Stephen Baskerville: "Sexual Statism"

Essay here. Excerpt:

'In “The End of Men,” the cover story of the July/August Atlantic, Hanna Rosin describes “how women are taking control of everything.” Suggesting that “the economics of the new era are better suited to women,” Rosin believes the fair sex are winning the struggle for the survival of the fittest. In what is apparently cause for celebration, she writes, “three-quarters of the 8 million jobs lost were lost by men” in the ongoing Great Recession. “The worst-hit industries were overwhelmingly male and deeply identified with macho: construction, manufacturing, high finance.” She contends that the economic crisis “merely revealed—and accelerated—a profound economic shift that has been going on for at least 30 years.”

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RADAR ALERT: "Erring on the Side of Hidden Harm"

RADAR is proud to announce a new line of reports, the RADAR Signature Reports. Unlike RADAR's Special Reports, the RADAR Signature Reports will be attributed to particular authors. RADAR invites writers of journal-quality material to submit articles for consideration.

The first report in this new series is "Erring on the Side of Hidden Harm: The Granting of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders," by David N. Heleniak, Esq. ( The article, originally published in the journal Partner Abuse, argues the following:

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Australia: Yet another example of anti-male job advertising

Link to posting here. Excerpt:

'Receptionist/Girl Friday

We are a busy Heavy Vehicle Smash Repairer in the Northern Suburbs.

A full time position as our Receptionist/Girl Friday has become available. The role presents the opportunity to have a hand in all facets of our business. You are responsible to the Office Manager however will be required to also assist other staff.'

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Code Red Alert from the Family Research Council

Via Abusegate Bob:

Code Red Alert from the Family Research Council

I-VAWA Trumps?

When a piece of legislation is sponsored by this quartet- Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine)--it's a safe bet that the bill won't be family-friendly. Unfortunately, that's the case with the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA). Although its name suggests the contrary, S. 2982 would actually promote violence--against the unborn. Among other things, IVAWA would directly support the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) despite its financial partnership with countries like China that encourage forced abortion and sterilization. What's worse, IVAWA uses the guise of "women's rights" to push for the ratification of extreme treaties like CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women--which would pressure countries to perform abortions in violation of their deep moral beliefs or traditions.

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Idea that women are overburdened by professional and domestic duties is a myth

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wives who claim their husbands should help out more around the house because women work a "double shift" at the office and in the home are misguided, according to research.

If both paid work and unpaid duties such as housework, care and voluntary work are taken into account, husbands actually contribute more than their fair share to the household, experts found. According to a study of how people use their time, men in Britain spend marginally longer on "productive" work each day than women.
While many wives scale back their working hours or drop out of employment after having children, husbands will often work overtime to earn more income for the family.
Dr Catherine Hakim, who carried out the study, said: "This data overturns the well-entrenched theory that women work disproportional long hours in jobs and at home in juggling family and work.

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"Why It Is Wise to Worship a Woman"

I've always heard that women are more complicated than men. Turns out, they're fairly simple. They just want one thing: to be worshiped--you know, kinda like the Roman emperors did.

This article explains how men can get started:

"First...create an altar in your room dedicated to Divine Feminine. Put only symbols of the feminine on it. I have a painting called "Beatrix" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. I have a statue of Quan Kin. Populate your altar with anything that reminds you of the feminine, and spend a few minutes of the day in worship. Yes, worship. Adoration. Devotion. Offer up rose petals. Offer poems. Offer everything, and beg Her to reveal Her innermost essence to you. This will work miracles whether you're single and waiting to meet the right woman or whether you're already in relationship and long to meet your woman in a deeper way."

The comments confirm this is what women really want. No wonder the divorce rate is so high.

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SAVE Releases New Report on DV Revenue Streams

Via Abusegate Bob:

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – SAVE – has just released a new Special Report that documents the revenue streams of the $4 billion a year domestic violence industry. The report, “Estimated National Expenditures for Domestic Violence Prevention and Control,” answers questions such as:

1. Which federal initiatives support domestic violence programs and services?
2. What are the total federal expenditures on domestic violence?
3. Where do non-federal DV revenues come from?

The 7-page report is an essential resource for any person who wants to get an inside look at the finances of the domestic violence industry. The report is available at:

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Man dead, woman charged in Winnipeg stabbings

Story here. Excerpt:

'A multiple stabbing early Saturday left a 62-year-old man dead and a teenage girl wounded, Winnipeg police report.

Mary Ellen Thomas, 30, is charged with second-degree murder, aggravated assault and several counts of failing to comply with a recognizance order.

The dead man, Michael Allan, had just met a woman earlier that night and taken her to a residence at 851 Nassau St., where they got into an argument and the stabbing occurred, police said.

The alleged attacker later went to a convenience store at Osborne Street and Morley Avenue, near where an 18-year-old woman was stabbed several times, police said. She was treated in hospital and released.'

