Stop Feminists' Job Killing Legislation

On Election Day, Americans spoke out against the radical liberal agenda in Washington, D.C. Voters demanded a Congress that will strengthen the economy and create more jobs.

But, the liberal left is still pandering to feminists and trial attorneys at the expense of American jobs by bringing the so-called “Paycheck Fairness Act” to a vote during the Lame Duck Session that begins Monday, November 15th.

The “Paycheck Fairness Act” would stifle job creation, send existing American jobs overseas, and burden employers with expensive paperwork and frivolous lawsuits.

Your calls are urgently needed to stop the feminists from causing unemployment rates to rise even higher!

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Apparent "mandatory arrest" nets tamale throwing female

Story here. Excerpt:

'Meet Adyan Sanchez.

The Florida woman was arrested Saturday morning for domestic battery after allegedly assaulting her boyfriend with a plate of tamales. Sanchez, 30, told cops that she tossed the corn-based projectiles at her boyfriend after he called her a “bitch” in front of the couple’s one-year-old son.

According to a police report excerpted here, deputies responded to a 911 call from the Bradenton home shared by the couple. Upon their arrival, officers found the alleged victim, Roberto Olvera, with “tamale sauce all over his pants.”'

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Does empowering women really make men less 'relevant'?

Article here. Excerpt:

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San Francisco Circumcision Ban Unconstitutional, Professor Says

Article here. Excerpt:

'San Francisco can have its proposed circumcision ban, or it can have the First Amendment. But it can't have both. That's the opinion of Peter Keane, dean emeritus at Golden Gate University School of Law and a constitutional law professor.

The potential ballot measure is the brainchild of Lloyd Schofield, an anti-circumcision crusader and foreskin-regeneration activist. While he has said he hopes his potential ballot measure leads to "a flood of legislation protecting baby boys from forced genital mutilation," Keane says 80 years of Supreme Court cases will, ahem, nip that in the bud.

"It's not Constitutional. It would be a violation of the First Amendment right to Freedom of Religion -- religions like Judaism that require [circumcision] as an essential part of the belief system."'

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UK: Mother killed autistic son with bleach

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A British mother killed her 12-year-old autistic son by making him drink bleach because she was scared social services would take him away from her, a court has heard.

Satpal Kaur-Singh, 44, forced her son Ajit to drink bleach just hours after social services met with her and warned he could be taken away because of concerns about her parenting skills.
But, both the defence and prosecution agreed Kaur-Singh had an abnormality of the mind when she killed her son, and her initial charge was reduced from murder to manslaughter due to diminished responsibility.'

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Turn up the Heat: Tell Sen. Leahy three times to "Stop Mandatory Arrests!"

From SAVE:

Every year one million Americans are arrested on charges of domestic violence. But only 30% of these persons are ever convicted of the “crime”. Which means about 700,000 Americans are wrongfully arrested for DV each and every year!!

Knowing that mandatory arrest also puts victims at greater risk, who in the right mind would support mandatory arrest??? The illogical domestic violence industry, that’s who!!

And who’s going to change this ridiculous state of affairs? We are!

On Tuesday, November 16, we are asking you to make 3 phone calls (or send 3 email messages) to Sen. Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Call Sen. Leahy’s office today. Tell him to STOP MANDATORY ARREST! Phone his office: 202-224-4242

Or send an email: — for the Message Topic, select “Law Enforcement”

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The gentler side of killer mom's estranged husband

Article here. Excerpt:

'BARRIE, Ont. — "Daddy, daddy!" cried little Serena Campione, her chubby little arms raised in the air, running with glee when she spotted her father.

Leo Campione quickly wiped the telltale tears from his eyes and smiled broadly as he raised his little daughter in the air and then hugged her tightly.
It was the first time in over a month since the 33-year-old Toronto father had seen his children.

And it was the last time he would see them alive. Two weeks later they would be dead, drowned by their mother, Elaine Campione.'

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Exclusive excerpt from 'The Last Boy': Mickey Mantle finally opens up about childhood sexual abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'The two Micks were as puzzling as they were unnerving. Lowy thought, "There was something from a very early age that happened to him."

Something Mantle had never confided to his wife. One night, long after they had separated, they spent an evening in Dallas watching a TV movie about a child who had been sexually molested. "That happened to me," he said.

He told her that often when [his parents] Mutt and Lovell went out to a Friday-night barn dance, her teenage daughter, Anna Bea, babysat for her half siblings. He was four or five years old when she began molesting him, pulling down his pants and fondling him while her friends, "teenagers and older," giggled and smirked, Merlyn Mantle told me. "They started playing with him," she said. "And, of course, he got an erection. They laughed at him. He remembered how embarrassed he was." That was the only time they ever spoke about it. "It could have been why he turned out the way he did," she told me.'

