Illinois Teacher Ashley Blumenshine Arrested for Sex in Car with Student

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 27-year-old female teacher is under arrest in Illinois, accused of having sex with one of her students.

Police say they found Ashley Blumenshine and the 16-year-old boy in a car in a department store parking lot on Tuesday. Blumenshine was in the front seat, the teen in the back.

"The person in the back was partially unclothed," said Plainfield Police Chief William Doster.

Assistant Will County State's Attorney Mary Fillipitch said they admitted that they had just engaged in consensual sexual intercourse. It appears the alleged affair has been going on for about a month.

Blumenshine is charged with aggravated criminal sexual abuse, a felony punishable by three to seven years in prison.'

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Criticising partner, denying them money and shouting is domestic abuse, rules UK court

Article here.

'BRITAIN'S Supreme Court has ruled that shouting constitutes as domestic violence and anyone who raises their voice at their partner could be thrown out of their home, the Daily Mail reported Thursday.

Leading a bench of five judges, Lady Brenda Hale made the ruling in the case of Mihret Yemshaw, 35, who had applied for free housing entitled to victims of domestic abuse.

Ms Yemshaw said her husband had yelled at her in front of their two children and did not give her money for housekeeping.

However, her request was rejected by officials in Hounslow, West London because her husband had never hit her or threatened physical violence.

Wednesday's judgment means Hounslow council will be required to reconsider Ms Yemshaw's case.

Under the landmark ruling, denying money to a partner or criticising them could also count as abusive behavior.'

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Article ignores paternity fraud data

In claiming false paternity is rare, Marlene Zuk ignores important data from the American Association of Blood Banks showing 30% of 300,000 annual DNA tests are negative. NCFM posted that data at

Marlene only talks about false paternity overall, which is hard to measure because most men don't get tested. The 30% figure, on the other hand, is a solid and consistent figure every year. It's not randomized, so it can't be projected onto the general population. But it gives us a raw number. It tells us at least 100,000 men are misidentified as dads every year in the U.S. alone, especially because that's only from accredited labs (at unaccredited labs, the percentage of negative results is about 22%), and these figures only count the men who get tested - most do not.

The bottom line is that hundreds of thousands of men are misidentified as dads every year. That's not insignificant, Marlene.

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Happy ending, but illustrates problems facing Dads

This column tells a story with a happy ending, but it also illustrates the problems dads go through.

The child (Nina Marie) was placed in foster care but the father was not notified after mom lied and said he was out of the country. He found out where his daughter was and contacted Social Services. He was told to attend a hearing, where the judge told him he could be considered for custody under certain conditions. Basically, he spent a year attending parenting classes and visiting his daughter--proving himself worthy--before the judge awarded him custody.

The good news is he finally received custody. The bad news is all the time he lost with his daughter while she was in foster care.

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Australia: Baby Boy dies malnourished and dehydrated-- all concerned about mother's problems

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'The mother of a three-month-old boy who died malnourished and dehydrated has broken down in tears during a Perth inquest, forcing an adjournment so she could seek legal advice.
The Legal Aid representative said Ms Hughes was "terribly upset" and felt she could not properly convey her thoughts and feelings to the coroner.

Ms Hughes gave evidence that her mother, Diane Kelly, introduced her to drugs at the age of 14 or 16.
She said her father had encouraged her to reconcile with her mother, telling her: "You've only got one mum".

She said she had made bad business choices and became tens of thousands of dollars in debt and even considered filing for bankruptcy at one stage.

She also said she had been convicted of stealing as a servant.'

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Are men victims of obnoxious feminism?

The first half of the article is written by Dominic Raab, here. Dominic Raab, a new Tory MP, was recently featured in an earlier post on his call to end "feminist bigotry". He has stuck his neck out, it's time for us to support him. Excerpt:

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Fatherless Boys Three Times More Suicidal

Story here. Excerpt:

'Researchers from the University of Toronto studied 6,647 adults, including almost 700 who had been under the age of 18 when their parents divorced and found men from divorced families were three times more likely to have seriously considered suicide than adult males whose parents had not divorced.

The multiplier effect in boys whose parents had divorced is over 50% higher than in girls according to the research published in the journal Psychiatry Research.

The link between parental divorce and suicidal ideation is no longer significant among women who do not experience these childhood stressors. But even without these stressors, adult men who were children when their parents divorced still had a twofold increased risk of suicidal ideation compared to men from intact families.

