Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-01-14 10:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'Prescott police arrested a woman Tuesday evening on misdemeanor charges of assault per domestic violence and criminal damage per domestic violence, and booked her into the Yavapai County Jail in Camp Verde on the same day she had been released after allegedly threatening her mother and kicking her brother as they drove her home from jail.
The mother told the officer they picked up her daughter from the jail earlier that day after a 27-day lockup, and during the trip back to town her daughter had continuously yelled, argued, swore and threatened them with physical harm and death, according to the police report. The brother told the officer that the woman had kicked him in the face.
After an officer arrived at the Circle K and spoke with them, he saw the woman jump out of the car and run toward Highway 89. The officer handcuffed the woman, and she reportedly swore, yelled, spit, insulted and threatened the officer and continued on the way to the police department and in the booking room.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-01-14 09:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'A Manhattan lawyer who has filed a series of antifeminist lawsuits in recent years -– with little success — has suffered his latest defeat: the United States Supreme Court refused to hear what he calls his “ladies’ night lawsuit.”
The suit, filed in federal court, was dismissed, and so was a subsequent appeal. Mr. Den Hollander then submitted a petition to the United States Supreme Court on the same issue. He said he received word on Wednesday that the court had refused to hear the case.
Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, said that Mr. Den Hollander reminded her of Bobby Riggs, who challenged Billie Jean King to a “battle of the sexes” tennis match in 1973 and then lost.
“He was one of the best things to happen to women’s tennis because he started a national conversation about the inequality of prize money and other issues, for women.”
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Submitted by Broadsword on Thu, 2011-01-13 20:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'One resident will forever carry the scars from near-fatal stab wounds, while another sits silently in the corner with a face etched with fear.
Both have fled to this safe house to escape violent partners. Both have done so in fear of their lives and — shockingly — both are men: members of a growing band of British male domestic abuse victims.
Jay is a soft-spoken, gentle, 22-year-old labourer from Cardiff who was repeatedly punched by his 32-year-old girlfriend. He tells me he’d be on the streets if it wasn’t for the help he’s getting here now.
‘People don’t think men get hit, but we do. People don’t think men suffer, but we do,’ he tells me.
‘At first I didn’t speak about the violence because of the stigma, but in the end I did and it was social services who helped me come here. I had nowhere else to go.’
The ‘here’ is an unremarkable looking terrace house in a valley in Powys, midWales.
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Submitted by redwoodwriter on Thu, 2011-01-13 18:32
A story in The Wall Street Journal describes the postings that Jared Lee Loughner typed to a group of about 50 online gamers located around the world. Readers will remember that he is alleged to be the shooter a shooting rampage that took place in Tucson, Arizona. This article goes on at length describing Loughner's trouble with the legal system, his trouble with women, his trouble finding a job, and his trouble dealing with mental illness. Loughner cries for help repeatedly, but all he gets are some suggestions to handle it himself. He is left entirely on his own, although he shows bizarre behavior which is clearly publicly evident. For example, he was suspended from and later withdrew from a community college, allegedly for off-topic outbursts during a math class. If he were a woman, there would be all sorts of support offered to him, all sorts of safety nets would have been deployed. In some respects this sorry case reveals how little support there is for men in today's American culture.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Thu, 2011-01-13 18:24
Article here. Excerpt:
'Japan's birth rate stands at 1.21 per family, far below the rate of 2.08 babies that is required for a stable population.
According to the survey of 671 men and 869 women, issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 35.1 per cent of men aged 16 to 19 said they are not interested in or averse to sex, more than double the 17.5 per cent of men in the previous study in 2008.
"Obviously, the most important reason for Japan's declining birth rate is that people are not having sex," Dr. Kunio Kitamura, head of the Japan Family Planning Association, told The Daily Telegraph.
"Combined with the rising number of elderly people, this population imbalance is a major problem," he said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-01-13 01:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'A TORY councillor has vowed not to campaign for his party until it reverses a policy designed to combat domestic violence.
Portsmouth City Councillor James Williams (pictured) announced he will not work for the Tories outside his own Nelson ward unless it withdraws the new 'Go' orders.
The orders give senior police officers on-the-spot rights to remove men suspected of committing acts of domestic abuse from their homes for 48 hours. Courts can then extend that to two weeks.
The policy was designed by the last Labour government, but is now being piloted in three areas of the UK by Home Secretary Theresa May. There is no equivalent policy aimed at women. Cllr Williams says the orders challenge freedom and are part of a feminist war on men.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2011-01-12 14:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'Mike gets the kids every other weekend and every Wednesday. The kids love going to Dad’s because there are “no rules.” They get to do pretty much whatever they want. Weekends are filled with video games, trips to the mall, pizza and movie outings. And candy. Lots and lots of candy. Wednesday nights are TV nights. The kids never do their homework on Wednesday nights because, after a long day, Mike wants to kick back. He doesn’t want to have to deal with questions about homework. Vicki resents Mike’s free-for-all parenting and calls him “The Disneyland Daddy.”
