Shannon Sharpe Accuser Drops Charges, Paper Says

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS/AP) A restraining order against CBS analyst and former NFL tight end Shannon Sharpe has been "voluntarily dismissed," according to the Denver Post.

Last week, Michele Bundy filed a temporary restraining order against Sharpe. According to legal documents, Bundy claimed Sharpe forced her into sex and threatened her life.

The Post reports that Bundy withdrew her complaint Wednesday, according to the Fulton County Superior Court.

Sharpe, who was never charged or arrested, had decided to "step aside" from his gig as football analyst for "The NFL Today" until the matter was resolved.

According to the Post, acquaintances of Bundy were not shocked by her allegations.

"She's been infatuated with Shannon Sharpe for years to the point I think she was kind of stalking him," Thayne Davis of Roxborough told the Post. "She moved to Georgia to be closer to him. She has some insane idea in her head that he's going to be in a relationship with her."

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Women arrested after kidnapping incident involving AK-47

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police arrested four Greeley women who are accused of kidnapping a man, demanding cash and threatening him with an AK-47 rifle and a knife.

The incident occurred in Greeley over the weekend, and arrest reports and an affidavit released Tuesday showed the women are facing numerous charges...
The two women with the highest bonds — Loya and Valencia — were held on higher bond because of their direct threats to the victim, according to affidavits.

Two men may also be involved in the incident, police said, but they haven't been arrested yet.'

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Canada: Cop engaged in affair with suspect's wife receives temporary demotion

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEWMARKET, Ont. - The York Region cop he blames for framing him and ruining his life stood before the police board and received a slap on the wrist.

For carrying on an affair with Sherry Major while investigating her claims of sexual assault against her estranged husband, Staff-Sgt. Terry Jordan was handed an 18-month demotion to sergeant Wednesday.

“This is a very unfortunate situation that has had an impact on all of us as police officers,” said York Regional Police chief Armand La Barge following the disciplinary ruling by Supt. Karen Noakes. “Obviously it’s very upsetting and disappointing.”'

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A Voice for Men asks "When is it OK to punch your wife?"

Essay here. Excerpt:

'It might be easy to think that the title to this piece is simple provocation, a tool to inspire people, perhaps mislead them, through sparking an angry reaction or just plain morbid curiosity, into taking a look at what this article is about.

Even though the thrust here is slightly different than the title would imply, there is no deception here at all. The question is serious, and the answer, to be certain, is so clear it need not take an entire article to address.

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Men falsely confessing to rape under duress

Article here. The headline tries to make it sound general, but the article clearly is about this phenomenon. Rule #1: When accused of a crime, keep your damn mouth shut, no matter how persistent and annoying your interrogators are. Excerpt:

'KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Eddie Lowery lost 10 years of his life for a crime he did not commit. There was no physical evidence at his trial for rape, but one overwhelming factor put him away: he confessed.

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UK: The patriarchy is dead ... but the kyriarchy lives on

Article here. Excerpt:

From reclaiming the F word to objecting to objectification – there's a new feminist army determined to finally flatten the patriarchy. But here's the really radical news: patriarchy is dead. It's dead simplistic, dead inaccurate, and no longer a useful way of framing gender inequality in the UK. Forget about castrating patriarchy – it's time to corral kyriarchy, the system identified by Harvard theologian Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, which explains how ethnicity, class, economics and education, as well as gender, intersect to oppress us all, men as well as women.

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Canada: Murder is Murder, Psychosis is Psychosis

Article here. Excerpt:

'This month, the Ontario Court of Appeal will decide if a mother on trial for killing her infant child can employ a defence of post-partum depression, and be sentenced to the lesser crime of infanticide as a result. Regardless how the case is decided, it raises the troubling question of why, under Canadian criminal law, infanticide is defined as a lesser crime than murder.

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UK: More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals

Article here. Excerpt:

'About two in five of all victims of domestic violence are men, contradicting the widespread impression that it is almost always women who are left battered and bruised, a new report claims.

Men assaulted by their partners are often ignored by police, see their attacker go free and have far fewer refuges to flee to than women, says a study by the men's rights campaign group Parity.

The charity's analysis of statistics on domestic violence shows the number of men attacked by wives or girlfriends is much higher than thought. Its report, Domestic Violence: The Male Perspective, states: "Domestic violence is often seen as a female victim/male perpetrator problem, but the evidence demonstrates that this is a false picture."

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SAT scores improve slightly among public school students but fewer boys are taking the test

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oregon students' SAT scores remained steady this year in reading and writing, according to data released by The College Board on Monday.

Math scores dropped slightly overall, but among public school students – who make up 88 percent of Oregon test takers – the news was a little brighter. Public school students in the class of 2010 scored two points higher in reading and writing than in 2009.

At the same time, the scores for Oregon public students revealed a decline in the number of boys taking the college entrance exam. Overall, more Oregon students took the SAT than ever before. But, a nearly three percent jump in test-taking by girls overshadowed a one percent drop among boys.

