John Wayne’s masculine identity crisis?

Article here. Excerpt:

'On the Facebook page for the Foundation for Male Studies, the up-and-coming academic group spearheading this movement, articles abound justifying the need to address this supposed crisis. One such article involves the decreasing ratio of men to women attending four-year colleges and universities, and another addresses the statistic that women “for the first time ever” make up the majority of the workforce due to layoffs associated with the economic recession.

In a recent New York Times article, male-studies proponent and resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute Christina Hoff Sommers says that “male-averse attitudes are widespread in the United States” due in part to feminist studies and the fact that masculinity has become a social taboo.

So, what does Stanford have to think about this new branch of study?

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U of Tulsa Women's Studies Dept. examines female incarceration through film

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Tulsa’s Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) program is hosting a three-night film festival this week examining the unique conditions and tribulations facing incarcerated women.

“Women and Incarceration” is this year’s theme for the many WGS events to take place on campus. Oklahoma incarcerates more women per capita than any other state in the nation. The WGS program will feature two films each night on Oct. 5, 6 and 7.

On Tuesday, the two feature films will focus specifically on incarcerated mothers. “Prison Lullabies” follows the stories of four women serving prison sentences for nonviolent crimes.

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U Delaware Women's Studies Dept. receives grant for concentration in domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'9:22 a.m., Oct. 26, 2010----The Department of Women's Studies at the University of Delaware has been awarded a grant from Verizon Delaware that will be used to start a new undergraduate concentration in domestic violence and to prepare students to earn certification in the field.

The three-year, $187,000 grant also will allow UD to offer an intensive 10-week summer practicum in which students will work with community agencies throughout Delaware, gaining firsthand experience in such areas as providing services to domestic violence victims. The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV) announced the grant this week; a formal presentation will be made at the coalition's annual Purple Ribbon public-awareness event on Oct. 28 in Wilmington.

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UK: A crisis of masculinism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Prior to August 2010, British Airways had a policy whereby they would not allow adult male passengers to sit next to unaccompanied children on flights, even if the man was travelling with others. Many other airlines still enforce such erroneous policies, which are doing nothing short of presuming all men to be potential paedophiles. I don’t recall any similar rule being applicable to women. More to the point, no rule of this kind should have been implemented whatsoever. Such political correctness gone mad has even resulted in one airline (British Airways) trying to separate a man from his own children on one occasion, namely a certain Boris Johnson.

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Women stay away from math out of their own free choice

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ever wondered why there are such few women in math-intensive fields? Two psychological scientists at Cornell University believe women aren't innately poor at math; instead they choose to stay away from the subject.

Stephen Ceci and Wendy Williams reviewed all of the evidence and concluded that the main factor is women's choices-both freely made, such as that they'd rather study biology than math, and constrained, such as the fact that the difficult first years as a professor coincide with the time when many women are having children.

But girls' grades in math from grade school through college are as good as or better than boys', and women and men earn comparable average scores on standardized math tests.

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Obama Pleads for Women’s Vote

Article here. Excerpt:

'Barack Obama’s pandering to the feminists makes him look like the suitor who is unwilling to face up to his beloved’s announcing she will marry another man. In desperation, he showers her with expensive gifts, hoping to win back her favor.
Obama’s principal plan to nail down the loyalty of the feminists is to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA). It has already passed the House and Majority Leader Harry Reid plans a Senate vote in a mischievous Lame Duck session.

This bill would amend the Equal Pay Act (EPA) to shift decision-making about wages and salaries from employers to judges and juries, a longtime goal of the feminists who want wages to be based on subjective motions of “worth” rather than on market rates. The Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA) would also reward another Obama constituency by opening a lucrative channel for trial lawyers to file class-action lawsuits against employers and collect punitive damages in unlimited amounts.

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NY Post: 'Stifled by feminism'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Republican Sharron Angle famously told Sen. Harry Reid to "man up" during a Nevada debate this month -- the implication being that Reid is a wuss, or not man enough to do his job. You'll get no argument from me, but I did note Reid didn't fire back at his opponent. That's because feminists have taught him well.

When faced with whether or not to make a disparaging remark about the female gender, most men know to keep their mouths shut.

In politics today, women can do and say whatever they want about the opposite sex, but men can't do likewise. "You can't come back on gender grounds to a female candidate," says Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

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UK: Woman abandons starving pets to eat one another

Link to article here. Let's hope they catch the bas***d! Excerpt:

'Four cats and a pet dog survived living alone in squalor by eating one another, a British court has heard.

