Female sex teachers expose bad law

Article here. Excerpt:

'The increasing number of affirmed accusations against female school teachers for having consensual sex with under-age boys ought to bring the complex and often taboo subject of statutory rape under scrutiny.

Statutory rape is a broad, non-technical term for “rape” by way of legal statute. Its pretense is that adolescents under a certain age, usually between 14-18 depending on the state, are deemed unsuited to give consent to sexual relations of any kind and to anyone, not just older partners.
The infamous LaFave saga does not define all “female sex predator” cases; many involve legitimate manipulation and physical and mental abuse, often instigated by an adult holding a position of authority. Surely it is appropriate that LaFave, due to her professional obligations and position of power, pay the professional and social consequences of being barred from teaching and having to register as a sex offender, but current protocols of legal recourse are drastically out of bounds.

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UK: Woman, 21, faces jail after crying rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'A YOUNG woman faces jail for crying rape after her lies wasted 235 hours of police time and inflicted 15 weeks of misery on an innocent man.

Samantha Merry, 21, of Bells Chase, Great Baddow, admitted trying to pervert the course of justice at Chelmsford Crown Court on Monday after she made the false rape claim earlier this year on March 3.

A 37-year-old from Chelmsford was arrested at his house and was kept on bail for 15 weeks until police dropped the charges.

Merry, a former Boswells School pupil, was bailed until November 15 and Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC told her: "Sort out your affairs on the assumption you're likely to be sent to prison."'

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UK: False High Wycombe rape report woman 'cautioned'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 20-year-old reported being attacked in High Wycombe in the early hours of Sunday.

But following an investigation detectives found the incident had never taken place.

The woman was arrested on suspicion of wasting police time on Tuesday and after admitting making up the attack was cautioned by officers.
"Not only do false rape allegations cost a great deal of public money, but they result in officers having less time to investigate real crimes."'

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New Report on Women in the Economy Is Tone-Deaf and Misguided

Article here. Excerpt:

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Jobs and Economic Security for America's Women Report

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Thursday, the National Economic Council will release a report on the impact of the recession on women and how the Obama administration’s economic policies benefit American women. The report lays out the economic landscape facing women today and details some of the many ways the administration is committed to making sure the government is working for all Americans especially American women.
• Since women are nearly 50 percent of the workforce, the recession’s economic impacts on women are even more consequential for the economy than they would have been in past recessions. As a result of the recession that started in December of 2007, women have lost jobs and seen their median annual earnings fall. Further, women have faced increased economic insecurity as housing prices declined and states and municipalities have cut back on the provision of social services.

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Australia: Federal bureaucrats' unsure how to meet Labor governments targets for women on public boards

Link to article here. Excerpts:

'Federal government departments are unsure about how to meet Labor's goal of having more women on public boards, a Senate hearing has been told.

Labor promised, during the election campaign, to have 40 per cent female representation by 2015.

But government departments are still deciding how to implement these gender diversity objectives, said Cate McKenzie, the group manager of women's affairs within the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

"And really, without that information at this point, we're unable to say which particular strategies the departments will be employing," she told a Senate estimates committee.'

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20 Women Arrested in Swedish Child Porn Raid

Story here. Excerpt:

'STOCKHOLM -- Swedish police say they have arrested 23 people in a nationwide raid against a child pornography ring, including 20 women.

Police spokesman Sven-Ake Petters called the raid "unique" and said he has never come across so many female suspects in a child pornography investigation before. He says arrests were made at 12 different locations across Sweden on Wednesday and include women aged between 38 and 60.

Police uncovered the network during the investigation of a man in Dalarna, western Sweden, who was charged last month with breaking child pornography laws.

Petters says there were no immediate clues as to why so many women were involved but that police will now investigate computers and mobile phones that were seized during the raid.'

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Man Cleared of Rape Wins $18.5 Million Jury Award

Story here. Excerpt:

'(Oct. 20) -- A jury has awarded $18.5 million to a New York City man who spent more than 20 years in jail for rape before he was cleared by DNA evidence.

The amount awarded Tuesday to Alan Newton is among the largest given to a wrongfully imprisoned person in New York City, The New York Times reported.