Susanne Smith, spokeswoman for the Oregon Department of Education, said the decline is alarming when coupled with the other indicators that show boys are struggling academically.

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Domestic violence shooting sends man to the hospital

Article here.

'TROTWOOD, Ohio -- A man was hurt in a Sunday morning shooting in Trotwood.

Police responded to a domestic violence call around 10 a.m. at 7667 Old Dayton Road.

Sgt. Joseph McCrary told the Dayton Daily News that while officers were on their way, "the female grabbed the gun and shot the man. The wound is in the upper right leg. We're still investigating whether the shooting was intentional, or an accident."

The man was taken to Miami Valley Hospital for treatment.

Police have not released the names of the two people involved.

The woman was being questioned at Trotwood Police headquarters.'

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Three Missouri women who killed husbands to be paroled

Story here. Excerpt:

"Three Missouri women convicted of murdering their husbands years ago learned today that they will be released from prison on parole because of claims of spousal abuse.

Vicky Williams, 55, and Roberta Carlene Borden, 65, will be released on Oct. 15, according to their lawyers and relatives. Ruby Jamerson, 57, will be released in 2013. All were serving life sentences from cases that date to the 1970s or 1980s.

For a decade, a group of attorneys called the Missouri Battered Women's Clemency Coalition has argued for the women's release, claiming they were driven to kill after suffering abuse at the hands of their husbands.

At the time the women were arrested, the group argues, there were few resources for battered women, domestic violence was poorly understood and evidence of abuse was not routinely presented at trials.
Many relatives of the slain spouses have disputed the claims of abuse and argued that the women were only conning their way to freedom.'

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U.S. Senate committee to hold hearing on rape investigations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Concerned that police departments nationwide fail to fully investigate rapes, a congressional committee will examine the issue next week at a hearing spurred partly by a Baltimore Sun examination of the systemic underreporting of sex crimes.

The Senate Crime and Drugs subcommittee has asked representatives of the Office of Violence Against Women to appear in Washington to discuss the problem, as well as a Pennsylvania woman jailed by police who erroneously accused her of making a false rape report.

The Sun reported in July that Baltimore for years led the nation in the percentage of rape cases in which police concluded that the victim was lying, with more than 3 in 10 cases determined to be "unfounded." Other cities have seen disturbingly high percentages of uninvestigated or dropped race cases in years past, and a women's advocate in Philadelphia pushed for the congressional hearing after the Sun's investigation reignited concerns.'

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Hughsonville woman charged with making false rape claim

Story here.

'HUGHSONVILLE — A 22-year-old woman was arrested on Saturday for falsely reporting that she was raped in her ground floor apartment last week, according to State Police.

The woman contacted police on Sept. 2., claiming that she was sexually assaulted by a masked man, dressed all in black, who broke into her apartment on Route 9D in the early hours that day, said police.

The woman provided police with a detailed description of her alleged attacker. A brief on the attack appeared in the Journal on Sept. 3.

Police said within days of reporting the incident, the woman admitted that she fabricated the story.

The Hughsonville woman was charged with third degree false reporting of an incident and making a punishable false written statement, both misdemeanors. She was issued a ticket to appear in Town of Wappinger Court at a later date.

The Journal does typically print the names of individuals charged with misdemeanors.'

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Facebook fling ends in jail for false rape claims

Story here. Excerpt:

'Elizabeth Wilkinson was jailed for 12 months for wrongly claiming David Lord raped her four times, as revenge for him spurning her advances.

After he refused to take a one-night stand further, Wilkinson bombarded him with more than 80 threatening text messages before telling police that he raped her four times.

Mr Lord, a 23-year-old father-of-two, last night spoke of his relief as Wilkinson began her jail term.

He revealed he twice tried to kill himself, once by hanging, as he struggled with the stigma of being an alleged rapist.

‘I just couldn’t handle it. Mud sticks,’ he said. ‘All I want now is closure and to rebuild my life.

‘I think she thoroughly deserved to go to prison for what she put my children through.’

Wilkinson, a 21-year-old from Oswaldtwistle in Lancashire, pleaded guilty at Burnley crown court of perverting the course of justice. She had sent Mr Lord a Facebook message in September, telling him he looked ‘sexy’, after he had been into her shop.'

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Feminism going too far in Spain, "men's lib" claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Madrid (dpa) - Women's rights need to be defended, most Spaniards agree - but do men need their own liberation movement as well?

Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's progressive women's rights policies have sparked a debate on whether his campaign for the equality of the sexes has gone too far.

Spain's gender legislation 'discriminates against men,' who are not protected adequately from female violence against them, men's rights activist Domingo Gonzalez Alonso claims.
Zapatero, a self-confessed feminist, took a strong stance in favour of gender equality by appointing Spain's first half-female cabinet after his election victory in 2004.

After winning a second term in 2008, Zapatero created Spain's first Equality Ministry.

Legislation adopted in 2004 turned Spain into one of the most progressive European countries regarding women's rights, the government says.

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