UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - 21 Years Old

Convention on the Rights of the Child, New York, 20 November 1989:

Article 18: "States Parties shall use their best efforts to ensure recognition of the principle that both Parents have common responsibilities for the upbringing and development of the Child. ..."

This is the first UN world resolution giving to children the right of co-parenting (shared parenting between father and mother).

Please watch a short movie to celebrate and wish the return of Father and Fatherhood in the Society

Best regards,

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Australia: Killer lesbian wants compensation for bike crash

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who bludgeoned a 16-year-old girl to death with her lesbian lover has applied for publically-funded compensation for injuries she received from a road accident before the murder.

Valerie Parashumti was 16 when she was hit by a car while riding a bike in Perth in 2004, the Sunday Times reports.

Parashumti was taken to hospital with leg injuries but court-ordered medical assessments during her 2008 murder trial showed she may have also suffered frontal lobe damage to her brain.

She now could be compensated up to $337,000 for pain and suffering following the crash, and there is no limit to damages that could be paid to her for future medical treatments and loss of earnings.'

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UK: Would-be glamour girl who cried rape to clear drug debt is jailed for 18 months

Article here. Excerpt:

'A young woman who had ambitions of becoming a glamour model falsely accused a man of raping her as part of a ‘wicked’ scam to clear her £3,000 drug debt.

Samantha Merry, 21, claimed that she had been sexually assaulted by the man in a brutal attack which allegedly happened in front of a group of people.

Her victim was arrested in front of his partner and their children at 4am and driven to a police station where intimate swabs were taken and he was held in a cell for 23 hours.'

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Ruby Ann Ruffolo's found guilty, faces life in jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'After seven years of legal wrangling, Ruby Ann Ruffolo of Saanich was found guilty of the first-degree murder of her husband Thursday and sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 25 years.

The Victoria courtroom, filled with John Ruffolo's extended family and friends, burst into applause after B.C. Supreme Court Justice Mary Humphries took her seat and immediately announced she had found Ruffolo guilty of killing John by sedating him with amitriptyline and injecting him with a lethal dose of heroin on Oct. 19, 2003.

Ruffolo, 54, who appeared nervous and teary-eyed as she sat in the prisoner's box before the verdict, gasped and lowered her head. Behind her, in the front row, the couple's 20-year-old daughter, Jovanna, sobbed in the arms of a friend.'

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Fake doctor jailed for giving breast exams in bars

Story here. Excerpt:

'SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - An Idaho judge has set bond at $100,000 for a Boise woman police say posed as a physician and duped at least two other women into having their breasts examined by her at Boise-area nightclubs.

Kristina Ross, 37, remains in Ada County Jail in Boise on two felony counts of practicing medicine without a license.

Police say Ross introduced herself to victims -- one at a downtown Boise bar and the other at a nightclub in a Boise suburb -- as a plastic surgeon named Berlyn Aussieahshowna, a name that turned out to be bogus.'

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Female jailer captain charged with rape

Story here. Released "on her own recognizance"?? If this had been a male police jailer captain, you can bet the story would be a lot longer and the guy'd still be behind bars or would need to make some outrageous bail amount to get out. Excerpt:

'A captain with the Monroe County Sheriff’s office today was arraigned on rape charges in Monroe County Court.

Catherine A. McLaughlin, 53, was indicted by a Monroe County grand jury with three counts of third-degree rape, a felony, 13 counts of official misconduct and one count of unauthorized use of a computer, both misdemeanors. The indictment was unsealed this morning in front of Monroe County Judge Frank Geraci, said Cpl. John Helfer of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

Assistant District Attorney Bill Gargan said McLaughlin pleaded not guilty this morning and was released on her own recognizance.'

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A Plea from the Founder of the Domestic Abuse Helpline

Via email:

I sent a note earlier this month about helping us out by going to the Pepsi Refresh website and voting for our all volunteer agency (since 2000) that specializes in offering supportive services to under served victims i.e. male victims. We are losing the Pepsi challenge, not enough people are voting daily for us to win.

If you truly want to see under served victims receive services (toll free helpline, hotel and safe housing emergency shelter, food, clothing, transportation costs etc) from an agency that really cares about them please take a few seconds out of your day for the rest of November to vote for our agency to win beginning today. Info on how to do so is below.
Will you take 2 seconds each day in November to help victims of domestic violence?

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'A Husband Spurned'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Violence Against Women Act has been a lifeline for countless abused women. The act, first passed in 1994 and due to be reauthorized next year, contains a host of programs including stiffer penalties for batterers, funding for women's shelters, and the creation of a national domestic violence hotline.

But the law has a potential flaw, too: A small fraction of the time, it may also provide incentive for immigrant husbands and wives to fake domestic abuse.

Hundreds of American men say their foreign wives exploited a section of VAWA that helps victims of spousal abuse to remain in the United States even if they exit their marriage. The spurned husbands say their immigrant spouses have lied to police, judges, and women's shelters in their efforts to manufacture evidence of abuse.

