Ask Dad: I Want My Man to Get Circumcised

Travesty here. Excerpt (have barf bucket handy):

Q:'I'm very much in love with a new man. I think he's the one. Marriage material. There's just one little problem. He's uncut, and I hate to say it, but it really grosses me out. I want him to get circumcised, but how could I possibly ask?'

A:'So let's set aside the merits. I think you've really hit on something here. A truer test of devotion you will not find. His saying "I love you," giving you a ring, buying you a house, all good signs to be sure. But cutting off part of his body, in the most sensitive and nerve-wracking spot possible? That, my dear, is true love. If he'll do it, you've got a keeper.'

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UK: Woman faces prison for false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nicola Osborne told police she was attacked by a man who forced her into a car after pulling up alongside her as she walked in Fratton Road, Fratton, in the early hours.

The 32-year-old claimed he drove her to a nearby park and raped her before her back to Fratton Road at about 3am on July 5 last year.
Addressing Osborne, Judge Price said: 'The offence to which you have pleaded guilty is a very serious offence indeed.

'It is almost inevitable that you will be going to prison.'

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Ireland: False rape claim woman gets suspended sentence

Story here.

'A woman who falsely claimed she was raped in Bushy park in Dublin has been given a suspended three year sentence.

Liz Jameson rang 999 in the early hours of the morning in March 2009 saying she had been raped by two men who had grabbed her while out walking.

A month later she retracted her claims, saying an 11 year addiction to prescribed medication had resulted in a merging of reality and fantasy. She also told Gardai she lied about having terminal cancer.

During sentencing today the judge was told she's "more mad than bad".'

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UK: Reading woman jailed for false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'Emma Blunden, 21, told police she had been raped in a Newbury hostel in 2008 and claimed she was attacked by three men at a Reading house in February 2010.

A total of four men were arrested following her allegations.

Blunden, of College Piece, Mortimer, was convicted of two counts of perverting the course of justice in December at Reading Crown Court.

Det Sgt Elton Evans, of Thames Valley Police, said: "I think this sentence sends out a very strong message to people who falsely report any type of crime, not only rapes.

"Making false reports of crime is a very serious offence and Blunden has made false allegations about very serious incidents on two separate occasions."'

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The Futurist: 'Misandry Bubble'

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Executive Summary : The Western World has quietly become a civilization that undervalues men and overvalues women, where the state forcibly transfers resources from men to women creating various perverse incentives for otherwise good women to conduct great evil against men and children, and where male nature is vilified but female nature is celebrated. This is unfair to both genders, and is a recipe for a rapid civilizational decline and displacement, the costs of which will ultimately be borne by a subsequent generation of innocent women, rather than men, as soon as 2020.'

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The man is the woman of Swedish Wahhabism

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you're even a casual consumer of the news, you're no doubt aware of the plight of men in Sweden. If you're a man in Sweden, your rights are not your own. You must have a female guardian -- no matter how old you are. You can't leave your neighborhood -- indeed, your own house -- without your guardian's permission. She has the right to veto your marriage; indeed, you've probably heard of the 42-year-old Swedish doctor who's suing his mother to allow him to marry. You are not to have contact with women you are not related to without family supervision. Indeed, you're not even allowed to drive.

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Gordon Brown: Global 'youth' unemployment a ticking time bomb

What he really means to say is that the long-term HE-cession that years of neglecting male needs for education and job training will soon become such a problem that pols/ex-pols like him won't be able to drive around in their fancy cars without being encased in bullet-proof windows. My, what a world we are making for ourselves. Article here. Excerpt:

'Gordon Brown will warn on Thursday that the world faces youth unemployment of "epidemic proportions", as he urges joint action by the G20 group of developed and developing nations to tackle rising joblessness.
"Unemployment is an international timebomb for both developed and developing worlds," Brown will say in the Ted Kennedy/John Harvard memorial lecture.

With some labour market analysts predicting that under-25 joblessness in the UK will edge closer to the 1 million level in today's figures, the former prime minister will say: "The world faces global youth unemployment of epidemic proportions."'

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SAVE Report: Most Abuse Programs Slice and Dice the Truth

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The majority of domestic violence education programs supported by the federal government do not provide a truthful depiction of the problem of partner abuse, according to a report released today. The document, "Most DV Educational Programs Lack Accuracy, Balance, and Truthfulness" concludes that nine out of 10 training, education, and public awareness programs fail to meet minimum standards of objectivity.

