Columnist: 'Sexist' tax cut would benefit Ireland as a whole

Article here. Excerpt:

'The revelation in the news yesterday of an IMF proposal to lower the income tax rate of Irish women returning to the workforce by five percentage points, was greeted with bemusement swiftly followed by derision.

A number of angry men were quick to cry foul, branding the initiative "sexist". One popular daytime radio presenter described it as a "tax cut for the girls" and went so far as to speculate that any additional take-home pay resulting from what he branded a "sexist law" would be spent on "shopping and hair". A secondary, more measured, debate arose between women with children, who tentatively suggested that there might be some merit in a measure that counteracted the prohibitively high cost of childcare in Ireland, and women without children, who felt that they would be disadvantaged.'

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India: Women force men to do sit-ups on train

Article here. Excerpt:

'A GROUP of male passengers travelling in a female-only carriage on New Delhi's new metro system were ordered to do sit-ups on the platform by the furious women, according to reports.

At least one carriage is reserved for women on every metro train in the Indian capital, where female residents and tourists have complained about sexual harassment on public transport for decades.

The metro has also become severely congested with the lines expanding into the suburbs over the last year and most regular carriages packed to capacity.

The Times of India said on Saturday police led a crackdown at a station in Gurgaon, a booming satellite development on the outskirts of Delhi, after a series of complaints - and women passengers joined in the action.

"Not only were the unruly commuters made to shell out a fine of 250 rupees ($A5.50), angry women slapped some of them and forced them to do sit-ups,'' the Times reported.'

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UK: Shoplifter who mowed down policeman told 'Take 7-week trip-of-a-lifetime before we lock you up'

Story here. Excerpt:

'After mowing down a policeman in an attempt to escape justice, shoplifter Saphhia Da-Silva was expected to face the full wrath of the British legal system.

But instead magistrates have adjourned sentencing – so she can enjoy a pre-booked seven-week holiday to Australia.

Da-Silva was spotted shoplifting at a Gap store and was followed to her car by two police community support officers.
Her case had been adjourned for pre-sentence reports, and a sentencing hearing would have likely been held in mid-December.

But the mother-of-two's planned seven-week trip Down Under, on a visa, is from November 28 to January 15 so Ashford magistrates agreed to adjourn the date until January 31.'

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Australia: Woman's school-run sex with 14-year-old boy

Article here. Excerpt:

'A YOUNG woman told a 14-year-old boy's mother she was driving him to school before taking him to her home and having sex with him, a court heard.

Kimberley Annette Gale, 24, of Hillside, pleaded guilty in the County Court to two counts of sexual penetration of a child under 16.

Her lawyer, Amy Wood, told Judge Sue Pullen her client had had a difficult childhood and the attention of the boy, plus moving back home to live with her mother and stepfather, had made her feel "like she was 16 again".'

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Court urged not to jail genital burner

Article here. Excerpt:

'A court has been urged not to jail a woman who burnt her husband to death in what her lawyer has called a momentary lapse of control.

Rajini Narayan was found guilty of manslaughter for dousing her husband, Satish, in petrol and lighting it with a candle at their home at Unley in Adelaide two years ago.

Defence lawyer Lindy Powell said the woman should be sentenced on the basis that she had planned to burn his penis as a minor circumcision after learning he had been having an affair.'

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The UN’s War on Gender

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recently, the United States Senate held the first round of hearings on the ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Despite having been adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979, the treaty has never been ratified by the Senate.

Like0 Dislike0 Is female-on-male violence on the rise?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Inherent in the above is some suggestion of perverse 21st century gender parity: Both partners are equally to blame, both partners are equally abusive; women are strong enough to punch, women are not -- or no longer -- the only victims. When we hear of a woman who hits, we hear rumblings that women are "becoming more violent," that this is the dark price we pay for female empowerment. As in, hey, feminism, thanks a lot. But are women really becoming "as violent as men"? And is that even the question we should be asking in the first place?

People who support women's rights, and who have worked for decades to get male-on-female domestic violence taken seriously, may find this conversation not just eye-rolling, but deeply troubling. As expert Jill Murray, author, most recently, of "But He Never Hit Me," puts it: Equating the scope, incidence and danger of male vs. female domestic violence "stands to negate everything we've been trying to fight for, all the work we've done."'

