Yahoo News asks: "Does Obamacare discriminate against men?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously told the American people that Congress needed “to pass the [Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act] so that you can find out what is in it,” and with each passing day Americans are learning more and more about what their government has planned for them.
Of the many new boards, agencies, and programs the law creates, those implemented for the benefit of women are among the most common, a fact some say renders the law inherently unequal.

There are at least 7 new agencies and departments devoted solely to women while there is not one office for men or male specific ailments.

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New Yahoo Group: Male Positive Media

Male Positive Media is a place for those who are interested in viewing or ordering various media (TV, video, music, movies, books, articles and art) that portray men and boys in a positive light. Members are encouraged to submit their own examples of male-positive media for others to enjoy.

With the excess of negative portrayals of males in the mainstream media (MSM), this group is a much-needed refuge for those who would like a more upbeat representation of males.

Please keep submissions on topic and refrain from posting media that represents males in a negative stereotypical manner as those coming here will want to avoid such portrayals.

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UK: Young women move ahead of men in the salary stakes as pay gap shrinks

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young women have reversed the gender gap and raced ahead of men in the pay stakes.

Landmark official figures showed yesterday that a woman in her 20s working full-time will typically earn 2.1 per cent more than a man in her age group.
The turning of the tables comes after a decade in which younger women – increasingly better educated and better motivated than men – have been remorselessly narrowing the historic pay differentials between the sexes.

The achievement appears to be a death blow to the long-standing argument of equality campaigners that women are paid worse than men because they suffer from discrimination and disadvantage on the part of employers.

A spokesman for the Government Equalities Office said: ‘The narrowing of the gender pay gap is very welcome but it still remains too large, which is why the Government is committed to promoting equal pay and taking measures to end discrimination in the workplace.’

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A Voice for Men: A Response to Christopher Kilmartin

Blog post here. Excerpt:

'As you can also see here in the comments to my original article, Kilmartin, a member of the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (SPSMM), aka Division 51 of the American Psychological Association, an organization of gender activists, posted a comment expressing his frustrations at what he called my “distortions,” of the subject. He also posted a list of studies and invited me to scrutinize them, saying “After you read them, I will look forward to your reasoned criticism of the scholarship.”

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Save the Date: Super Bowl Hoax: The Continuing Distortions about Intimate Partner Abuse

From SAVE:

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is pleased to announce an upcoming event to commemorate the Super Bowl Hoax. “Super Bowl Hoax: The Continuing Distortions about Intimate Partner Abuse” will feature a series of presentations designed to highlight how domestic violence half-truths and misrepresentations continue to the present day. The event will be held on Thursday, January 27, 2011 in Washington DC.

These distortions of fact have become deeply imbedded in American culture, and cause harm to the many offenders and victims of domestic violence who are being denied the services and protections they need.

The event will be held at the Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington DC 20002. The event will be held 12:00 – 1:30pm. Attendance is free, and advance registration is required. Email your name, organization, and telephone number to Teri Stoddard, Event Manager:

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Amanda Knox appeal: 'This is all an enormous mistake'

Report here. Excerpt:

'Knox, 23, broke down several times as she addressed the court for almost twenty minutes in an emotional and quivering voice, as she stressed she had nothing to do with Meredith's brutal murder.

The American also dismissed the prosecution's view of her saying she was not the "dangerous, diabolical, jealous and uncaring" person she had been described as at her original trial, telling the court: "That girl is not me."

Knox also expressed her sympathy towards Meredith's heartbroken family and friends and said: "I am very sorry that Meredith is no longer here.'

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"What Would You Do?": Woman Drops Powder in Date's Drink

Video here. Caption: "Woman Drops Powder in Date's Drink. 'If you saw a woman apparently drug her date's drink, would you warn him?'"

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Sexes hold different interests

Article here. Excerpt:

'While there were several good points made in Friday’s article, “PSU addresses disparities,” one of the main focuses of the article — the number of tenured men and women — should not be the basis for determining equality. There are interest disparities between genders that lead to a numerical equality in some positions to be unreasonable. This seems to be overlooked in most situations. If there were 100 positions available in a field, and 150 men and 100 identically qualified women applied for those positions, the equal outcome would be that 60 men and 40 women get positions.