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Your Vote is Needed to Help Under-Served Victims of Domestic Violence

Your Vote is Needed to Help Under Served Victims of Domestic Violence

The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women is seeking a $250,000 award from Pepsi for our project to bring public awareness to under served victims of domestic violence. This funding will enable us to send outreach materials (brochures, posters, booklets and placards) to 7,500 agencies that work with victims of domestic violence across the country.

In order to obtain this $250,000 award we need your help. The public determines, through voting on their favorite project ideas at the Pepsi site, who wins. Please click on this link to vote for our project idea:

That is the direct link to our project idea, “Give Under Served Victims of Domestic Violence a Lifeline,” located under the 250K category.

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N.Y. Woman Accused of Stabbing Nieces, Ages 7 and 9

Story here. Excerpt:

'A New York woman is accused of stabbing her two young nieces in a bloody rampage while baby-sitting the girls, then calling 911.

Police said Lisa Turkki, 39, repeatedly stabbed Maeve and Annabel Kelly, ages 7 and 9, at her sister and brother-in-law's house in Katonah, N.Y. house, while the couple attended a concert down the street Saturday night, the Journal News reported.

The house is directly across the street from Martha Stewart's farm.

Police received the 911 call from the house around 9:22 p.m. ET and found the girls in a scene officers called "quite horrible."

"There was a lot of blood in the kitchen area," said Lt. Jeffrey Dickan of the Bedford police.'

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UK: Feminist Group in legal challenge to 'unfair' Budget

Article here. Excerpt:

'The government is facing a legal challenge to its Budget from a leading women's rights group which claims it could be unlawful. The Fawcett Society has filed papers with the High Court seeking a judicial review of the austerity package. It claims the coalition could have failed to fully assess whether its savings proposals would increase inequality between men and women. It says £5.8bn of £8bn savings outlined in the Budget would come from women.

The Fawcett Society said the cuts would hit women far harder than men and described the Budget as "blatantly unfair".
It says women in public sector jobs would be more likely to be hit by pay freezes and job losses. Cuts in benefits and tax credits were also likely to hit them disproportionately.

The group said public sector cuts would hit women particularly hard since 65% of such workers were women.

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Phyllis Schlafly: The Awesome Power of Family Courts

From June, but timely. Article here. Excerpt:

'The month of June when we observe Father's Day is a good time to review some of the injustices committed against fathers by family courts. Family courts routinely deprive divorced fathers not only of their own children, but even many constitutional rights.

For example, do you think judges should have the power to decide to which religion your children must belong and which churches they may be prohibited from attending? In December 2009 a Chicago judge did exactly that.

Cook County Circuit Judge Edward Jordan issued a restraining order to prohibit Joseph Reyes from taking his three-year-old daughter to any non-Jewish religious activities because his ex-wife argued that would contribute to "the emotional detriment of the child." Mrs. Rebecca Reyes wants to raise her daughter in the Jewish religion, and the judge sided with the mother. Joseph Reyes' divorce attorney, Joel Brodsky, when he saw the judge's restraining order, said, "I almost fell off my chair. I thought maybe we were in Afghanistan and this was the Taliban."'

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Frenchman, 80, freed after year in wife's laundry prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'ARROU, France (AFP) - An 80-year-old Frenchman was recovering in a state of shock in hospital on Saturday after being freed from a year locked in a laundry room by a wife half his age and her alleged lover.

French paramilitary police rescued the unnamed man from his home in the village of Arrou, southwest of Paris, on Wednesday, blinded, malnourished and physically abused by the ordeal at the hands of his own family.
"The victim suffered violence and ill-treatment," local gendarme commander Bruno Arviset told journalists. "The man ate twice a day, mostly pastries that were past their sell-by date."

His wife, 45, was jailed on Saturday pending trial after being charged with physical abuse, illegal detention and taking advantage of a vulnerable person, a judicial source said.'

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On Jury Nullification and Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'With the possible exception of the sexual molestation of a child, rape is a crime that evokes the most visceral of responses from the average person. And for good reason. Sex that is physically forced or obtained by threat of harm sadistically reduces victims to their most helpless state, and leaves lingering damage that may well last the remainder of a persons life.

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Mother accused of starving 3 kids gets life term

Story here. Excerpt:

'DALLAS (AP) — A mother whose three children were found starving after being shut away in a hotel bathroom for as long as nine months was sentenced to life in prison Friday after changing her plea to guilty in the middle of her trial.

Abneris Santiago, 31, had faced between five years and life in prison on a felony charge of injury to a child.

Police rescued Santiago's 11-year-old daughter and 10- and 5-year-old sons from a bathroom at an extended-stay hotel along one of Dallas' busiest freeways in July 2009. The children, whose skeletons were visible beneath their flaky, stretched skin, were near death from chronic starvation. Authorities say the girl was repeatedly sexually assaulted by her mother's boyfriend.

Alfred Santiago was convicted Tuesday of injury to a child and continuous sexual abuse. He was sentenced to two 99-year sentences, to be served concurrently.'

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