Domestic Violence Center Shut Down for Being a Total Fraud

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Fulton-based resource center for battered women has been ordered by the state to shut down all operations. This shouldn't be terribly difficult since the Battered Mother's Resource Fund (BMRF) never actually did anything anyway.

Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said in a news release that the BMRF, which is owned by Phillip Baney, solicited donations to help victims of domestic violence, but never actually implemented any of the programs it advertised, including community outreach seminars, a national database of shelters and other organizations that provided assistance to battered women and children, a Mother's Assistance Fund and a ranch for kids who had been harmed by domestic violence.

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Obama calls on Senate to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act

Story here. Excerpt:

'On July 20, 2010, President Obama called on the Senate to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R. 12, S. 182). You may read the full text of the bill here: In his renewed push for passage of this legislation -- which followed the Senate's refusal in 2009 to accept similar provisions in the House version of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act -- President Obama characterized the Paycheck Fairness Act as “a common sense bill that will help ensure that men and women who do equal work receive equal pay.” Passage of the PFA in its present form would result in sweeping changes to the Equal Pay Act (“EPA”).'

Ed. note: A paid subscription is required for Lexology access, so we'll have to take the submitter's word for it.

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"Pregnancy Denial" cited as possible cause for French women who kill their babies

Article here. Excerpt:

'The question is as horrifying as it is important to ask: Why are a rising number of French women killing their newborn babies? Finding the answer has become a matter of urgency following the discovery on Wednesday of eight infants allegedly smothered to death and buried by their mother in northern France. And with that case marking at least the fifth instance of multiple infanticide reported in France since 2003, it has become vital for the nation to confront the phenomenon that appears to be behind it all: a mental condition known as pregnancy denial.
Experts explained those cases as resulting from pregnancy denial, an often misunderstood and minimized condition. According to Michel Delcroix, a former gynecologist who served as a court expert in the Courjault trial and others involving pregnancy issues, pregnancy denial is a quasi-schizophrenic condition in which women either don't realize or cannot accept that they are with child — not even enough to have an abortion. Whether these women are afflicted with the condition before they deliver or as they're suddenly giving birth, Delcroix explains, the psychological denial is so strong that they refuse to believe they're pregnant even when the reality confronts them.

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Women more optimistic than men about economic outlook

Video here. Text excerpt:

'There is a widening divide between men and women when it comes to their outlook for the economy and their own financial situations in the next twelve months, according to a new nationwide survey issued today by Citigroup and conducted by Hart Research Associates.

While optimism for the future was found to have declined overall, women's confidence held almost steady while men have turned increasingly sour since March, the study found.

“Many women are CFOs of their households, controlling the purse strings on purchases, so their positive near-term outlook on the economy may be a positive indicator for recovery,” said Lisa Caputo, Chairman and CEO of Citi's Women & Co., a division of Citi dedicated to helping women achieve their financial goals. “However, it’s clear they have tempered expectations that recovery and stability for their households may remain in the far distant future.”'

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Starting August 1st - Help the Domestic Abuse Helpline Create the First US National Public Awareness Campaign on Male Victims

First National Public Awareness Campaign on Male Victims in the USA

Studies have shown that men who are in relationships with abusive partners do not necessarily see themselves as victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence has been so narrowly define in our society as violence against women by men that men who suffer physical, emotional, psychological, financial, and/or sexual abuse at the hands of their intimate partners don’t recognize the signs. They will usually write it off as their partner having a bad day or feel that they must have done something to cause the abuse.

Further, agencies that offer supportive services and shelter to victims of domestic violence do little to encourage abused men to come forward and seek help. Few (10% or less of the over 2,000 domestic violence shelter agencies in the country) agencies offer outreach and services (shelter, legal, counseling, support groups, transitional housing) to male victims.

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Obama Missing Historic Boy Scout Jamboree for Fundraisers, 'View' Taping

Story here. Excerpt:

'President Obama will make history as the first sitting president on a daytime talk show when he visits with the ladies of "The View." But he'll be missing out on another historic occasion -- the Boy Scouts' Jamboree marking the group's 100th anniversary, right in the president's backyard.

The Jamboree kicked off this week at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, where organizers had invited the president to speak to the 45,000 scouts in attendance. All three of Obama's predecessors have made it to one Jamboree while in office.
But while the Jamboree lasts until next Tuesday, the president is sending his regards via a videotaped message.
The Jamboree is held once every four years. This year's festivities mark the organization's 100-year anniversary -- scouts are scheduled to visit Washington, D.C., and other regional attractions in connection with the celebration.

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Woman charged in France over babies' bodies

Story here. Excerpt:

'Paris, France (CNN) -- A woman has been charged over the discovery of the bodies of eight newborn babies at two locations in northern France, the French Interior Ministry said Thursday.

Gendarmes found the remains in the village of Villers-au-Tertre, south of Lille, some in a home and others in the garden of another home.