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2011-01-12 08:48
Link to posting here. Excerpt:
'Indicative Total Remuneration: $70,972 - $79,411 (pro rata) - Perm P/T
Services are gender specific and designed to address complex health needs that result from the intersection between violence, mental health and wellbeing. WHS addresses these issues through a range of strategies including counselling, group work, community development, health promotion, training, education and sector development.
You will have experience in gender analysis training or you would have provided gender related training in a health care setting'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2011-01-12 02:58
Via email from SAVE:
All –
The DoJ Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) has a National Advisory Committee that meets periodically to give recommendations.
The Committee has a meeting coming up on Jan. 28 in Washington, DC. If you can’t attend in person, you can submit written testimony. Here’s how:
Persons unable to obtain reservations to speak during the meeting are encouraged to submit written comments, which will be accepted at the meeting location or may be mailed to the NAC, to the attention of:
Catherine Poston, Attorney Advisor
Office on Violence Against Women
United States Department of Justice
145 N Street NE, Suite 10W 121
Washington, DC 20530
Telephone: (202) 514–5430
Fax: (202) 305–2589
For more information, see:
Be sure your testimony is factual, objective, and polite.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-01-11 20:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'Many in Sweden reject claims that Assange, who appeared in a London court Tuesday, is the victim of a U.S.-led conspiracy. Instead, the country has been gripped by a very public and often explicit discussion about intimate behavior and relationships. The case has even made some question whether feminism has been taken too far in this supposed bastion of gender equality.
Feminism is a mainstream concept in Sweden and the country has among the toughest sex crime laws in the world. In fact, lawyers have been known to joke that a man must get written permission before having sex.
Pelle Billing, a M.D. who lectures and writes on gender and men's issues, worries that Sweden’s rape and domestic violence laws make it difficult for men to get a fair trial.
“So how is man supposed to know what the boundaries are if the women don’t know?” Billing asks. According to him, feminism in Sweden has stopped being about equal rights and has begun to infringe on men’s rights.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-01-11 20:27
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Texas woman tried to hire an undercover officer to kill two people living with her estranged husband, so he would return home, police say.
Wise County Sheriff's deputies on Friday arrested 39-year-old Gloria Ann Ames after she allegedly made the deal and exchanged money with the officer, reports.
Ames, of Chico, Texas, was charged with two counts of solicitation of capital murder and was being held in the Wise County Jail on a $1 million bond, according to the station.
During a jailhouse interview on Monday, Ames allegedly said that she had been married 10 times and that desperation drove her to the crime.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-01-11 19:43
Opinion special here. Excerpt:
'Why is this? As one fertility expert surmised in my Atlantic story: These mothers "look at their lives and think their daughters will have a bright future their mother and grandmother didn't have, brighter than their sons even, so why wouldn't you choose a girl?"
In certain segments of society, men are struggling to stay relevant in this rapidly changing economy, as manufacturing jobs disappear. Women, meanwhile, are making many more of the decisions: how to raise the children, manage the money, even whether to get married at all.
Let me say this again: This is not feminist gloating. It's not any kind of value judgment. It just is. Women are in so many ways filling the roles that men traditionally filled.
Many of the changes happening are obviously beneficial to women: They have more economic freedom and power than ever. But many of the changes are not all that positive for women.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-01-11 02:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference was held over the weekend in Albany, New York. Several misguided domestic violence advocacy groups, including the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the National Network Against Domestic Violence, co-sponsored the conference. Sadly, this is a prime example of a serious problem afflicting most domestic violence organizations, one which tarnishes the often noble work they do—their consistent failure to recognize and acknowledge false abuse accusations.
For years the Conference, which is also co-sponsored by the National Organization for Women of New York State, has promoted a parade of child custody cases which they use to support their claim that “protective parents” frequently are losing in family court because the courts hand child custody to batterers who employ false claims of Parental Alienation. They advocate reforms which will make it easier to deny fathers shared custody or visitation rights based on unsubstantiated abuse claims.'
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Submitted by GaryB on Mon, 2011-01-10 23:17
Story here. For once, a judge (a female one too!) that seems to be pushing through the crap and making a sensible decision. Excerpt:
'A JUDGE hearing a dispute over access to a five-year-old child has said the girl should no longer sleep in the same room as her mother or half-sister, so that she is better prepared to stay overnight with her father with whom she has never lived.
The Family Court ordered the girl have overnight visits to her father from January even though a family consultant said in October that she would not be confident ''for some considerable time'' to stay overnight. Another psychologist had recommended the child be given ''no less than two years'' to adjust to sleepovers at her father's home.'
Two years??!!!! The article is relatively strong on the mother's reasons why this shouldn't happen, but it does add in a couple of points from the father near the end. But good news that at least one judge is doing the right thing.
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Submitted by fondueguy on Sun, 2011-01-09 23:27
Here is an article reporting on the casualty figures from the Titanic divided into class, age group, and gender. Excerpt:
'First of all, if you were a man, you were outta luck. The overall survival rate for men was 20%. For women, it was 74%, and for children, 52%. Yes, it was indeed "women and children first."
But what about class? Well, third class women were 41% more likely to survive than first class men. And third class men were twice as likely to survive as second class men.'
Something left unmentioned but can easily be calculated from the figures is that a third class woman had a 35% greater chance of being saved than a third class child.
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