Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-10-10 20:14
Story here. If a person intends to drug another person for "nefarious reasons" they usually do so very selectively and not in a way likely to draw attention to what they are doing. Dumping a desultory drug into a general mix of booze that a mix of people has access to just doesn't fit the M.O., yet the very first thing they can come up with is that this was an attempt to create a mass-drugging for "date-rape" purposes. The police "caught" one couple in the act of having sex someplace in the house only to find out that they are in fact a couple and undrugged. Other than that, they have nothing else to say but that some jerk/jerks spiked a common source of drinks. And the immediate suspicion? An attempt to drug females for the purposes of raping them.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-10-10 19:59
Blog entry here. Excerpt:
'I realize that few of the readers of this blog would be watching "Teen Mom" on MTV; however, if you caught the September 28th episode when Amber beat the crap out of her ex-fiance Gary, you would realize why this episode is so important in at least making an attempt to expose the blatant domestic violence against men.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2010-10-10 19:56
Story here. Excerpt:
'An Alabama city is coming under heavy fire from some local residents for celebrating a convicted sex offender – a female teacher who admitted to raping a 15-year-old male student – as its "Person of the Month."
The controversy involves Pelham, Ala., a city of approximately 21,000 people, which is honoring Emily Morris for promoting a fundraiser at the city's high school to help battle cancer.
But just five years ago, when she was a resident of Pelham, Morris was arrested on a variety of charges for allegedly having intercourse with a teen boy at Leeds High School where she taught. The state of Alabama has listed her as a sex offender.
Now, the former instructor who avoided a potential 20-year jail sentence by pleading guilty to second-degree rape in exchange for one year behind bars and four years probation, is featured as "Person of the Month" in the June edition of Pelham Magazine, the official publication of the city, which is mailed out to local residents.'
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Submitted by fondueguy on Sun, 2010-10-10 19:37
Someone had recently told me that bogs on men's rights and anti-Feminism are gaining popularity in Sweden. I asked if there were any Swedish blogs with postings in English and I got some examples including The blog owner is an M.D. in Sweden and has been on TV, done interviews, and given lectures on men's issues. His post, here, succinctly brings large and historical issues to the individual level in a very useful and widely applicable way. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-10-09 02:31
Had a reader mention it via email tonight, so in case you don't know about it, it is found here.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2010-10-09 02:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'Last week Stacy Bannerman, well-known advocate for military families, published an article titled, “Husbands Who Bring the War Home:” Author of When the War Came Home, Bannerman has been credited with helping to secure passage of the Military Family Leave Act in 2009.
As a columnist who specializes in the field of domestic violence and who has spoken with countless victims of abuse, I found myself feeling increasingly unsettled as I worked my way through her engaging yet enigmatic essay.
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Submitted by fibtastic on Fri, 2010-10-08 23:54
Of course by the end of this story we're supposed to pity the woman who abandoned her child but continued to collect child support from her ex-husband while he raised the child. Excerpt:
'"She abandoned us," my client had told me. She was never the kind of woman you marry, he'd said. He should have known. They'd been married less than a year when she packed her clothes in a single cardboard box and drove off, leaving him. Leaving their infant daughter.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2010-10-08 18:07
I really can't think of anything to write for this video.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2010-10-08 02:46
Via email:
This is a masterpiece of DV misinformation, on the surface claiming to praise men, but essentially ignoring the existence of male victims. Note that she never refers to “Good Women” who take a stand against female abusers.
Here’s her email if you want to point out the bizarre logic:, or post your comment on the Huffington Post. Excerpt:
'Where are the signs in the men's rooms asking: Are You Hurting The Woman You Love? Underneath those words there could be a number to call -- a hotline where men can learn to change -- because the way I see it (even in my most hopeless moments, like when I read about an 80-year-old woman being raped by a gang of young soldiers) we can learn to be better.
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Submitted by el cid on Thu, 2010-10-07 23:35
This column discusses the syphilis experiments conducted on the Tuskegee Airmen and on Guatemalan prisoners. In Tuskegee, researchers deliberately withheld treatment from black airmen known to have syphilis. In Guatemala, researchers deliberately infected male prisoners with syphilis and then treated it in hopes of determining the effectiveness of the cure.
In both experiments, the subjects were men. As Warren Farrell points out, it's easy to recognize the racism of conducting illicit medical experiments on black airmen--but it's easy to miss the sexism.
Feminists have often complained women were left out of medical experiments, citing this as proof we don't care enough about women. The truth is just the opposite: we leave women out because we care more about women than men. The columnist who wrote this piece is, I believe, a feminist--but she voices no complaints about the lack of women as test subjects.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Thu, 2010-10-07 03:52
Link to story here. Excerpt:
'A 31-year-old Ohio woman has admitted to posing as a teenage boy so she could date a teenage girl, pleading guilty to misdemeanor sexual imposition.
A prosecutor's spokesman says Patricia Dye also pleaded guilty on Wednesday to misdemeanor attempted sexual imposition and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
A judge in Warren County Juvenile Court in Lebanon sentenced Dye to six months in jail.
Dye's lawyer says Dye feels remorse and has learned from the experience.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2010-10-06 14:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'PHOENIX, Arizona, October 4. IT is time for a change. Specifically, Title IX needs to be changed. Unfortunately, the wrongs that Title IX set out to right 38 years ago are now being inflicted on our sons. While this particular forum is focused on swimming, you could easily substitute many other sports that are suffering the same fate.
The factual evidence is quite compelling. I believe the reason there is not a greater outcry, is that people are just not aware of the situation. But the time has come for some righteous indignation about what is happening to our sons.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2010-10-06 14:02
Link to story here In full:
'A new clinic opens at the Royal Women's Hospital this week, providing services to reverse acts of female circumcision.
A landmark de-infibulation clinic opens at the Royal Women's Hospital this Friday.
The clinic provides a discreet half-day procedure to reverse female circumcision - commonly known as Female Genital Mutilation - or just simply FGM.
Richelle Hunt takes an exclusive tour through the facility just as it prepares to open for service, speaking to Dr Khai Mohhammed-Noor, who is responsible for developing this Australian-first service.
For more information about this service, call the Women's Health Information Centre on 8345 3037 and ask to be referred to the FARREP Program.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2010-10-06 13:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'An American toddler is back living at home with his mother after she and her boyfriend were jailed for duct taping him to a wall.
The 22-month old boy was originally placed in the custody of the US state of Nebraska after photos emerged of the abuse.
But the boy has now been put back in the custody of his 18-year-old mother Jayla Hamm, ABC News reports.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2010-10-06 12:00
An anonymous submission mentioned "The Leadership Council", a group I never heard of before, and very generically-named at that. I Googled the phrase and discovered such a group indeed exists and is working to discredit FRAs' efforts around PAS issues, among other things. The PAS-related page is here. From their Mission page:
'The Leadership Council is a nonprofit independent scientific organization composed of respected scientists, clinicians, educators, legal scholars, journalists, and public policy analysts.
- To correct misinformation on psychological science used to serve vested interests or used as evidence in important cases affecting legal rights related to mental health issues.
- To improve coordination among professionals, develop guidelines, encourage research, further interdisciplinary professional education, and provide guidance, support, and encouragement for professionals in the field of traumatic studies.'
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