The woman has admitted giving birth to and killing the babies and has been charged with voluntary manslaughter, prosecutor Eric Vaillant said. But her husband has not been charged after telling investigators he knew nothing of the pregnancies and deaths, he said.

The couple are in their mid-forties. The woman is a nursing assistant while her husband is a member of the local council, a neighbor told AFP.'

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Are squad cars in fact white horses?

Article here. Excerpt:

'With all respect to the dangerous and often thankless work done by police everywhere, and with great appreciation for your public call to address this problem, isn’t there something else that these false reports cause?

Like the lives of men devastated, their reputations and well being destroyed? Like innocent men behind bars?

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Ex-Teacher Nude Photo Plea: No Jail for Melinda Dennehy

Story here. Excerpt:

'DERRY, N.H. (CBS/AP) Former high school teacher Melinda Dennehy won't be going to jail after pleading guilty Monday to a charge she e-mailed nude photographs of herself to a 15-year-old student at Londonderry High School.

"I am truly sorry for my actions and poor judgment," Melinda Dennehy said in court after the judge agreed to her negotiated plea to a misdemeanor charge of indecent exposure. She originally faced a felony count.
Dennehy, 41, of Hampstead, could have faced up to seven years in prison if she had gone to trial on the felony. As part of her plea agreement, Dennehy's one-year jail sentence was suspended for two years on condition she remain on good behavior and have no contact with the teen or his family, or go to the school. She resigned three weeks after she was charged in March.'

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UK: Spotlight to be on male DV victims in new campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'MEN who fall victim to abusive women and children are to be targeted by a new domestic violence campaign.

Victim Support say that they are seeing more and more men asking for help and that it is time to encourage other husbands and boyfriends to come forward.They are preparing to launch the campaign in the next few weeks as part of a drive to raise awareness about the support available.'

Ed. note: This entry was updated on 7/30/10. The "Jersey" in the story the Isle of Jersey, not the state of New Jersey in the US. Sorry for any confusion.

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UK: Sister of dead solider sold his war medals on eBay to fund luxury cruise

This is why men die for their country... article here. Excerpt:

'The sister of a war hero who died in Afghanistan sold his uniform and medals to an eBay trader to fund a luxury cruise for herself.

Corporal Rob Deering left his elder sister everything in his will, including four war medals, his uniform and an engraved memorial shell casing from his funeral.

But Elaine Deering, a single mother of one, sold it all for £1,100 and put the money towards a trip round the Mediterranean.

The 37-year-old, who is unemployed, said: ‘I’m on income support and I’m very hard up, so I did what I thought was best.’

Now the man who bought the mementos – which include medals from Corporal Deering’s service in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as an International Security Assistance Force medal – has returned them to the hero’s fiancee Gemma Polino.

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Canada - Man punched for finishing sandwich

Story here.

'A 27-year-old Chatham woman is charged after allegedly punching her boyfriend in the face after he ate her sandwich.

Chatham-Kent police said officers responded to a domestic dispute on Queen Street Monday evening.

A man made his girlfriend a sandwich and she ate half. The man asked if he could finish the sandwich and she agreed, police said.

A short time later, the woman got mad that the sandwich was missing and allegedly punched the man in the face.

Later that night, police said the two got into an unrelated argument and she allegedly punched him in the chest.

She faces two charges of assault.

She was held for a bail hearing.'

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Baskerville: Amnesty International’s commitment to freedom is questionable

Dr. Stepehn Baskerville writes on Human Rights or Wrongs?
Amnesty International’s commitment to freedom is questionable

"In recent years Amnesty has become a mouthpiece for the radical feminist agenda, to the point of pushing programs that violate human rights. Amnesty’s campaign against "domestic violence," for example, is a prescription for criminalizing the innocent on a huge scale."

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All Parties in the Swedish Riksdag (Parliament) have answered 10 questions about Fatherhood

International Press Release

For reference, first published in English here.

All answers from the seven parties in the Swedish Riksdag will be revealed and published on August 4th 2010 on

(Site in Swedish, please use Google Translate)

Submitted by

Ulf Andersson
PappaRättsGruppen, The Fathers Rights Group in Sweden

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Man who committed mercy killing years ago denied expanded parole because he's a man

Story here. As unbelievable as it might seem, a man who was convicted in the "mercy killing" of his severely disabled child has been denied increased parole for no reason other than being male, despite the fact that he poses no danger to the community. Whatever your feelings on euthanasia, the institutionalized sexism he's facing in the Canadian penal system is an affront to human dignity.

From the article:

Although the parole board indicated Latimer is "successfully reintegrating into the community," it says his case does not meet the test of "exceptional circumstances" for expanded leave.

The board says it may consider expanded leave to "be responsive to the needs of female, aboriginal, ethnic minority or special needs offenders."

Apparently men need not apply for equal treatment under Canadian law. It isn't enough of an injustice for men to serve radically longer sentences for the same crimes; they're also being denied parole rights on the basis of their gender.

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