faces two charges of assault.

She was held for a bail hearing.'

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Baskerville: Amnesty International’s commitment to freedom is questionable

Dr. Stepehn Baskerville writes on Human Rights or Wrongs?
Amnesty International’s commitment to freedom is questionable

"In recent years Amnesty has become a mouthpiece for the radical feminist agenda, to the point of pushing programs that violate human rights. Amnesty’s campaign against "domestic violence," for example, is a prescription for criminalizing the innocent on a huge scale."

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All Parties in the Swedish Riksdag (Parliament) have answered 10 questions about Fatherhood

International Press Release

For reference, first published in English here.

All answers from the seven parties in the Swedish Riksdag will be revealed and published on August 4th 2010 on

(Site in Swedish, please use Google Translate)

Submitted by

Ulf Andersson
PappaRättsGruppen, The Fathers Rights Group in Sweden

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Man who committed mercy killing years ago denied expanded parole because he's a man

Story here. As unbelievable as it might seem, a man who was convicted in the "mercy killing" of his severely disabled child has been denied increased parole for no reason other than being male, despite the fact that he poses no danger to the community. Whatever your feelings on euthanasia, the institutionalized sexism he's facing in the Canadian penal system is an affront to human dignity.

From the article:

Although the parole board indicated Latimer is "successfully reintegrating into the community," it says his case does not meet the test of "exceptional circumstances" for expanded leave.

The board says it may consider expanded leave to "be responsive to the needs of female, aboriginal, ethnic minority or special needs offenders."

Apparently men need not apply for equal treatment under Canadian law. It isn't enough of an injustice for men to serve radically longer sentences for the same crimes; they're also being denied parole rights on the basis of their gender.

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Canada: Mother sues son she abandoned at age 15 for parental support

Story here. Excerpt:

'When Ken Anderson was just 15, his mother, Shirley, made it clear: She didn't want him anymore.

Ken's father, a long-haul trucker, had been transferred from Osoyoos, B.C., to the province's Kootenay region. Although their marriage was rocky, Shirley followed, taking second-youngest son Darryl with her.

Ken was left behind. He had plenty of time to think about it as he wiped bug splatter off car windshields and pumped gas at the local station to make a buck. He says he can't even remember how many couches he slept on, or how he kept himself going. He just knows he never got to go to a prom, finish high school or even think about college.

The way he sees it, he never really had a mother.

On Aug. 3 and 4, Ken, now 46, will face off in B.C. Supreme Court against the woman who gave birth to him.

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F&F: Victory—Crucial Bill from Opponents of Recognizing Parental Alienation Defeated

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Fathers and Families and its legislative allies have succeeded in killing one of the worst family law bills in modern history–California’s AB 612. The bill, put forward by the well-funded advocacy group Center for Judicial Excellence (and supported by the California National Organization for Women), would have banned Parental Alienation from being mentioned in any way, shape, or form in a California family court. Because of California’s tremendous influence in shaping the laws of other states, this loss would have led to a mushrooming of similarly damaging legislation in other states.

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Canada: Mad Mel - “Nothing wrong with him that a Louisville Slugger couldn't fix”

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nothing wrong with him that a Louisville Slugger couldn't fix
Wait. Is it the Year of the Pig? It feels that way, given Mel Gibson’s raging return to the public eye these last few months. His has been a comeback that will finally threaten to decertify the axiom that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

With his fifth obscene telephone rant to his comely partner, Oksana Grigorieva, the talk of the town, he appears to be starring in one of those films whose style he has always gravitated to – end-of-the-world tales of ragged heroism, fatal flaw firmly in place.
Gibson snarled that Grigorieva needed a bat to her head, as she held her baby, and, horribly, listened. I like real pigs. As for the Gibson kind, there’s nothing that a Louisville Slugger couldn’t improve in his gigantic, cruelty-riven head.'

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UK: Pfizer Life launches Man M.O.T

Excerpt from their site:

"The Man MOT (Monday Opportunity to Talk) online surgery is here every Monday evening from 6pm-11pm to offer men a free and secure service where they can talk to a GP anonymously, and in confidence.

The fully qualified GPs can discuss specific aspects of your health but if you’d just like to find out more about general health matters, feel free to look around the site as lots of the information can be downloaded or printed.

