Men and Gender Neutral Domestic Violence versus Domestic Violence Policy

From Marc A.: Article here. Excerpt:

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Feminist Video Game Where Women Get To Kill 'Sexist' Men

There's a new Video game out called 'Hey Baby'. You play a female and walk around the street killing men who make 'sexist' comments. Video here. Excerpt from their website:

"Ladies, are you sick and tired of catcalling, hollering, obnoxious one-liners and creepy street encounters? Tired of changing your route home to avoid uncomfortable situations?


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Women more prone to emotional stress than men 'because of sensitivity to hormone'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Members of the fairer sex are more sensitive to a key stress hormone - with even small amounts sending their emotions into a whirl, research shows. Men, in contrast, are relatively immune to even high amounts of the chemical.
Researchers say the U.S. study could help explain the differences in the way men and women control their emotions.

Women have higher rates of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety problems than men.

However no one has yet been able to pinpoint a biological reason for the difference.

The study focused on a stress hormone called corticotropinreleasing factor (CRF) which helps control the body's reaction to stress.

CRF is known to play a role in human psychiatric conditions.
'Pharmacology researchers investigating CRF antagonists (blocking agents) as drug treatments for depression may need to take into account gender differences at the molecular level,' said Dr Valentino.'

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No good black men?

Article here. Excerpt (found on p. 2 of the article):

'Black women have outperformed black men in just about every domain in life, and we're now seeing that phenomenon with whites as well," my brother said.

That means women will "need marriage less and expect more from it," and become less willing to settle for someone who is not an intellectual or professional equal, a social match and emotional partner.

If black women are angry, it's because they're tired of settling, of making accommodations for men who are — and these are my words — beneath them.'

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Why 'Feminism' Should Be Erased from the American Lexicon

Article here. Excerpt:

'Instead, second-wave feminism relied on the power of government instead of the power of the individual. These feminists also refused to acknowledge that there are differences between men and women. Recognizing this fact is an affirmation of a biological reality, not patriarchy.

Unfortunately, these attitudes incline second-wave feminists towards victimhood. And that attitude makes the genuine equality which we all desire harder to achieve.
Second-wave feminists prefer to blame discrimination. However, sometimes, discrimination is not to blame, and so-called "solutions" predicated on an assumption of discrimination and that expand government power would do more harm than good to millions of American women. Is it really that hard to believe there are women who knowingly take jobs that pay less so they can have more time to care for aging parents or spend more time with their children and families?

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How To Fight False Allegations Of Abuse Made By Your Ex-Wife

Via email from Jeremy S: Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s sickening what some women will do in order to give themselves an unfair “edge” in court. Some exes tend to file and make false allegations of abuse by their ex-husband against their children. This is done in order to add drama and concern in the courtroom, and is done in hopes that the case will be turned in their favor.

Fortunately, by handling a false abuse allegation properly, you can easily have this thrown out or ignored by the court altogether. The idea behind making the false allegations is so that the ex-wife can get the upper hand in the courtroom and is used to try to get the courts to favor their case. Unfortunately, it can do exactly the opposite. Remember, the ex-wife has the burden of proof. If she cannot prove anything in regards to abuse, it will make her look foolish and irresponsible.'

Some of his accompanying comments:

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Only 14 of world's 1,000 billionaires are self-made women

Article here. Excerpt:

"Only 14 of the world's 1,000 billionaires are self-made women, and only seven of them had no help from relatives, a new list has found.

In a list of the world's richest self-made women, American business magazine Forbes published the names of 14 women who have accrued $1 billion or more thanks to their own entrepreneurship rather than inheriting part or all of their fortune.

Seven of the women on the list were Chinese, Harry Potter author JK Rowling was the only British-born woman, and of the fourteen, at least five built their business empires with the help of husbands and brothers or sometimes both.

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Aragon, Spain: Law passed for shared parenting

Article (English translation) here. Excerpt:

'Today it is approved, in Cortes de Aragon, the new law of Shared Safekeeping. We want to pay a tribute to Antonio Henar, unquestionable leader of the fight by Custodia Shared in Aragon. (it follows….)

