Obama Woos Female Voters Ahead Of Midterms

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama continued his final major campaign push before the midterms with events in Seattle and San Francisco on Thursday.

Accompanied by women who own businesses, Obama spoke in one family's backyard about the economy's effects on women, and outlined ways he said his policies have helped them, such as the first piece of legislation he signed –- the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

"Things like equal pay for equal work aren't just women's issues, they're middle-class family issues," he said. "Because how well women do will help determine how well middle-class families do as a whole."'

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A Debate On Domestic Violence

From A Voice For Men, here. Excerpt:

'David Futrelle of the blog Manboobz has agreed to enter a debate on the subject of domestic violence with me here at A Voice for Men. Since Mr. Futrelle maintains a blog in which he asserts that MRA’s have pretty much everything wrong, and in which he specifically claims he will, concerning MRA’s, “dismantle their rickety logic and dubious statistics,” it should follow that he will do just that on the subject of DV, starting right now.

During the brief negotiations it was decided that my excellent centerpiece article on domestic violence, and the research it was based on, will serve as the object of his dissent. For readers convenience I am posting the video version of that article and the research links here as well.'

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1968 Playboy Playmate Victoria Vetri Tried to Kill Boyfriend, Cops Say

Article here. Except:

'1968 Playboy Playmate of the Year Angela Dorian has been charged with attempted murder after she allegedly shot her boyfriend from close range in their Hollywood apartment Saturday night, TMZ has learned.

66-year-old Dorian -- aka Victoria Rathgeb -- aka Victoria Vetri -- (currently 5'5", 110 lbs) was arrested late Saturday night -- and is still behind bars. Bail has been set at $1,000,000.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... they believe Dorian and her BF were having an argument that turned physical -- and that's when Dorian grabbed a handgun and fired at least one shot into her boyfriend's upper body.'

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Dallas Mother Ruled Insane, Not Guilty of Throwing Sons From Overpass

Article here.

'DALLAS -- A Dallas woman accused of throwing her two children from a freeway overpass and then jumping off the 20-foot-high span has been found not guilty by reason of insanity.

A judge in Dallas ruled Thursday in the trial of Khandi Busby, who was charged with attempted murder and injury to a child. The judge then ordered her to spend roughly 30 days in a state mental institution, MyFoxDFW.com reports.

Investigators say the boys were ages 6 and 8 when they were injured after being thrown from the highway overpass on March 12, 2008. They were treated and placed in foster care, where they remain.

Defense attorney David Pire says Busby felt God had told her to throw her sons off the bridge to protect them from Satan.

Relatives say Busby is bipolar and had stopped taking her medication.'

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The World´s First International Anti-Feminist Meeting in Zürich, Switzerland, October 30th 2010

Page here.

Organized by The Anti-Feminist Interest Group (IGAF, Interessengemeinschaft Antifeminismus)
English-translated announcement here

"It´s a historical moment"
Interview with Ulf Andersson from PappaRättsGruppen, translated, here
"The Anti-feminists are charging", translated, here.

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F & F Passes 7 Bills in 2010, as Schwarzenegger Signs 3 More

From an F&F newsletter here. Excerpt:

'This year Fathers and Families led the passage of seven different family law bills nationwide, as Governor Schwarzenegger recently signed the remaining three California F & F bills. F & F was also instrumental in helping defeat three harmful bills. The seven bills we were instrumental in passing include:

1. Alimony Reform (CA. SB 1482): Parents who face alimony increases after their child support ends will now be able to demand a vocational examination for their ex-spouses, and judges are required to calculate alimony based on the examiner’s estimate of the ex-spouse’s earning capacity.'

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Standards of Proof for DV by State

Supplied by a reader, file available for download here. Heck in some states, it's durned near anything!

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What About Economic Security and Jobs for America’s Men?

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'The National Economic Council released a report today (“Jobs and Economic Security for America’s Women”) “on the impact of the recession on women and how the Obama administration’s economic policies benefit American women. The report lays out the economic landscape facing women today and details some of the many ways the administration is committed to making sure the government is working for all Americans especially American women.”

And yet, measured by job losses and unemployment rates, it was men, not women, who suffered such a hugely disproportionate share of the economic hardship of the last recession—such that it is now frequently referred to as the “Great Mancession.” In a statement last June to a House Ways and Means Subcommittee based on my report “The Great Mancession of 2008-2009,” I testified that “there has probably never been a previous recession in U.S. history where the negative effects of unemployment and job losses fell so disproportionately on one gender.”'

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"Why Men Won't Commit"

On "A Voice For Men", here. Please enjoy the comments.

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Female sex teachers expose bad law

Article here. Excerpt:

'The increasing number of affirmed accusations against female school teachers for having consensual sex with under-age boys ought to bring the complex and often taboo subject of statutory rape under scrutiny.

Statutory rape is a broad, non-technical term for “rape” by way of legal statute. Its pretense is that adolescents under a certain age, usually between 14-18 depending on the state, are deemed unsuited to give consent to sexual relations of any kind and to anyone, not just older partners.
The infamous LaFave saga does not define all “female sex predator” cases; many involve legitimate manipulation and physical and mental abuse, often instigated by an adult holding a position of authority. Surely it is appropriate that LaFave, due to her professional obligations and position of power, pay the professional and social consequences of being barred from teaching and having to register as a sex offender, but current protocols of legal recourse are drastically out of bounds.

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UK: Woman, 21, faces jail after crying rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'A YOUNG woman faces jail for crying rape after her lies wasted 235 hours of police time and inflicted 15 weeks of misery on an innocent man.

Samantha Merry, 21, of Bells Chase, Great Baddow, admitted trying to pervert the course of justice at Chelmsford Crown Court on Monday after she made the false rape claim earlier this year on March 3.

A 37-year-old from Chelmsford was arrested at his house and was kept on bail for 15 weeks until police dropped the charges.

Merry, a former Boswells School pupil, was bailed until November 15 and Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC told her: "Sort out your affairs on the assumption you're likely to be sent to prison."'

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UK: False High Wycombe rape report woman 'cautioned'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 20-year-old reported being attacked in High Wycombe in the early hours of Sunday.

But following an investigation detectives found the incident had never taken place.

The woman was arrested on suspicion of wasting police time on Tuesday and after admitting making up the attack was cautioned by officers.
"Not only do false rape allegations cost a great deal of public money, but they result in officers having less time to investigate real crimes."'

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New Report on Women in the Economy Is Tone-Deaf and Misguided

Article here. Excerpt:

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Jobs and Economic Security for America's Women Report

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Thursday, the National Economic Council will release a report on the impact of the recession on women and how the Obama administration’s economic policies benefit American women. The report lays out the economic landscape facing women today and details some of the many ways the administration is committed to making sure the government is working for all Americans especially American women.
• Since women are nearly 50 percent of the workforce, the recession’s economic impacts on women are even more consequential for the economy than they would have been in past recessions. As a result of the recession that started in December of 2007, women have lost jobs and seen their median annual earnings fall. Further, women have faced increased economic insecurity as housing prices declined and states and municipalities have cut back on the provision of social services.

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Australia: Federal bureaucrats' unsure how to meet Labor governments targets for women on public boards

Link to article here. Excerpts:

'Federal government departments are unsure about how to meet Labor's goal of having more women on public boards, a Senate hearing has been told.

Labor promised, during the election campaign, to have 40 per cent female representation by 2015.

But government departments are still deciding how to implement these gender diversity objectives, said Cate McKenzie, the group manager of women's affairs within the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

"And really, without that information at this point, we're unable to say which particular strategies the departments will be employing," she told a Senate estimates committee.'

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