The jury ruled that the city violated the constitutional rights of Newton, 49, who was released from prison about four years ago.
A spokeswoman for the city's Law Department said the city was "disappointed" and planned to appeal.'

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Add this to the list: Boys are failing in education

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is it time we addressed the need for affirmative action programs for men?

What’s that you say? Preposterous? Men still tend to out-earn women for the same work. They overwhelmingly outnumber women as CEOs and members of Congress, and have the edge in just about every other prestige career.

True enough. But consider what statistics tell us about trends in male and female educational attainment. It ain’t pretty, boys. For those who are concerned about the future of this country, the red flags are up.

Women earn high school degrees at higher rates than men, and they earn more college and post-graduate degrees as well. That holds true for all races and ethnicities. While women have used the last few decades to advance in educational attainment, men have slipped.'

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Pre-nups now recognised in UK (but only when he wants to claim off her)

Would you believe it? For years pre-nups have not been recognised in law in the UK on grounds of public policy. That has now changed with this case and, you've guessed it, this volte-face came about when a man was trying to claim from his ex-wife. Notice how there's also plenty of wiggle room for judges not to enforce pre-nups in future, if they, i.e. when a woman's claiming offf her ex. Looks like a typical piece of backward reasoning, i.e. reach a decision and then construct an argument to justify it.

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China: Mother who beat daughter to death for not memorising a poem spared prison

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who beat her five-year-old daughter to death while trying to get her to memorise a poem has been spared jail by a court.

Tan Hongying, from Beijing, was sentenced to three years in prison by a court in eastern Zhejiang province on Tuesday — but the sentence was suspended and she was instead given five years probation, the Beijing Morning News reports.

The report did not say why the court in the city of Jiashan handed down such a light sentence.'

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Canada: Lottery proposed to fund divorce reform

Article here. Excerpt:

'With nearly four in 10 marriages expected to end in divorce, a trip down the aisle is a bit of a gamble. A game of chance.

And in keeping with that theme, Ontario’s largest lawyers’ organization is suggesting a novel way to pay for changes to the expensive and time-consuming family justice system.

A provincial lottery.

In a report presented to Attorney General Chris Bentley on Monday night, the Ontario Bar Association — along with two mediators’ associations — is also proposing a “user charge” be added to the cost of marriage licences issued in the province.'

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Rape Culture: Female Scam, Male Nightmare

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rape culture is a term used within women's studies and feminism, describing a culture in which rape and other sexual violence against women is common and in which prevalent attitudes, norms, practices, and media condone, normalize, excuse, or encourage sexualized violence.

That is just one of the definitions for rape culture I found online. It is as good a definition as any for something that does not, and never has, existed. And it has been taking its rightful place alongside a nonexistent gender wage gap, nonexistent employment discrimination, nonexistent media bias and a nonexistent domestic violence crisis that only affects women, continuing the litany of nonexistent feminist outrages.

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The endangered male teacher

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new study says male elementary teachers live in a steady state of anxiety, with 13 per cent reporting they had been wrongly accused of inappropriate contact with students. Part 2 of a six-part series.

The male elementary teacher is the spotted owl of the education system, the leatherback turtle, the Beluga.

His presence is so endangered that in many public schools his numbers can be counted on a single hand. In some schools, it requires no hands at all.

“It is now possible for a child in Canada to go through elementary school and high school and never see a male at the front of the class,” says Jon Bradley, an associate professor of education at McGill University, where men make up just five per cent of the elementary teachers in training.'

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Canada: Globe and Mail - Failing Boys

The Globe and Mail is running a week-long series titled "Is 'failing boys' too simplistic a notion?". Friday, Oct 22 at 12 noon (EDT) is a live discussion with Dr. Wayne Martino of UWO (Canada).

Knowing the ideological nature of UWO academics, I did a bit of further research on Dr. Martino.

His course curriculum in the UWO education department include discussion topics such as white male power and feminist, queer and critical pedagogies.

Quoting from Dr. Martino's paper "What About the Boys, Issues of Masculinity in Schools"

"In this sense feminist educators and theories also inform the perspectives on boys and schooling elaborated in this book. Such perspectives have contributed significantly to producing valuable insights into the links between gender and power"

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