The surgery will also be running a series of specialist sexual health and relationship clinics hosted by sexual health expert Tracey Cox and Relate counsellors. This follows recent research highlighting that two in five men (42%) would feel most confident turning to the internet for advice if they experienced any sexual performance problems.

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UK: Rape charge anonymity pledge dropped

Article here. Excerpt:

'Plans to change the law to grant anonymity to men charged with rape in England and Wales have apparently been dropped by the Ministry of Justice.

The ministry said it had not ruled out anonymity between arrest and charge.

But Justice Minister Crispin Blunt has said he would rather put pressure on the media not to name suspects than bring in a new law.

Labour welcomed the apparent U-turn but said the government's handling of the issue had been "lamentable".

The plan to grant anonymity to rape suspects was a surprise inclusion in the government's coalition agreement in May.

It had not been in the Conservative or Liberal Democrat election manifestos, although it had been Lib Dem policy since 2006.

The coalition agreement pledged to "extend anonymity in rape cases to defendants", with ministers stressing the need to "protect anyone who may be wrongly accused from harmful stigma".'

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UK: Work experience at the Foreign Office? Not if you’re a middle class white male

Article here. Excerpt:

"William Hague was last night plunged into a row over new ­Foreign Office rules which ban white males from gaining work experience at his department.

The Foreign Secretary was challenged to explain why his ­official work placement schemes specifically ban white, middle-class males from applying for the £367-a-week positions.

Under the tightly-drawn rules, only women, people from ethnic ­minorities and the ­disabled are ­entitled to apply for a chance to work at one of the great offices of state.

The placements give students a head start in the battle to win ­coveted jobs in the diplomatic service and possibly rise through the ranks to become an ambassador.Only one category of non-minority male applicants stand a chance – those whose families are poor enough to entitle them to qualify for a full student maintenance grant.

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UK: Huge leap in bankruptcy among women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of British women going bankrupt has risen almost fivefold in the past 10 years, with new figures revealing a 28 per cent increase in the past year alone. In some cases, according to insolvency experts, the surge is down to the "irresponsible spending" of women trying to emulate glamorous celebrities, while others are being driven to financial ruin by unemployment, pay inequality and childcare costs.

New figures from the Insolvency Service show that women now account for 40 per cent of all bankruptcies, rising from 6,042 in 2000 to 29,680 in 2009.

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Germany: Justice Minister seeks to enact presumed joint custody for unmarried fathers

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fathers who are not married to the mothers of their children could soon automatically have equal rights over their children, with Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger preparing to change the law in their favour.

The idea is to introduce a presumption of joint custody over children, rather than the current presumption of a mother’s right to sole custody, according to a report in the Passauer Neue Presse newspaper.
“Children should have the right that their fathers taken on responsibility and make joint-decisions over important things in their lives,” Stephan Thomae, family rights expert from Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger’s Free Democratic Party.

He said unmarried parents would share custody unless the mother – or presumably, the father - convinces a court to grant her sole custody over the child.'

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Housewives, Prostitutes and Beggars

Undoubtedly, you'll get a good laugh from this. Excerpt:

'I recently participated in a TV discussion on why prostitution is on the rise in the country. I shared the panel with a closet feminist and a radical feminist, both of whom were of the opinion that prostitution was better than marriage since the house is unsafe for a woman, and she would at least get paid for her services if she were a prostitute.

I returned home thinking about their wise utterances and went to bed discussing the same with my husband.

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Domestic Violence: Going beyond physical abuse into every aspect of life

Article here. Excerpt:

'To outsiders, an abusive relationship could seem like a black and white situation.

But, experts on domestic violence say those relationships are complicated, all shades of gray.

Someone may see a couple where one of the partners — statistically more often than not the man — is abusive and the other a victim as rocky, tumultuous, volatile or dysfunctional.

But, that’s not how experts define it. It goes well beyond the surface, well beyond the visible bruises and apparently petty arguments, and is about far more than what outsiders may think.

“The way we talk about domestic violence behaviorally is that we see it as a pattern of coercion and assaultive behaviors that one person uses to gain power and control over their intimate partner,” said Merril Cousin, executive director of the King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence.'

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