Update: SAVE's Social Media Initiative

From Abusegate Bob:

The last several weeks I’ve been telling you about SAVE’s upcoming Social Media initiative. Well, the long-awaited moment has finally arrived:

Check out SAVE’s resources for victims and survivors of domestic violence here

Sign up for our new Facebook page for victims and survivors here

Participate in our Online Support Group for victims and survivors here

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"Violent women are funny"

Watch this. This woman freaks out because she can't get McNuggets. And these people are news people?

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Take Back the Sports Page?

“Take Back the Sports Page?” by Christina Hoff Sommers appeared in today’s American. Your readers might find it interesting. Excerpt:

'The political wing of the women’s sports movement is in trouble. These activists are accustomed to challenging timid bureaucrats and university administrators. But in taking on TV sports coverage, they are challenging the market itself.
According to the report, coverage of women’s professional teams has “nearly evaporated” and a “deepening silence” has enveloped women’s professional soccer, basketball, golf, field hockey, and softball. “Nothing short of stunning” says author Michael Messner, a feminist sociologist at USC. “This is simply intolerable.”

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Hiring preferences: attractive women have the edge

Read this article carefully. Excerpt:

'Good looks can kill a woman's chances of snaring jobs considered "masculine," according to a study by the University of Colorado Denver Business School.

Attractive women faced discrimination when they applied for jobs where appearance was not seen as important. These positions included job titles like manager of research and development, director of finance, mechanical engineer and construction supervisor.'

And so you think you know the gist of the article. But read on:

"In every other kind of job, attractive women were preferred. This wasn't the case with men which shows that there is still a double standard when it comes to gender."

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UK: Men make better bosses than 'loose cannon' women, say two-thirds of workers

Article here. Excerpt:

"Men are overwhelmingly seen as better bosses, a surprising new survey has revealed.

Two thirds of the nation's employees, both male and female, agree they would rather work for a man than a woman.

Female bosses were accused of being bitchy, hormonal and incapable of leaving their personal lives at home.

A third of those polled claimed women in charge are 'loose cannons' - ready to stab colleagues in the back at any time, and who constantly feel threatened by other people in positions of authority.

By contrast, both male and female workers believe male bosses were less likely to get involved in office politics, were easier to reason with and rarely suffered from mood swings.

Men are also said to be more straight-talking than women and rarely talk about others behind their backs, it emerged.'

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Study finds similar personality types in male and female domestic violence perpetrators

Story here. Excerpt:

'New research published in the August edition of the American Psychological Association’s Journal of Abnormal Psychology, is providing a better picture of the roles played by gender, personality and mental illness in domestic violence.
Walsh and colleagues Marc Swogger (University of Rochester), Brian O’Connor(UBC), Yael Schonbrun (Brown University), Tracie Shea (Brown University), and Gregory Stuart (University of Tennessee-Knoxville) analyzed data drawn from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study to examine normal personality psychopathic characteristics, and mental illness among 567 civil psychiatric patients, including 138 women and 93 men with histories of domestic violence.

“Although both men and women engage in substantial levels of domestic violence, fewer studies have examined female perpetrators,” says Walsh. “These new findings are among the first to highlight similarities between subtypes of domestically violent men and women.”'

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F&F: Ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to Sign F & F’s SB 1188 (Child Custody Reform)

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Short version: Fathers and Families’ mission is to protect children’s right to the love and care of both parents after divorce or separation. We often hear from parents who have been driven to the margins of their children’s lives because their disability/partial disability is being used to deny them custody or visitation. SB 1188 will protect these parents—to write a letter to Governor Schwarzenegger asking him to sign SB 1188, click here.

Please send your letter whether you are a California resident or not. Your letter will be hand-delivered to the Governor’s office by our Sacramento legislative representative. You may use our form letter or write your own.'

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"Gender schemas"?

Via Jeremy S., article here. Excerpt:

'When we speak of gender we are highlighting our psychological and social conceptions of what it means to be a man or women. "Gender Schemas" refers to our intuitive hypotheses about the behaviour, traits, and preferences of men and women and boys and girls. Correspondingly, the term "gender roles" refers to expectations, to our ideas about how men and women are expected to behave.

All the signs have been there during this campaign. Physiognomy is well and truly at play, and more. We have covered her ear lobes, her marital status, her hair, her clothes, her choice not to have children and so on.
Gillard's gender should be her greatest strength, not a political weakness. But tackling gender schemas requires more insight and more thought than dropping shiny policy baubles. She needs the electorate to see her seated at the head of the table and to be comfortable with that image. Holding babies and kicking footballs with kids falls a long way short of what's needed to gain true popular acceptance.'

