UN chief to launch new strategy for women's, children's health

Story here. Excerpt:

'UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- During the upcoming UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon will announce a new plan for improving the health of women and children in developing countries, he told reporters here Monday.

Ban will launch a new Global Strategy for Women's and Children' s Health on Sept. 22 at a special event featuring leaders from both private and public sectors.

Ban said that the UN has chosen to focus on women's and children's health because it is important to "put our resources where they will have the greatest impact."
The UN estimates that the new plan could save 16 million lives by 2015.'

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UK: The new girl power: Why we're living in a young woman's world

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Judges ordered to show more mercy on women criminals when deciding sentences

Article here. Excerpt:

'Judges have been told to treat female criminals more leniently than men when deciding sentences.

New guidelines declare that women suffer disadvantages and courts should ‘bear these matters in mind’.

The rules say women criminals often have poor mental health or are poorly educated, have not committed violence and have children to look after.

‘Women’s experiences as victims, witnesses and offenders are in many respects different to those of men,’ according to the Equal Treatment Bench Book.

‘These differences highlight the importance of the need for sentencers to bear these matters in mind when sentencing.’'

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Miami: Baby Gets Circumcised Against Family's Wishes

Article here. Excerpt:

"Mario Viera is just four weeks old. When he was born, his mom says she told doctors at South Miami Hospital several times that she did not want Mario circumcised.

"It's a big hospital," said Vera Delgado, Mario's mother. "It's a good hospital, and I thought he's safe, he's good there."

But eight days after his birth, without his mother even present, doctors performed the surgery.

"I was crying. I spent that day and the next day crying," Delgado told CBS4's Gio Benitez exclusively.

It turns out every man in Mario's family is uncircumcised. It's a family tradition.'"

Also covered here. Excerpt:

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Playboy model nearly kills everyone on plane, no charges filed

Article here. So, she knew she had anxiety issues and flew in a plane without medicating herself anyway. She forgot to. Well, no matter, she almost brought the plane down while trying to 'stabilize herself', presumably on the emergency door handle? And guess what? No charges. Fellas, don't YOU try this. Now as for the (male) flight attendant who, while the plane was on the ground, merely harangued the passengers then jumped down the escape chute-- he is facing felony charges. Is there a double-standard at work here? You betchya! Excerpt:

'A Playboy model was detained after claims she tried to open a plane door mid flight after she suffered an anxiety attack.
Tiffany Livingston, 21, reportedly suffered the attack as she was aboard the JetBlue Flight 522 from Orlando to Newark when passengers claim she tried to open the door at 10,000ft.

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Kenya: Infants targeted [with Mogen clamps] in Kenya circumcision project

Link to story here Excerpt:

'UNIM project coordinator Dr June Odoyo said the new initiative is being piloted at New Nyanza General hospital, Kisumu, Siaya and Kombewa district hospitals.

Dr Odoyo said already they have trained health workers, mostly nurses, in the selected hospitals on how to circumcise the infants.

He explained that the nurses will use special gadgets known as a Mogen clamp to perform the circumcision at birth.

He says the new initiative is cheaper and heals faster and should be embraced by parents.

Speaking during a media training on male circumcision in Kisumu, Dr Odoyo said acceptance is low among the mothers besides resistance from the Luo Council of Elders.'

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Video by ManWomanMyth: "Misandry -- Rape"

Another great video was just made by ManWomanMyth, this one entitled Misandry -- Rape. Check it out.

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Canadian Symposium on PAS to be held in New York City October 2-3, 2010

Web site here. Not just for Canadians! Excerpt from the About page:

'On behalf of The Canadian Symposium For Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Organizing Committee, Welcome to our website!

The Canadian Symposium For Parental Alienation Syndrome (C.S.P.A.S.), is an educational organization. We host international conferences for Mental Health Professionals, Family Law Lawyer's and numerous other professionals who are dedicated and assisting children in the prevention and treatment of Parental Alienation & Parental Alienation Syndrome.
This is a valuable opportunity to obtain an updated educational understanding on Parental Alienation at The Mount Sinai Hospital, School of Medicine and a chance to meet with your colleagues, in one of the greatest cities in the world -NYC.

All of the speakers at our symposium are experts in Parental Alienation - from the field's of Psychology, Psychiatry and Family Law.'