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Boys will be boys — if they don’t want to be the victims of bullying

Article here. Excerpt:

'In both cases — increases in bullying among boys AND girls — I think the root cause is the same: the forced androgynization (yes, I just made up that word) of our society, especially in the schools.

Consider, for example, that little boys in America are exposed almost exclusively to women in the classroom. My 16-year-old didn’t have a male teacher until sixth grade. My seventh-grader still hasn’t had one, if you don’t count health and P.E. Most of their administrators have also been women.

I’m not saying women don’t make great teachers and school administrators. They do. And it’s certainly not their fault that more men aren’t beating down the door to teach 7-year-olds.

But one result is that boys learn, in school, almost exclusively feminine values, such as that fighting is always bad. In fact, that’s probably an understatement: they actually have the aggression drilled out of them from an early age.

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On You Tube: Radical Feminist Statements

A woman recites some of the most hateful comments made by feminists over the years. Many of these names are found in Women Studies text books and are looked upon in a positive manner. Some feminists will defend these comments by suggesting such quotes are -- 'taken out of context.'

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Health Check: The boy who was raised a girl

Article here. Excerpt:

'Biologically it is sex hormones, physical appearance and the sex chromosomes - XX for a woman, XY for a man - which dictate whether someone is male or female.

But what happens if you bring up someone who was a boy as a girl?

There was a case just like this in the 1960s, a case which ended in tragedy.

Twins Bruce and Brian Reimer were born in Canada as two perfectly normal boys. But after seven months, both were having difficulty urinating.

Acting on advice, the parents, Janet and Ron, took the boys to the hospital for a circumcision.

The next morning, they received a devastating phone call - Bruce had been involved in an accident.

Doctors had used a cauterizing needle instead of a blade, and the electrical equipment had malfunctioned and the surge in current had completely burned off Bruce's penis.'

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UN resolution fails to include homosexuals in fundamental human rights declaration

"A Voice for Men" article here. This is of particular significance to MRAs since gay men are overwhelmingly the typical target for such murderous acts, not lesbians-- when indeed, no one should be the target of such acts at any time. Excerpt:

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Huffington Post: Dating Violence? Maybe Not But MTV's 16 & Pregnant Does Not Make Me LOL

Article here. Excerpt:

'MTV's Teen Mom "star" Amber Portwood was officially charged last week with two felony counts and one misdemeanor for domestic violence and battery. The charges against Amber were derived from footage recorded by MTV during the shoot.

This news came immediately on the heels of an episode of MTV's 16 & Pregnant, which featured yet another unhealthy relationship segment. A young woman, Markai, physically attacked her boyfriend James, after learning that he cheated on her in the beginning of their relationship. On the show, James attempts to escape Markai's aggression but she pursues him.

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Report: Teacher Pregnant With Student's Child

Story here. Notice it isn't called "rape". Excerpt:

'FORT WORTH, Texas -- Police suspect a teacher accused of having sex with a 16-year-old student, may be pregnant with the teen's child.

25-year old Jennifer Riojas is in police custody charged with sexual assault of a child.

The 9th grade teacher taught science at Carter-Riverside High School before resigning last month.

She was arrested after the student came forward fearing he may be the father of Riojas' baby.'

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Battlelines: science, sex, brains and gender

Article here. Audio and transcript included. Excerpt:

'Boy or girl? Blue brain or pink brain? Dr Cordelia Fine's new book, Delusions of Gender: The Real Science Behind Sex Differences, and Professor Rebecca Jordan-Young's latest, Brainstorm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Difference, have raked over research data and mined the controversies on how male and female brains differ -- no holds barred.'

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Ohio Senator Calls F & F of Ohio, Begins Dialogue on Child Support Reform

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'[State of Ohio] Senator Shirley Smith yesterday called Donald Hubin, Ph.D., Chairman of Fathers and Families of Ohio’s Executive Committee, to open up a dialogue about Senate Bill 292, the child support legislation that Senator Smith sponsored.

F & F of Ohio has been actively campaigning in the legislature and the media against certain aspects of the bill, which will raise child support obligations in the middle of the worst economy since the Great Depression. To participate in F & F of Ohio’s campaign against the bill, please click here.'

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