Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-08-01 23:58
From June, but timely. Article here. Excerpt:
'The month of June when we observe Father's Day is a good time to review some of the injustices committed against fathers by family courts. Family courts routinely deprive divorced fathers not only of their own children, but even many constitutional rights.
For example, do you think judges should have the power to decide to which religion your children must belong and which churches they may be prohibited from attending? In December 2009 a Chicago judge did exactly that.
Cook County Circuit Judge Edward Jordan issued a restraining order to prohibit Joseph Reyes from taking his three-year-old daughter to any non-Jewish religious activities because his ex-wife argued that would contribute to "the emotional detriment of the child." Mrs. Rebecca Reyes wants to raise her daughter in the Jewish religion, and the judge sided with the mother. Joseph Reyes' divorce attorney, Joel Brodsky, when he saw the judge's restraining order, said, "I almost fell off my chair. I thought maybe we were in Afghanistan and this was the Taliban."'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-08-01 23:56
Story here. Excerpt:
'ARROU, France (AFP) - An 80-year-old Frenchman was recovering in a state of shock in hospital on Saturday after being freed from a year locked in a laundry room by a wife half his age and her alleged lover.
French paramilitary police rescued the unnamed man from his home in the village of Arrou, southwest of Paris, on Wednesday, blinded, malnourished and physically abused by the ordeal at the hands of his own family.
"The victim suffered violence and ill-treatment," local gendarme commander Bruno Arviset told journalists. "The man ate twice a day, mostly pastries that were past their sell-by date."
His wife, 45, was jailed on Saturday pending trial after being charged with physical abuse, illegal detention and taking advantage of a vulnerable person, a judicial source said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-08-01 23:53
Article here. Excerpt:
'With the possible exception of the sexual molestation of a child, rape is a crime that evokes the most visceral of responses from the average person. And for good reason. Sex that is physically forced or obtained by threat of harm sadistically reduces victims to their most helpless state, and leaves lingering damage that may well last the remainder of a persons life.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-08-01 23:50
Story here. Excerpt:
'DALLAS (AP) — A mother whose three children were found starving after being shut away in a hotel bathroom for as long as nine months was sentenced to life in prison Friday after changing her plea to guilty in the middle of her trial.
Abneris Santiago, 31, had faced between five years and life in prison on a felony charge of injury to a child.
Police rescued Santiago's 11-year-old daughter and 10- and 5-year-old sons from a bathroom at an extended-stay hotel along one of Dallas' busiest freeways in July 2009. The children, whose skeletons were visible beneath their flaky, stretched skin, were near death from chronic starvation. Authorities say the girl was repeatedly sexually assaulted by her mother's boyfriend.
Alfred Santiago was convicted Tuesday of injury to a child and continuous sexual abuse. He was sentenced to two 99-year sentences, to be served concurrently.'
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Submitted by MR on Sun, 2010-08-01 19:44
When Palin was running for V.P., I was very upset with Palin's embrace of Hillary's misandrist, gender feminist talking points about the gender wage gap. Now we see this overtly misandrist comment from Palin, Palin: Obama lacks 'the cojones' to tackle immigration. Excerpt:
'Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Sunday that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) has "the cojones" that President Obama "does not have" to take on illegal immigration. Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Palin blasted Obama for suing Arizona to block the state's controversial new law without addressing "sanctuary cities" -- in which local law enforcement are prohibited from asking people about their immigration status.'
Forget the immigration issue, the bigger issue is Palin's misandry against American men, IMO. Are men only valued for their "cajones" in Palin's eyes? Would a man get away with this kind of sexist language against a woman, or would he be driven out of the mass media sphere?
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2010-08-01 04:15
The Masculinity Conspiracy is a free online book about masculinity. It argues that nearly every assumption about masculinity in contemporary society is wrong. The result is nothing short of exposing a worldwide conspiracy that has been preventing humanity from reaching its fullest potential. Chapter 3 (Sexuality) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online.
"Chapter 3 (Sexuality) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online.
This chapter examines how the theme of sexuality is mobilized in the conspiracy via two books: Earth Honoring: The New Male Sexuality by Robert Lawlor and The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work and Sexual Desire by David Deida.
It shows how these books promote a masculine sexuality of fixed characteristics.
It then offers some different ways of thinking about masculine sexuality in order to counter the conspiracy."
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sun, 2010-08-01 03:30
Article here. Excerpt:
"Two 'despicable' sisters were jailed for manslaughter after one of them stabbed her boyfriend and the other let him bleed to death. Samantha Brown, 20, knifed Dean Darvill, 23, in the groin after he accused her of having a lesbian affair.
She fled the scene barefoot after stabbing the maintenance worker, leaving him bleeding to death on the floor.
The couple went to Toni's house with another friend to spend the evening drinking, the court heard. Samantha went upstairs with the friend for several hours, and at 1am Mr Darvill discovered them in 'a compromising position', police sources said.
A furious row erupted during which he accused them of having an affair, and Samantha picked up a carving knife from the kitchen. She plunged it into her boyfriend's upper thigh, severing several arteries, before running away. As Mr Darvill stumbled and fell to the floor, he pleaded 'get me an ambulance'.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-07-31 20:07
Story here. Another "Staff"-reported story so brief the whole thing can be placed here without a break. Now if the accused were male, well...