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Help for the Falsely-accused Available

From Abusegate Bob:

Each year two million Americans are falsely accused of domestic violence. And many of these persons are arrested for a “crime” they never committed!

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – SAVE – has just published a series of resources to help the falsely accused:

  1. Yahoo discussion group to share information and ideas
  2. Facebook page to receive announcements and Alerts
  3. Practical advice on:
    1. how to recognize the warning signs
    2. how to deal with a restraining order
    3. how to defend against the allegation
    4. whether to file a counter-suit

Plus, it’s all free!

Come to http://www.saveservices.org/falsely-accused/ -- you don’t have to face a false allegation alone!!

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Shelter for newly separated husbands opens in Switzerland

Article here. It's not a DV shelter for men, but rather a shelter for men who have essentially been evicted from their homes by their wives (and probably also by the State). It's also not free ($166 USD per week), but they make it a point to foster camaraderie between the male residents by limiting the numbers of residents living in a given facility, and they also provide rooms for the children of fathers to stay in order to foster an uninterrupted relationship. What impresses me is that they are recognizing that male pain exists and are also identifying the cause of that pain -- family breakup, an outcome sought by wives 80 percent of the time according to this article. Excerpt:

'GENEVA (Reuters) – A trickle of newly separated Swiss fathers looking for shelter and help after marital breakdown have been finding a warm bed and a sympathetic ear from a pilot project on the shores of Lake Zurich.

Protestant pastor Andreas Cabalzar has founded Switzerland's first shelter for newly separated fathers in the Swiss village of Erlenbach, not far from Geneva.

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Woman held after 2 shot dead at Kraft cookie plant

Story here. Excerpt:

'PHILADELPHIA — Minutes after a woman was suspended from her job at a Kraft Foods plant and escorted out, she returned with a handgun and opened fire, killing two people and critically injuring a third before being taken into custody, police said.

The woman in custody is Yvonne Hiller of Philadelphia, a local police official said Friday on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly before a scheduled news conference. No charges have been announced.'

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'Third wave’ of feminism urged by prominent Canadian women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Influential Canadian women say the promise of equality that was dangled before them during the 1960s and ’70s has never been fully met and a “third wave” of feminism is needed to revive the drive.

Governor-General Michaëlle Jean, who is soon to depart the office she has held for the last five years, called about 200 of the women she met on her travels through Canada to a conference at Rideau Hall this week to talk about women’s security. The event is something her aides say she has been planning since the very first tour she took as Vice-Regent.

The women (and a handful of men) representing a broad cross-section of Canada – business and political leaders, aboriginal leaders, activists and scholars – touched on the matter of security, both physical and economic. But at a time when Canadian women with a postsecondary education still earn on average just 63 per cent of the salary of similarly educated men, it was the equality gap between men and women that dominated the discourse.'

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Australia: After almost three years, missing son finally surfaces

Story here. Excerpt:

'Almost three years after his son went missing, former NSW deputy fire chief Ken Thompson has learnt the six-year-old boy is in Amsterdam.

Andrew Thompson was three years old when he was abducted in Sydney by his mother, Melinda Stratton, on April 24, 2008, after a custody battle.

Ms Stratton eluded the Australian Federal Police, Interpol and missing children's organisations until she was picked up on Monday after attempting to enrol Andrew in school.'

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New Resources for Victims of Domestic Violence Available

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / September 9, 2010 – October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and this year the theme is “Domestic Violence: Understand the Truth, Stop the Abuse.”

To help abuse victims, S.A.V.E. has recently established an Online Support Group for survivors of domestic violence. The Support Group is designed to assist persons in their journey from hurting to healing to helping. Available in a Yahoo group format, the group is open all to victims and survivors of domestic violence.

In addition, S.A.V.E. has published a series of 11 tip sheets designed to help persons who are recovering from an abusive relationship. The sheets include a self-assessment checklist, safety plan, restraining order tips, and more. One sheet highlights how false allegations of abuse rob true victims of needed services and protections.'

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SAVE Special Reports on False Accusations now available

Via Abusegate Bob:

SAVE has just released three updated Special Reports* on False Accusations:

  1. Incentives to Make False Allegations of Domestic Violence
  2. How False Allegations Harm Families and Children
  3. What is the Cost of False Allegations of Domestic Violence?

The reports can be found here: http://www.saveservices.org/special-reports/

Want the answer to practically any question on false allegations? This is the place!

* All in .pdf format

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