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"Marriage: What's It Good For?"

Article here. Predictably, no mention at all of how the law courts have made so many men just plain scared to get married, much less see a reason why (which is one reason the article does in fact mention, but about people of both sexes). Excerpt:

'In fact, statistically speaking, a young man of [Prince] William's age — if not his royal English heritage — might be just as likely not to get married, yet. In 1960, the year before Princess Diana, William's mother, was born, nearly 70% of American adults were married; now only about half are. Eight times as many children are born out of wedlock. Back then, two-thirds of 20-somethings were married; in 2008 just 26% were. And college graduates are now far more likely to marry (64%) than those with no higher education (48%).

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UK: Number of DV assaults on men has tripled over last 10 years

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE number of domestic abuse attacks on men has TRIPLED in ten years, new figures showed yesterday.

The total number of incidents of violence in the home has dropped for the first time in a decade to 51,926 - 1,000 a week.

But there were 8,604 cases against men - 16 per cent of all attacks - compared to 2,869 in the year 2000, when they made up 8 per cent of the total. Housing and Communities Minister Alex Neil put the rise down to more males coming forward to report cases.

He said: "It is encouraging to see reported domestic abuse incidents are on the decrease. We're also pleased that more men are finding the courage to come forward." But Labour's justice spokesman Richard Baker said Holyrood's recent decision to scrap jail terms under three months could mean most abusers escape jail.'

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'virtual visitations' becoming the norm in divorce settlements

Article here. Excerpt:

'Though video chats are still a privilege for most, they're becoming a right for an increasing number of Canadian parents.

"Virtual visitation" will soon be fully entrenched in the language of divorce, as more and more broken families are subject to court orders for everything from parent-child Skype calls to scheduled instant-messaging sessions.

For now, this kind of plugged-in parenting is enforced primarily with couples facing distance hurdles — father on the East Coast, mother on the West Coast, for example. But with six U.S. states having included virtual visitation in their legislation, and Canadian courts ordering it on a case-by-case basis in nearly every jurisdiction, experts predict it won't be long before digital rights are a fixture in custodial agreements of every stripe.'

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Police issue violations to men for teaching children to play chess in a public park

Article here. Nice that the parents aren't actually standing up to say the rule is wrong, just that it should have been a warning. Excerpt:

'Parents at a Manhattan park are outraged that the NYPD slapped summones on a group of chess players who have mentored their children.

Cops in the 34th Precinct hit seven men with violations on Oct. 20 for using the stone chess tables inside a playground at Inwood Hill Park.

The playground is off-limits to adults without minors with them under Parks Department rules.

The summonses - first reported on DNAinfo.com - cited the men for failing to obey park regulation signs. They have to answer the charges in Criminal Court on Dec. 28.

"When people are just playing chess, I don't see a real reason for a summons for that," said Joanna Johnston, whose 7-year-old son learned the game from the men.

"A warning would have been sufficient."'

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Mandatory Arrest: Time for the Body Count

Mandatory Arrest policies cause the deaths of 600 DV victims each year, and result in the false arrest of 700,000 persons each year: http://www.saveservices.org/downloads/Justice-Denied-DV-Arrest-Policies

Now, Stop Abusive and Violent Services (SAVE) is working to change VAWA so it incentivizes states to remove these stupid policies.

On Monday, we asked you to contact Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, once. On Tuesday, we asked you to contact Sen. Patrick Leahy three times. On Monday, we asked you to really cut loose, and contact the good senator eight times! (And if you make a few extra calls on Thursday, that’s perfectly fine with us!)

So how many times did you voice your strong disapproval of Mandatory Arrest this week?

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Paycheck-fairness bill blocked in Senate

Report here.

'WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- A bill aimed at stamping out wage discrimination was blocked Wednesday as too few senators voted to move forward with the legislation. The Paycheck Fairness Act needed 60 votes to move forward, and only captured 58. The bill would have amended the Equal Pay Act to limit the defense that employers can use to respond to charges of wage discrimination based on sex, among other actions. Supporters said stronger laws are needed to erase the persistent wage gap between men and women, while critics said the bill could hurt businesses and workers. According to the Labor Department, in 2009 the median weekly earnings of women who were full-time wage and salary workers were $657, compared with $819 for men. There's disagreement over how much of the gap is attributable to sexism.'

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Barbara Kay: When a mother is on trial, the father is the accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'The trial was over, But Judge Stong added comments after the verdict announcement suggesting that if had the power to overturn the jury’s verdict, he would. He said, “It is more than disconcerting to think that if Campione had not been so abused, so used and discarded as a person, her two daughters could still be alive…” Judge Stong was determined that even if it is Campione that gets locked up, Canadians would know that the real villain, morally speaking, is Leo Campione, the father of the dead girls (even though his alleged abusiveness was entirely based on his wife’s allegations and never proved), and it is actually the “discarded” Elaine Campione who is the victim.

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