In this new Law it is observed, like preferred norm to be used by the judges, Shared Custodia.

Antonio Henar, throughout more than 10 years has presided over the APFS of Aragon, with its seriousness, its sobriety and its good one for doing realised multitude of action, manifestations, meetings and different directed activities from the attainment of Shared Custodia in Aragon.'

Ed. note: Original article in Spanish here. Wikipedia on Aragon here.

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Canada: Barbara Kay: Happy Seed Provider’s Day, Dad

Article here. Excerpt:

'Adult children conceived during the wave of sperm donorship in the early 1980s and early 1990s are now telling their stories. They were wanted and loved children, but because of the way they were conceived, there is a world of hurt and anger out there.

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Handling of 'abduction' case involving teen has been absurd

Article here, excerpt:

'He saw a 3-year-old girl without a parent. If he had it to do all over again, if he could see the cops, the handcuffs, the TV cameras and the jail cell all awaiting him, I imagine the last thing he would have done was try to help her.

But he did.
But look at the evidence.

We have the little girl's mother losing track of her daughter.

We have Edwin's mother not taking the girl from Edwin and turning her over to a store employee.

And we have Edwin in handcuffs.

I'm not sure the problem here is with the 14-year-old.

Interestingly enough, the girl's mother never did press charges. But the Sheriff's Office decided it would, ultimately settling on a charge of false imprisonment.

"He was in custody of the child and had no authority to be so,'' said Capt. Angelo Nieves. "The thing is to make clear we have not charged him with an offense that did not occur.''


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Canada: Sometimes unequal works

Article here. Excerpt:

'This private member’s bill, introduced by Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott, would amend the Divorce Act to mandate “equal shared parenting” when parents split up. Courts would start from the presumption that parents share time with the kids and decision making on a 50-50 basis, and put the legal onus on parents to show that such an arrangement would not be in the child’s best interest.

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The Sperm-Donor Kids Are Not Really All Right

Article here. Excerpt:

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Action Alert: Atlantic Monthly Denigrates Dads for Father’s Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'To commemorate Father’s Day, the Atlantic Monthly published the anti-father article Are Fathers Necessary? A paternal contribution may not be as essential as we think (July/August 2010). It’s no surprise that author Pamela Paul’s arguments are factually flawed. Fathers & Families Board member Robert Franklin, Esq. explains:

Pamela Paul tells Atlantic Monthly readers that “there’s nothing objectively essential about his (dad’s) contribution.” Of course she could have said that about anyone; no one’s “contribution” is “objectively essential.” That Paul chose fathers about whom to make the observation speaks volumes about her bias in the matter.

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Action Alert: Boston Globe Calls for MA Courts to Be ‘Monitored Closely to Ensure That Fathers Get Fair Treatment'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Boston Globe’s Sunday lead editorial Child-custody cases demand discretion, not new laws (6/13/10) focuses on Fathers & Families’ shared parenting bill HB 1400. The editorial arose out of contacts between Fathers & Families’ Board Chair Ned Holstein, MD, Massachusetts shared parenting activist Dr. Peter Hill, and the Globe. The Globe had previously endorsed shared parenting in principle in its 2008 editorial A fair role for fathers (Boston Globe, 2/23/08) after meeting with Dr. Holstein.

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Abusegate: NM Rep. Ben Lujan Calls Abusegaters “Domestic Violence Deniers”

From Abusegate Bob:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Recently Abusegate announced the names of 20 Senators and Representatives we are targeting for electoral defeat on November 2. One of those persons is Ben Lujan, Democratic congressman of New Mexico, who is a co-sponsor of the family-destructive International Violence Against Women Act.

So when Lujan found out his name was on our list, he issued a press release in which Lujan’s campaign manager called Abusegate a “fringe” organization that represents “domestic violence deniers” — see below.

Rep. Lujan may believe there are good reasons to support the International Violence Against Act. But engaging in political name-calling does little to burnish his image as a lawmaker who is working to help New Mexico families, as he claims on his website.

Rep. Lujan should apologize for his demagoguery — call his Washington office at 202-225-6190. Or shoot him an email at

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