Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2010-09-21 21:57
Article here. Excerpt:
'What’s the matter with men? For years, the media have delivered the direst of prognoses. Men are “in decline.” Guys are getting “stiffed.” The “war on boys” has begun. And so on. This summer, The Atlantic’s Hanna Rosin went so far as to declare that “The End of Men” is upon us.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2010-09-21 07:32
Link here (text and audio). Excerpt:
BARBARA MILLER: These days it's the exception when an infant boy in Australia is circumcised for non-religious reasons.
Sydney woman Sally said she thought long and hard about the pros and cons of having the procedure done when she had a baby boy earlier this year. She decided to go ahead, but wasn't prepared for the backlash.
SALLY: It was a terrible decision because I didn't feel like I could talk to other mums about it and when I did ask mums who did have sons and I mean, it had never been a question on my mind because I had two girls, most of them hadn't and a number of women were quite aggressive about it and quite, you know, confronting about it.
BARBARA MILLER: Sally says one factor in her decision was evidence from studies in sub-Saharan Africa that circumcision can reduce the rate of HIV-AIDS transmission in heterosexuals.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2010-09-21 04:01
There are times when I read stories covered by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and I can't help but think that CBC reporters are either lazy, stupid, or are deliberately out to hide the real story instead of truly reporting on it.
Take this story. What really happened here? Did this police officer really sexually assault a woman, or not? Why were the charges dropped? Why is it that the police officer - who hasn't been found guilty of anything - gets his name published and therefore his reputation smeared, while his accuser remains anonymous? How is it "in the accuser's best interests" to drop the charges? Was she lying? Is it a case of mistaken identity?
The crown has decided it's "not in the public's best interests" to continue. What the hell does that mean?
Whoever the internal censor is in the CBC, they are doing a hell of a good job.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2010-09-21 02:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'Canandaigua, NY - A school teacher accused of sex crimes with three students accepted a plea deal Monday morning. Marla Gurecki-Haskins, 36, was accused of having sexual contact with a 17 year-old male student in her classroom during the school day. She also faced criminal charges for trading sexually explicit text messages with two other male students, both were just 16 years-old.
Gurecki-Haskins plea deal includes a 45-day jail sentence of which her lawyer expects his client will serve just 30 days. The deal also includes three years probation and she must surrender her teaching license while also resigning from Canandaigua Academy. Because Gurecki-Haskins is pleading guilty to two misdemeanor crimes (Official Misconduct and Endangering the Welfare of a Child) she is not required to register as a sex offender.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-09-19 21:10
Story here. Excerpt:
'BERLIN — Four people died and a policeman was seriously wounded in a town in southwestern Germany on Sunday, after an explosion in an apartment building and a shooting in the neighboring hospital that authorities believe are linked, a prosecutor said.
Two people were found dead in an apartment building that burst into flames after an explosion Sunday afternoon, Loerrach prosecutor Dieter Inhofer told ZDF public television.
Another woman, allegedly armed with a weapon, was seen running from the blast into the neighboring St. Elisabeth hospital, where she reportedly opened fire, killing a member of the hospital staff, Inhofer said.
The woman then turned her gun on officers responding to the shooting and was killed in an exchange of gunfire, Inhofer said. One police officer was seriously wounded, Inhofer said, but authorities believe there were no other victims in the hospital.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2010-09-19 16:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'A man falsely accused of drugging and raping his stalker has spoken about how he was cleared of the falsified claims after new DNA evidence proved the allegations had been made up.
As reported by The Independent, Dr Jan Falkowski endured four years of being bombarded by text messages, being accused of rape and death threats made to his fiancé.
"My life was going fairly well, I was quite happy with things, no major problems, and then suddenly everything changed overnight, literally, without any warning," said Dr Falkowski.
After his stalker, whose identity was unknown, threatened to have his fiancé killed if they got marred, Dr Falkowski and the police staged a fake wedding. They caught Maria Marchese sending 20 to 30 frantic texts near the scene of the wedding, and she was arrested.
However, the Crown Prosecution Service said there wasn't enough evidence to charge her, despite the fact that Ms Marchese had a shrine dedicated to Dr Falkowski in her home.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-09-18 00:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'’m not just fascinated by the Lewis case because executions of women are rare. Though they are, exceedingly. Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, there have been over 1,200 executions in the United States. A whopping 11 of them, or less than 1%, were women. Lewis will, if not saved by the Supreme Court or the Virginia Governor, be the first dead woman walking in that state in 98 years.
This stands in pretty stark contrast considering women commit, by DOJ estimates, 10% of all murders, are involved in 35% of all domestic homicides (are involved means, like Lewis, they get other people to kill for them) and nearly 30% of murders where the victim was another family member.