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'Kids are all right with just mom'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Married, two-parent households are not always best for children, according to a new study by UC Irvine economist David Neumark.

His research shows the increased incarceration of minority men in the U.S. has contributed to more single-parent minority households and fewer minority high school dropouts. The findings are surprising, he says, as they contradict both liberal and conservative views as well as current public policy initiatives.

“Previous research has found that children who grow up in an environment other than a married, two-person household are more likely to repeat a grade, be expelled or suspended, or receive treatment for an emotional problem,” Neumark says. “Our research shows that policy efforts to create more married, two-parent households won’t necessarily improve outcomes for children and – depending on which spouse is available – may even worsen them.”'

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F & F Honors Senator Wright, Assemblyman Cook for Their Work for Family Court Reform

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers and Families has named Senator Rod Wright its “California Senator of the Year” and Assemblyman Paul Cook its “California Assemblyman of the Year” for 2010.

In giving the award to Wright (pictured on the left receiving a plaque from F & F legislative representative Michael Robinson), we praised his "inexhaustible passion and leadership on behalf of children of divorce or separation and mothers and fathers with disabilities, as well as [his] efforts to improve the quality of life for all parents and their children."'

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UK: Female teen who kicked Man to death jailed

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A former public schoolgirl who kicked and stamped on a gay civil servant during a deadly homophobic attack was jailed for seven years for his manslaughter.

Ruby Thomas, 19, hurled obscene abuse at 62-year-old Ian Baynham during the drink-fuelled assault in London's Trafalgar Square in September 2009.

Mr Baynham died 18 days later in hospital. Police found his blood smeared on Thomas's handbag and the ballet pumps she was wearing as she kicked him.

The Old Bailey heard how she screamed "f---ing faggots" and smiled as she "put the boot into" Mr Baynham after he was knocked to the ground by another teenager, Joel Alexander.
Judge Richard Hawkins increased Thomas's sentence from six years to seven years because of the homophobic nature of the attack.'

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Woman Accused of Mowing Down Cousin After Facebook Feud

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Long Island, New York, woman allegedly mowed down her cousin twice with a minivan after a Facebook-fueled catfight over a man -- leaving the victim helpless in the middle of a busy road on a freezing night, sources said.

Giselle Penagos, 21, required emergency surgery Monday to fix a broken leg and shattered pelvis after she and her cousin Melanie Spanopoulos sparred viciously over a cyber-Casanova during a wild car ride.

Luckily, an unidentified man rescued Penagos as she lay bleeding in Elmont, New York, early Monday morning and rushed her to her father's house in Queens.'

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Police: 90-year-old man fends off female robbers

Story here. Excerpt:

'HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. — Police said a 90-year-old man in Sumner County put up a fight after three women attempted to rob him Monday.

The incident occurred outside the Verizon store on Indian Lake Boulevard just before noon.

Hendersonville police said three women followed the elderly man to the store and held him up with a gun when he got out of his car

The man knocked the weapon out of one of the robbers’ hands, grabbed it and ran into the store.'

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SAVE announces Twitter feed

Do you like to Twitter?

SAVE now has a Twitter feed, which will keep you in the domestic violence loop. About once a day, you’ll receive news, announcements, press releases, and updates.

Here’s our Twitter address: SAVEservicesorg

Come Twitter with SAVE!

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A blog entry from man in Portland, OR describing injustice in child support. Excerpt:

'Cry foul and ring the bell, fathers who love your children!
We are accountable, bullied, and jailed for child support
While there is no accountability to how the money is spent.
Believe it.
We have three-quarters of our salary sent to her
On a faceless check that bears no credit to the father.'

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Wrongfully-Accused Men Call For End Of Death Penalty

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two fathers, wrongly accused in the murders of their children, on Friday called for an end to the death penalty in Illinois.

Kevin Fox, who was falsely accused of raping and killing his daughter Riley, and Jerry Hobbs, who was falsely accused of killing his daughter Laura and her friend Krystal Tobias, said the system is too flawed to be allowed to continue.

"There are just too many gaps to do that to a person," said Hobbs, who was released from custody late last year.

Illinois legislators earlier this week passed a measure to repeal the state’s death penalty. Gov. Pat Quinn hasn't said whether he will sign it into law.'

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