The owner of the animals, Lorraine Peake, left them when she moved from her home in Bolton in the country's north-west in March this year, the Daily Mail reports.

The 48-year-old said she paid a man $80 to check on the animals — but could not provide any more details when pressed by the RSPCA.'

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Australia: Nurses banned from 'flirting, off-colour jokes'

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'Nurses have been banned from flirting with patients under new ethics guidelines for hospitals.

The rules also crack down on sexual innuendo, “off-colour” jokes and offensive language, The Sunday Telegraph reported.
The guidelines come after the number of complaints made about NSW nurses with “professional boundary issues” almost tripled in the year to June 2009, compared with the previous year.

Figures from the NSW Nurses and Midwives Board reveal there were 17 complaints made in 2009, while there were a total 47 complaints over the past five years.'

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Yemen: Woman suspected of sending parcel bombs arrested

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'Yemeni police have arrested a woman on suspicion of mailing a pair of bombs powerful enough to take down aircraft, officials said on Saturday as details emerged about a terrorist plot aimed at the US that exploited security gaps in the worldwide shipping system.

Investigators were hunting the Arabian Peninsula nation for more suspects tied to al-Qaeda and several American officials identified the terrorist group's top explosives expert in Yemen as the most likely bombmaker.

The explosives, addressed to synagogues in the Chicago area, were pulled off planes in England and the United Arab Emirates early on Friday morning, touching off a tense search for other devices.'

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Rights vs. Interests

Normally I don't pen my own essays but for this topic, especially as we here in the US are heading now into a major political election season that underscores such matters, I felt this was a good time.

'MRA' stands for "Men's Rights Activist", while "FRA" stands for "Fathers' Rights Activist". It is hard to be one without being the other and for all intents and purposes they mean the same thing. The word "Rights" is represented in both acronyms. (And likewise, "Women's Rights Activist" also has the same word in it.) This word is thrown around all the time not just by activists in this realm but in many others. Indeed, the word "rights" seems to be a very common word when people seek to appeal to an innate sense of or a defined scope of justice.

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Huffington Post: Ten Steps the Democrats Need to Take to Win the Votes of Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'When will the women of this nation stop accepting "guilt gifts" from the men in their lives who act abusively?

When will we say "enough is enough" and turn a deaf ear to half-hearted, mealy-mouthed apologies that provide poor salve for hateful and hurtful actions and words?

When will we finally deliver the tough love and consequences for improper behavior?

I'm posing these questions in large measure because October is National Domestic Violence Month. Yet, more specifically, I want to shed light on the ugly abuse women have been experiencing in the political arena this election season as well as election cycles past.

If the Democrats want women to turn out and vote, they need to make some extra efforts to address our needs. Here are ten concrete and measurable steps the DNC can and should immediately take to win women back:

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Australia: 'Why Masculinity Trend Pieces Must Also Die'

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the Sydney Morning Herald there is a new breed of man. He is "chivalrous, but not patriarchal. He is well-groomed without being pretentious or dandy. He'll open the door for someone - not because they're female - but because it's a nice thing to do. He doesn't mind meeting his mates at the pub, but he has no qualms inquiring about the riesling." He is the Modern Day Gentleman or MDG for short. A composite of traditional male ruggedness and new age intellectualism that's epitomized, apparently, by comedian Charlie Pickering. And he is completely fabricated for the purposes of this article.

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More on Swiss antifeminism event

Article here. Excerpt:

'Somewhere in Switzerland on Saturday around 150 men’s rights activists will be gathering at a secret location for the “first international antifeminism meeting”.

Amid plans by feminist activists to hold protests, the venue was changed and the new location kept under wraps until the last minute.
Addressing the day-long conference will be IGAF founder René Kuhn, and speakers from a German gender policy initiative, the Swiss men’s political party, an interest group for divorced men and European and Swiss men’s and father’s rights groups.

Andersson described it as a “very special” and “historic moment”.

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UK: Pupils make more effort with male teachers as they are seen as 'more fair'

Article here. Excerpt:

Pupils try harder for male teachers, according to an official study.

They make more effort to please them, display greater self-esteem and are more likely to believe they are being treated fairly.

The findings are particularly significant as more than a quarter of primary schools do not have a single male teacher.

With the number of male secondary school teachers also dwindling, it is feared that some youngsters could go throughout their entire education without experiencing the benefits of being taught by a man.

Researchers from Westminster University, the London School of Economics and the graduate business school INSEAD carried out an experiment involving 1,200 pupils aged 12-13 in 29 schools.

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