On death row, it seems, the vagina exemption is almost a given.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-09-18 00:19
Story here. Excerpt:
'BARRIE, Ont. - Minutes after a mother calmly called police saying her children were dead, officers found 19-month-old Sophia Campione in bed, dressed in her Tinkerbell pyjamas, holding hands with her three-year-old sister Serena, court heard Thursday.
Between their lifeless bodies lay a photo album and a rosary.
The Crown alleges their mother, Frances Elaine Campione, 35, drowned them in October 2006 so their father could not get custody.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-09-18 00:18
Article here. Excerpt:
'At one of the most stressful periods of their lives, separating couples are driven to the poorhouse by a family law system that fails to deliver workable solutions while their children are often hurt by a system that doesn’t take their opinions into account, a report by the Law Commission of Ontario says.
In one of the most in-depth looks at what ails family law in many years, the report indicts the system for draining parents’ bank accounts, ignoring expert advice in favour of simplistic solutions and leaving children out of the process.
While battling an ex-partner in court can be costly – cases that go to trial can ding the participants for well over $100,000 – the report’s authors said there is substantial concern judges cannot or will not step in to stop overly litigious spouses from wearing down an ex-partner through “legal bullying.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-09-18 00:15
Letter here. Excerpt:
'Re: "Woman admits lying about rape," The Journal, Sept. 11.
This article caught my eye. Sadly it says a lot about the inequities of the approach to criminal law and the gender bias that is pervasive in the system.
The accuser admitted in court she lied and the accused had never raped her as alleged. An innocent man spent almost two years in jail based on her false accusation, finally recanted.
However, his name was included in the article and hers was not.
It seems that the false accuser is entitled to anonymity while the true victim, the accused, was not.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-09-17 14:50
Story here. Excerpt:
'(CNN) -- A 28-year-old woman who said an unknown assailant threw a cup of caustic liquid in her face has admitted her injuries were self-inflicted, Vancouver, Washington, police said Thursday.
Bethany Storro was being interviewed by detectives, and whether she will be charged will be up to prosecutors, police said.
"She is extremely upset," said police Commander Marla Schuman. "She is very remorseful. In many ways it got bigger than she expected."
Police would not speculate on Storro's motives, only saying the August 30 incident did not occur as she described and that there were discrepancies in her account, including wearing sunglasses in the evening.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Fri, 2010-09-17 07:26
Link to posting here. Excerpt:
'Distribution Network Query Co-ordinator
Permanent part-time (0.7 FTE)
ASX listed company
Salmat is an organisation who believes that our people are at the heart of every Salmat solution with the 'right fit' fundamental to the Salmat vision. With a raft of Salmat Staff Benefits available, fun events and a true EEO Employer with the Salmat Women in Leadership Council, we provide workplace flexibility and really encourage employee input as to how we can do things better!'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2010-09-16 19:26
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman who had faced a possible life prison sentence for the 2009 stabbing that left a housemate dead instead will spend up to five years behind bars.
After about 35 minutes of deliberation, jurors found Melinda Ann Chatelain, 40, guilty of negligent homicide, a far less serious charge than the second-degree-murder conviction prosecutors sought. Negligent homicide carries up to five years in prison. She is scheduled for sentencing Oct. 12 in state District Court Johnny Walker's courtroom.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2010-09-16 18:52
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Bath school is pressing ahead with an application to become an all-girls academy, against the local council's wishes.
The Conservative-run Bath and North East Somerset (Banes) Council wants Oldfield School to admit boys and has now given it an ultimatum.
Banes said the school has until 1700 on Friday to change its mind or the council will close Oldfield and open a new co-educational school on the site.
The school has not yet commented.
Oldfield is still waiting to hear whether Education Secretary Michael Gove will grant it academy status, taking it out of local authority control.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2010-09-16 18:45
Story here. Excerpt:
'(CBS/AP) A restraining order against CBS analyst and former NFL tight end Shannon Sharpe has been "voluntarily dismissed," according to the Denver Post.
Last week, Michele Bundy filed a temporary restraining order against Sharpe. According to legal documents, Bundy claimed Sharpe forced her into sex and threatened her life.
The Post reports that Bundy withdrew her complaint Wednesday, according to the Fulton County Superior Court.
Sharpe, who was never charged or arrested, had decided to "step aside" from his gig as football analyst for "The NFL Today" until the matter was resolved.
According to the Post, acquaintances of Bundy were not shocked by her allegations.
"She's been infatuated with Shannon Sharpe for years to the point I think she was kind of stalking him," Thayne Davis of Roxborough told the Post. "She moved to Georgia to be closer to him. She has some insane idea in her head that he's going to be in a relationship with her."
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