The New Republic: The Post-Gender Justice

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"Woman jailed for making threats ... to herself"

Story here. Excerpt:

'SANTA ANA – A 25-year-old Santa Ana woman was sentenced to a year in jail Friday for sending hundreds of threatening text messages – to herself.

Jeanne Mundango Manunga's criminal problem was that she blamed the harassing text messages on an ex-boyfriend and his sister-in-law, and reported them to the police.

They were arrested on false charges of making criminal threats and required to post thousands of dollars in bail. The sister-in-law was arrested three times, and spent some time in custody before she could gather enough funds to pay the bail on her third arrest.

A jury convicted Manunga of three felony counts of false imprisonment by fraud or deceit and two misdemeanor counts of making a false police report in May.'

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Barbara Kay: The truth on domestic violence just isn’t sexy enough

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sociologist Joel Best once said, “A bad statistic is harder to kill than a vampire.” And no field is more rife with bad statistics than domestic violence.

It would seem that the best time to launch a bad statistic about domestic violence is during massively attended sporting events. A gullible public seems to think that high levels of testosterone on a playing field plus alcohol just naturally translates into an astronomical escalation of male fans beating up on their wives and girlfriends.
Why do these myths persist? Because they make great copy and because there is something mesmerizing about a statistic that freezes journalistic brains, especially when the statistics bolster common cultural biases or trends. And one especially pejorative but persisting cultural trend is the impunity with which all men can be demonized. The moral of these hoaxes is to view statistics that paint a negative picture of unusually high numbers of men with deep suspicion.'

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The World Cup Abuse Nightmare

Article here. Excerpt:

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Barbara Kay: Action on honour killings

Barbara Kay has done the human rights community another service with her recent column "Action on honour killings". She defines and differentiates between cultural violence (in the form of honor killings which are primarily directed at women and girls in an attempt to enforce social/cultural standards) and domestic violence which affects everyone. Both are serious issues which need attention, but as most men's activists know any issue that can be used to politicize domestic violence gets altogether too much free press. Excerpt:

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Tacoma advocate for domestic violence victims faces ethics case

Story here. Excerpt:

'Did the City of Tacoma’s top advocate for domestic violence victims act responsibly to protect a woman who reached out to escape the escalating abuse of an estranged husband?

Or, did Gloria China Fortson, acting on unfounded abuse allegations, butt into a custody battle, overstep her authority and misuse city funds to help the woman break the law?

A city investigation last year found the latter, concluding that the longtime victims’ advocate broke city ethics rules in 2007 by helping a client leave the state with her children.

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Jon Stewart's 'Daily Show' is not sexist, female staffers write in open letter

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'For a sexist pig, Jon Stewart sure is charming, according to his female colleagues.

More than 30 female "Daily Show" staff members -- including Samantha Bee and newly hired correspondent Olivia Munn -- released an open letter Tuesday slamming reports that the satirical news show is discriminatory.

"While rampant sexism at a well-respected show makes for a great story, we want to make something very clear: the place you may have read about is not our office," the letter states, addressing itself to the "Dear People Who Don't Work Here."

The lengthy diatribe comes in response to Irin Carmon's blog entitled "The Daily Show's Woman Problems,” which was appeared on on June 23.

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UK: Teen jailed over false rape claim -- 'Troubled' young woman is jailed for 18 months

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'A TEENAGER who made false claims she was raped by a stranger in Torquay has been sent to prison for 18 months.

Nikita Kirk, 18, of Godwell Road, Ivybridge, called 999 from a public phone box to say a man she did not know had attacked and raped her.

The stranger was arrested, put into custody and tested for blood.

Exeter Crown Court was told yesterday his 'horrific' ordeal lasted four days before Kirk admitted she made up the whole story.

Sentencing her, Judge Graham Cottle said Kirk had no mental health problems and was simply a compulsive 'attention seeker'.

The court was told that on February 10, Kirk called police to make a 'totally false' report that a man had attacked her.

To support her accusation, she caused injuries to herself.

She took police to an address which she claimed was connected to the attack and identified a man who she said had taken cocaine before raping her.

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Libs Sneer at Men Who Grieve for Their Aborted Children

Article here. Excerpt:

'Progressives are at their most depraved and nakedly evil when expressing their contempt for human life. The concept of sympathy cards for men who lose children to abortion has induced liberal blogger Amanda Marcotte to cough up this clot of bile:

Anti-choicers [are] pretending that they just discovered they oppose abortion because it violates men’s rights over their uterine property (established by the “poke it/own it” law laid down in beer commercials).

It’s not about a child’s life; it’s about who “owns” a woman’s uterus, according to the left’s bizarre and heartless politics.

The charming Marcotte (formerly John Edwards’s official blogger) sneeringly offers some sympathy cards of her own, like this one [Warning: link target is NSFW].

It doesn’t get any better in the comments section. Here’s a gem:

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UN Creates What May Become a Billion Dollar Agency for Radical Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Without any fear for the future, boys have given up their ambition

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers of boys have a perennial subject of conversation. Is it us, our parenting skills or the wider society that is creating so many disaffected, troubled and disengaged young men? One friend of mine has hit on the theory that boys have lost their fear at the same time as having misplaced any sense of ambition. With the two great animators of human motivation – fear and greed (at its best, ambition) – knocked out we have a growing army of underperforming, unnecessarily idle and too often unemployed young men. Unable to motivate themselves, they just stew.

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Baskerville: "Women on Top"

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Women will be the losers if the Government allows rape anonymity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Anonymity for men accused of rape was introduced in 1976 but reversed in 1988 because it hampered police investigations. The proposal to reintroduce it relies on the sexist myth that women are quick to lie about rape.

Nothing is further from the truth. It is extremely hard for women to report rape, and 90 per cent never do. Those who report often say it was to protect others. But many are disbelieved or dismissed by police and prosecutors and even urged to withdraw – no wonder the conviction rate for reported rape remains 6.5 per cent.

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'For a year in prison I was treated like the scum of the earth, but I was innocent of rape'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his cell at HMP Addiewell, Jason Duncan knew it was only a matter of time before the story he had concocted for his own safety would fall apart. Falsely accused of rape, the 22-year-old steel worker had decided it was better to tell fellow inmates that he was in prison for a shooting.
"In prison, if you are in for anything relating to a sex offence you are the lowest of the low," he explained. "My lawyers and even the prison staff told me that I would be in serious danger if other prisoners found out what I was charged with. So I concocted this story about being a career criminal who was in over a shooting. People seemed to believe it, but when my name was in the paper they realised why I was really there. I didn't leave my cell again."

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Woman in custody dispute kills own baby

Story here. She shot the baby in the head, shot the husband in the gut, then shot herself in the head. Mother love - you just cant beat it. Excerpt:

'THE woman suspected of shooting dead her eight-month-old son and wounding her ex-husband had reportedly been involved in a custody fight.

Shortly before 8pm on Tuesday, 22-year-old Gracemere mother Jade Quilligan is thought to have shot her eight-month-old son Anthony.

She is also believed to have shot her ex-husband in the stomach.

As her son was carried to a neighbour's house in a desperate attempt to save his life, Ms Quilligan left in a ute, which hit a tree 10km down the road.

She died at Rockhampton Base Hospital where, The Courier-Mail understands, scans revealed she had a gunshot wound to the head.'

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