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"No One Can Change Men but Men"

Letter here. Excerpt:

'...Men are stereotyped as walking erections who would "f--k mud." Even psychology's "theory du jour," evolutionary psychology/psychobiological theory" (Buss, et al.) puts men in the position of being obliged to spread their DNA as far and as widely as possible. Middle-aged men owe it to the species to reproduce with 22-year-old females of the requisite waist-to-hip ratio – rape as a "reproductive strategy," etc. We assume that male humans are sexual predators. ...Here's the problem: I don't see men doing a whole lot to undo those stereotypes. As I say to my students every semester: No one can change these stereotypes except men. And not enough of them are stepping up. If enough good men become tired of the stereotypes about their gender, they will fight to change them – no doubt being accused of being pussies all the way. ...'

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Zambia: School boys targeted in national Male circumcision "strategy"

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'Recently, the Education Post visited Kafue Boys Secondary School where close to ten pupils registered to get circumcised at a local health centre without the consent of school authorities.

Confirming the development, school headmistress Catherine Mutale expressed disappointment at the decision by personnel at the health centre to enlist the pupils for circumcision without the school authorities’ approval.
...a parent to one of the pupils had also called the school earlier inquiring on how their child had been circumcised without their approval.

‘We found posters promoting circumcision stuck on trees and by the time the deputy head pulled them out ,the pupils had already read the message on the posters and were booked in for circumcision the next day,” Mutale said.'

Ed note: The title for the article "Boys see circumcision as a license for unprotected sex" is new. The original title is the subject line of this post. Note the misandrist nature of the change.

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"Beware the January Divorce"

From three years back, essay here. An oldie but a goodie... excerpt:

'Unlike gender-blind wealth and life destroyers — alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, and catastrophic illness — divorce will disproportionately eviscerate the wallets, parental power, and dignity of men.

Because family courts (I call them female-ly courts) generally favor women, who have overwhelmingly unfair reproductive, custody, paternity, alimony, child-support, and homestead advantages, a man’s biggest nightmare is becoming the respondent in a divorce, especially in January.

If your marriage is already teetering when December arrives, it’s time to beware the January divorce. By the Sunday of the Super Bowl, there’s a high probability that your wife will have served you divorce papers. That’s right: women bring 70% of divorce actions, to improve their odds of taking the kids and the houses.'

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UK: Why are so many wives telling their husbands to have the snip?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are used to being in control of contraception and it’s often difficult to let go of that, even when it’s their husband’s fertility, not their own, in question.

‘Having to take the Pill is a burden,’ says Gina. ‘You don’t know the long-term effects. I don’t fancy the coil or implants, so a vasectomy seems the easiest thing to do.

‘Contraception is a woman’s ­problem, but it would be so much easier if the man played his part.’

Feminist author Natasha Walter agrees. ‘It’s funny it’s still women having to think about contraception all the time and men shying away from it,’ she says.

‘Perhaps it’s because men think it would impinge on their masculinity, which, of course, it wouldn’t. Why shouldn’t men, once they have completed their families, take this step?’

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"Woman Utters Line Never Previously Recorded In A Police Report"

I hesitated to post this due to its graphic content but the lesson here is too important not to pass along, especially for newcomers to MANN: *Anyone* is capable of 1) attempted/actual rape, 2) assault, and 3) gross, disgusting conduct (just in case item 1 doesn't cover it sufficiently). Excerpt:

'Meet Melissa Lee Williams. The West Virginia woman, 41, is facing assault and weapons charges after allegedly waving a knife at two men who declined her demands to engage in sexual conduct at a motor inn.
This is when Melissa Williams allegedly “produced a lock-back folding knife,” opened it, and pointed the weapon at her estranged husband. She then reportedly uttered a line never before memorialized in a police report: “Somebody is going to eat my p***y or I’m going to cut your f*****g throat.”

When Deputy Mellinger arrived on the scene he observed Williams--who, like the two men, appeared to be intoxicated--nude from the waist down. After pocketing a knife that was on the coffee table in front of Williams, Mellinger arrested her for domestic assault and brandishing a deadly weapon.'

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UK: How feminism could improve judicial decision-making

Article here. Excerpt:

'Can judges be feminists? Should judges be feminists? On one view the answer is easy: no. We don't want our judges to be activists. We don't want them to promote their own political agendas. We want them to do their job. We want them to apply the law.
The Feminist Judgments Project offers a vision as to what the law might look like if there were (more) feminist judges, and in doing so, challenges our thinking about law and judging. More than 50 academics, practitioners and activists have come together to produce 23 alternative feminist judgments in a series of key cases in English law.

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The Family Minister vs. the Feminist: German Women at War

Article here. Excerpt:

'They are perhaps the most high-profile women in Germany after Chancellor Angela Merkel: Kristina Schröder, the young, glamorous minister for families, women and pensioners, and Alice Schwarzer, the seasoned feminist intellectual and campaigner. And they're embroiled in an unseemly, vitriolic war of words over sex, the role of women and feminism. Played out in the mass media, the slanging match is providing titillating fodder for the press — but many German women fear it is also undermining their ongoing struggle for equality.

It all started when Schröder — at 33 the youngest member of Merkel's cabinet — attacked the 1970s feminist movement, telling Der Spiegel news magazine on Nov. 7 that early feminism "overlooked the fact that partnership and children can provide happiness." The conservative minister, who's known for her prim and proper attire, went on to say: "For me, emancipation will only be truly reached if a woman can wear make-up and skirts without having her abilities doubted as a result."'

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