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Field hockey teams face gender membership issue

Article here. Excerpt:

'Both Seminary and Mifflinburg maintain they never recruited boys to play, but that they did not want to deny an opportunity to boys who were clearly interested in the sport.
“We cannot prohibit boys from playing on girls’ teams, or girls from playing on boys’ teams,” said assistant executive director Melissa Mertz. “The local schools set the policies, and the PIAA can’t overrule that. These are things we wouldn’t choose to get involved in.”

But the issue is a polarizing one, and in the wake of Seminary’s state championship run, it’s become a hot button topic in the field hockey community.

Everyone generally agrees that having a boy on a girls’ team is a competitive advantage, even if the boy isn’t as skilled as Seminary’s Tietze or Mifflinberg’s Catherman.
The inherent physical advantage has led coaches such as Penn Manor’s Matt Soto to establish a rule against letting boys play on his girls’ field hockey team.'

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Forbes: On Sexual Harassment: Hey Ladies, Man Up!

Article here. Excerpt:

'But while workplace sexual harassment is very real, Browne says there is also a predilection for women to equate hostility as harassment. Roughly 12,000 sexual harassment charges filed each year in the U.S., according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Browne’s work on sexual harassment is controversial, and the basis of his argument is this: Women seek to be treated equally to their male counterparts at work. In fact, the federal law Title XII, which is invoked in sexual harassment cases, interprets harassment as a form of sexual discrimination—of treating women differently than men. And while some women have had to endure foul, crude or sexually raw working conditions in the form of language, intimidation or degradation, Browne argues that men have long subjected each other to the very same abuses at work.

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UK: Female teacher jailed for 'sexual affair' with 15 year-old pupil

Story here. Excerpt:

'A teacher has been jailed for 20 months after she had an affair with her 15-year-old pupil.

Yeoman engaged in a 14-month affair with the pupil after initially contacting her through an internet chat website.

The pair exchanged text messages and eventually embarked on a sexual relationship when the girl was 15.

Louise Yeoman, 29, admitted carrying out 10 offences against the teenage pupil while working at a school in Wakefield, England in 2009 and 2010.

The English teacher admitted three charges of sexual activity with a child involving touching the girl, including one using a sex toy and two charges of inciting the teenager to engage in sexual activity with her.'

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UK: 16 year old jailed after false rape claims

Story here. Excerpt:

'Merthyr Crown Court heard how the 16 year old girl had consensual sex with a 20 year old man after a night out in a nightclub, but told police that she had been abducted and raped by three men.

All three men were arrested as a result of the girl’s claims.

In court the girl admitted lying and perverting the course of justice and Judge Mr Recorder Jeremy Jenkins QC sent the teenager to a young offender’s institution for six months.

The judge also ordered that the girl was not to be named and as part of her rehabilitation her anonymity should stay intact, although all three men were named in court.'

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UK: Reading woman convicted of false rape allegations

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Reading woman has been convicted of making false rape claims.

Emma Blunden, 21, told police she had been raped in a Newbury hostel in 2008, and, in February 2010, alleged an attack by three men at a Reading house.

A total of four men were arrested following her allegations.

Det Con Clare Larkworthy said: "False reports of rape distract officers from dealing with victims of genuine crimes."'

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New concerns for missing child last spotted in Toronto

Article here. Excerpt:

'The father of a missing 6-year-old girl last seen in Toronto is asking the public for help after new concerns about the child’s safety were brought to police.

Police say a Toronto healthcare professional who treated Pearl Rose Gavaghan da Massa — known in Toronto as Belle Flaherty — said the child showed “signs of trauma, social isolation and continued upheaval.”

The news confirmed the desperate father’s fears about the wellbeing of his child, who he hasn’t seen in over two years.

An international arrest warrant remains in effect for Helen Gavaghan, the girl’s mother.'

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Canada: Social Services Ministry 'out of control', ex-official claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former assistant deputy minister in Saskatchewan's ministry of Social Services is lashing out against his former employer, claiming the department is dysfunctional and children are routinely placed in risky environments.

"I can tell you, from a person who had access to every document [and attended] every meeting .... that it is a ministry out of control," Tim Korol told CBC News Thursday.

Korol was a top official in the ministry for just under 12 months before he left in June of 2009. He was originally hired, he said, to provide advice on how to improve the province's child welfare system, especially family interventions and placing children in foster homes.'

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