'A Rochester woman is accused of throwing a caustic chemical on a group of nine people, including an infant, on the porch of a home on Sawyer Street on Thursday.
Rose Colquhoun, 40, is charged with nine counts of second-degree assault. Rochester police said Colquhoun's daughter had an ongoing dispute with one of the victims at the Sawyer Street home.
The victims were treated for burns at Strong Memorial Hospital and released.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-07-31 17:15
Press release here. Excerpt:
'LOS ANGELES/EWORLDWIRE/July 30, 2010 --- National Coalition For Men (NCFM) attorney Marc E. Angelucci reports that on July 28, 2010, the California Supreme Court declined to review a Court of Appeal decision that forced Hari Wilburn, a homeless man, to pay tens of thousands of dollars in child support for a child even though DNA excludes him as the dad and he never acted as the dad.
On August 17, the probate court in San Diego will hear the mother's request to intercept Wilburn's inheritance from his deceased mother in order to pay the child support order.
Wilburn was represented at the appellate level by Angelucci. NCFM is a nonprofit organization that addresses how sex discrimination affects men and boys and that helped change California law in 2005 to help protect men from false paternity claims.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-07-30 21:57
Article here. Excerpt:
'A Fulton-based resource center for battered women has been ordered by the state to shut down all operations. This shouldn't be terribly difficult since the Battered Mother's Resource Fund (BMRF) never actually did anything anyway.
Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said in a news release that the BMRF, which is owned by Phillip Baney, solicited donations to help victims of domestic violence, but never actually implemented any of the programs it advertised, including community outreach seminars, a national database of shelters and other organizations that provided assistance to battered women and children, a Mother's Assistance Fund and a ranch for kids who had been harmed by domestic violence.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-07-30 17:50
Story here. Excerpt:
'On July 20, 2010, President Obama called on the Senate to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R. 12, S. 182). You may read the full text of the bill here: In his renewed push for passage of this legislation -- which followed the Senate's refusal in 2009 to accept similar provisions in the House version of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act -- President Obama characterized the Paycheck Fairness Act as “a common sense bill that will help ensure that men and women who do equal work receive equal pay.” Passage of the PFA in its present form would result in sweeping changes to the Equal Pay Act (“EPA”).'
Ed. note: A paid subscription is required for Lexology access, so we'll have to take the submitter's word for it.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-07-30 07:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'The question is as horrifying as it is important to ask: Why are a rising number of French women killing their newborn babies? Finding the answer has become a matter of urgency following the discovery on Wednesday of eight infants allegedly smothered to death and buried by their mother in northern France. And with that case marking at least the fifth instance of multiple infanticide reported in France since 2003, it has become vital for the nation to confront the phenomenon that appears to be behind it all: a mental condition known as pregnancy denial.
Experts explained those cases as resulting from pregnancy denial, an often misunderstood and minimized condition. According to Michel Delcroix, a former gynecologist who served as a court expert in the Courjault trial and others involving pregnancy issues, pregnancy denial is a quasi-schizophrenic condition in which women either don't realize or cannot accept that they are with child — not even enough to have an abortion. Whether these women are afflicted with the condition before they deliver or as they're suddenly giving birth, Delcroix explains, the psychological denial is so strong that they refuse to believe they're pregnant even when the reality confronts them.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2010-07-29 23:49
Video here. Text excerpt:
'There is a widening divide between men and women when it comes to their outlook for the economy and their own financial situations in the next twelve months, according to a new nationwide survey issued today by Citigroup and conducted by Hart Research Associates.
While optimism for the future was found to have declined overall, women's confidence held almost steady while men have turned increasingly sour since March, the study found.
“Many women are CFOs of their households, controlling the purse strings on purchases, so their positive near-term outlook on the economy may be a positive indicator for recovery,” said Lisa Caputo, Chairman and CEO of Citi's Women & Co., a division of Citi dedicated to helping women achieve their financial goals. “However, it’s clear they have tempered expectations that recovery and stability for their households may remain in the far distant future.”'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2010-07-29 16:18
First National Public Awareness Campaign on Male Victims in the USA
Studies have shown that men who are in relationships with abusive partners do not necessarily see themselves as victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence has been so narrowly define in our society as violence against women by men that men who suffer physical, emotional, psychological, financial, and/or sexual abuse at the hands of their intimate partners don’t recognize the signs. They will usually write it off as their partner having a bad day or feel that they must have done something to cause the abuse.
Further, agencies that offer supportive services and shelter to victims of domestic violence do little to encourage abused men to come forward and seek help. Few (10% or less of the over 2,000 domestic violence shelter agencies in the country) agencies offer outreach and services (shelter, legal, counseling, support groups, transitional housing) to male victims.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2010-07-29 14:49
Story here. Excerpt:
'President Obama will make history as the first sitting president on a daytime talk show when he visits with the ladies of "The View." But he'll be missing out on another historic occasion -- the Boy Scouts' Jamboree marking the group's 100th anniversary, right in the president's backyard.
The Jamboree kicked off this week at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, where organizers had invited the president to speak to the 45,000 scouts in attendance. All three of Obama's predecessors have made it to one Jamboree while in office.
But while the Jamboree lasts until next Tuesday, the president is sending his regards via a videotaped message.
The Jamboree is held once every four years. This year's festivities mark the organization's 100-year anniversary -- scouts are scheduled to visit Washington, D.C., and other regional attractions in connection with the celebration.
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