The report is issued by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), a victim advocacy group working for evidence-based solutions to domestic violence. The full report can viewed here:

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Where women of India rule the roost and men demand gender equality

Article here. Excerpt:

The Khasi, who number about 1 million in India's north-eastern state of Meghalaya, carry on the matrilineal tradition. The youngest daughter inherits, children take their mother's surname, and once married, men live in their mother-in-law's home.

"Only mothers or mother-in-laws look after the children. Men are not even entitled to take part in family gatherings. The husband is up against a whole clan of people: his wife, his mother-in-law and his children. So all he can do is play the guitar, sing, take to drink and die young," Pariat concludes gloomily.

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Australian readers: Now is the time to tell your GP that you resent having been circumcised

In September 2010, the 'Medical Journal of Australia' (MJA) published an editorial entitled "The case for boosting infant male circumcision in the face of rising heterosexual transmission of HIV" (here).

The e-version of this editorial is behind a paywall on the MJA site, but you can get the jist of the editorial - and how it was used in the mainstream media - from this ABC article: here (the smirking female journalist adds a particularly sick resonance to the story).

According to a recent article in the professional publication 'Australian Doctor' (homepage), "Circumcision row erupts" - also behind a paywall but reproduced in full on The Intactivism Pages website: here - the MJA editorial resulted in a 'barrage of angry letters' from doctors (eight letters were actually published).

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UK: Police probe false rape claim

Story here.

'A teenage boy arrested on suspicion of rape has been released without charge.

The 17-year-old, from Slough, was arrested in connection with the rape of a 13-year-old girl in Tilehurst in November.

The schoolgirl, from Tilehurst, was attacked inside a car in a car park after accepting a lift as she walked along Northumberland Avenue, in Whitley, on Tuesday, November 16.

Det Sgt Elton Evans, from Reading CID, said: “Thames Valley Police now believes this incident to be a false report of rape and an investigation into the circumstances is continuing.”'

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Women arrested for multiple counts of animal abuse

Story here. Excerpt:

'Their mouths were muzzled and wrapped in so much tape they couldn't breathe, bark or eat. Their fur was matted with filth and the house was crammed with so much trash, it hid the floor.

A Long Island mother and daughter were arrested yesterday after more than a dozen tortured dogs and cats were rescued from a filth-riddled Rockville Centre home that included more than two dozen decomposing animal remains, cops said.
Faith Ross, 54, a secretary, and Francesca Maselli, 24, a nursing-home aide, pleaded not guilty and were being held at the Nassau County Jail on more than $75,000 bail each on three felony animal-cruelty counts.
Ross' ex-husband, Louis Maselli, said he has had no contact with daughter Francesca for more than a decade because Ross cut her off from him and his family after the courts refused to require visitation.

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Suzanne Moore: 'It's time to get angry'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Children say the cutest things! Over Christmas one of mine told me that years ago she asked me why I was a feminist. It was on the way to school and I am not a morning person. Possibly she was expecting something about equal pay. Apparently I snapped: "Because men do horrible, horrible things". She was alarmed.

That was bad of me wasn't it? A little sexist? Warping the mind of a young girl. She is now grown up and thinks it's funny. It's probably not in any childcare manual and the right answer would have been stuff about wanting equal opportunities. Or I could have replied that anyone with a brain, man or woman, would see the necessity of feminism. I could have been "inclusive".

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'The land of easy money': How the Somali woman who lied about gang rape describes Britain

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who lied about being gang raped in Somalia to claim more than £250,000 in benefits had moved to Britain after boasting it was the ‘land of easy money’.

Ayan Abdulle was jailed this week after investigators discovered that the story she used to win asylum – and later UK citizenship – was a pack of lies.

Now the Daily Mail can reveal the full scale of her fraud and how easily she was able to milk the benefits system for years.

Abdulle, who also used the fake name Amina Muse and is from Somalia, was living in Gothenburg when the authorities insisted immigrants learn Swedish if they wanted to continue to claim handouts.'

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Australia: NSW Youth Center plans female-only cardio oasis

Here are the feminists again creating women-only deals! When will it ever end? Excerpt:

'FAIRFIELD-CABRAMATTA PCYC will build a new female-only cardio oasis and upgrade its facilities after it received a $54,000 boost under the State Budget.

The organisation was among 11 others in the area receiving $400,000 as part of the State Government’s $35 million Community Building Partnership program.

Fairfield-Cabramatta PCYC manager Jeannie Banks said the money would also go towards upgrading the kitchen and constructing a new carpark.

“We will be spending $17,500 on buying a fridge and microwave, as well as upgrading the kitchen which will actually comply with OH&S,” she said. “We will also spend $11,500 on the demolition of the old dilapidated house next door and build a new carpark for our staff. We will then look at increasing it to hold more activities for the community.'

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