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Update from Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women

Thanks to those of you who are voting daily for the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women to win 250K from the Pepsi Project challenge. We are currently holding steady at 204- we still have a long way to go and a short time to do so!

I have heard from a couple of people that they have had trouble at the Pepsi site with casting their votes. I have written to Pepsi about the problem and they suggested that I encourage you to contact them so that they may troubleshoot with you. Contact the Pepsi Refresh Hotline at 1-800-768-2784 between 8 am and 8 pm (EDT).

Just 2 minutes a day over the next 23 days--give under served victims of domestic violence a lifeline

Vote online here
Text your vote: Text: 101761 to Pepsi (73774)

2 minutes...that's it! Go here to sign up and click "vote for this idea" and text your vote: Text: 101761 to Pepsi (73774)

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Lying about rape is as hurtful as the crime itself

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Many feminists argue that the problem of false accusations is so minuscule that to discuss it extensively is a harmful distraction from the far more serious problem of rape. On the other side are men's-rights activists, claiming that false accusations are as much of a scourge as rape itself."

Bull's-eye. Whenever false rape allegations spin in the news cycle, as a father, my soul stands on a razor blade betwixt that divide: Knowing how false accusations can color police response should — God forbid — my daughter ever need a sympathetic ear; and fearing for my son in a world where the right words from the wrong lips can destroy reputations and land you behind bars.

Researchers have struggled to pinpoint the prevalence of false rape claims. Estimates range widely from about 2 percent to 90 percent. However, the most trusted studies put the figure between 8 and 10 percent.

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UK: Boxing legend Pat Clinton's son released after false rape claim on Greek holiday

Story here. Excerpt:

'BOXING champion Pat Clinton's son was held for three days in Greece over a false rape accusation.

Sean Clinton, 19, and a friend were on holiday with a group in Crete when a woman tourist accused them.

But after an agonising three days in custody, they were told there was no case to answer.

It is understood police found no evidence to prove that even consensual sex had taken place.

Last night, Sean was back home with his mum Carol in Kilsyth, Stirlingshire.

And former world flyweight champion Pat, known as "the boy from Croy" during his career, revealed they were considering suing his accuser.'

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Britons 'trapped in false rape sting by blonde Swede on Greek island’

Story here. Excerpt:

'Men have been warned to be on their guard after the 26-year-old woman claimed a total of €800,000 (£666,315) in insurance after lodging allegations of rape on the island of Kos.

It is believed that her victims include at least four Britons, according to a lawyer representing one of the falsely accused.

An international hunt involving Greek and Swedish police and Interpol has failed to find the woman, described as an attractive blonde.'

Related, here.

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UK: Essex circumcision doctor barred from surgery by GMC

Story here. Excerpt:

'Dr Aziz Chaudry's fitness to practise was impaired as a result of his misconduct, a panel found.

The hearing concluded the standard of care given to five boys in 2006 was not that expected of a registered medical practitioner.

The patients all received circumcisions at his private clinic in Clacton.

The panel also found he failed to provide adequate details to the boy's families and to warn them of possible complications.
His procedures revealed failings in notifying the patients' GPs about the circumcisions, and inadequate record keeping, the GMC concluded.

The GMC imposed conditions on his registration which will remain in place for 12 months.

The doctor, who was trained in Pakistan and claimed to have more than 20 years' experience, was told he cannot carry out any surgical procedures for the next 12 months, including circumcisions.'

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Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'The maker of an instrument used in circumcisions claimed that injury was impossible with its use, but after an infant lost a portion of his penis during an operation with the Mogen clamp, a judge awarded $10.8 million in damages against the company.

The judgment handed down Friday in New York involves an Atlanta lawyer who has been crusading against circumcision as a dangerous and unnecessary practice.

Attorney David Llewellyn won a similar case in Atlanta last year and the injury behind that prior lawsuit in Fulton County Superior Court put the New York clamp manufacturer on notice about the danger of the device, his current lawsuit said.

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Father camping out by courthouse, advertising rally

Story here. Excerpt:

'RACINE - A father who thinks the family court system has let him down is planning to host a rally for fathers' rights on the Racine County Courthouse steps.

Ricardo Martinez, 34, of Racine, says he is expecting 150 people to join him at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 18.

"It's not right," said Martinez. "This cannot be right what they are doing to men. There is no equality."

When Martinez and his ex-wife divorced, joint custody was granted for their six- and seven-year-old sons, he said. His time with them was supposed to be on Wednesdays, some weekends and holidays.

Since he has become an advocate for father's rights, Martinez said he has had even less contact with his children. His complaints about the situation have fallen on deaf ears, he claims.

"I'm stuck with a system that doesn't want to help me," he said.

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