Australia: Athlete found guilty of infanticide

Story here. Excerpt:

'As court officers attended Lane in the dock, the judge temporarily adjourned the hearing but told the jurors they would return shortly as he wished speak to them.

The verdict came after the jury deliberated for a week after a four-month trial.

Earlier, the jury also found Lane guilty of three counts of making a false statement on oath in relation to documents dealing with her adopting out two other babies.
Tegan was the second of three babies she carried to term and delivered without those closest to her even suspecting she was pregnant.

She put her first and third babies up for adoption but a year ago Lane was charged with Tegan's murder.'

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Sweden appeals UK granting bail for Julian Assange

Story here. Excerpt:

'LONDON – A British judge ordered Julian Assange released on 200,000 pounds ($316,000) bail Tuesday, but the WikiLeaks founder will remain in custody for at least two more days after Swedish prosecutors challenged that decision.

Assange has spent a week in a U.K. jail following his surrender to British police over a Swedish sex-crimes warrant. He denies any wrongdoing but has refused to voluntarily surrender to Sweden's request to extradite him for questioning — arguing that he could be questioned from Britain.

In a day of courtroom drama, the 39-year-old Australian was first told by a judge that he would be freed, then less than two hours later was informed he had at least another 48 hours in custody.

Britain's High Court will hear the Swedish appeal, but it wasn't clear exactly when.'

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F&F: Ohio Bill to Increase Child Support Fails to Pass

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'SB 292, the bill to increase Ohio child support obligations by an average of 27%, has failed to pass. Thanks to all of you who participated in our Campaign to Defeat Ohio Bill to Raise Child Support Levels in Worst Economy Since the Great Depression.

In working against SB 292, Fathers and Families of Ohio conferred with legislators and interested stakeholders, garnered extensive media coverage, and organized opposition.'

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Jessica Valenti Calls for End to Presumption of Innocence, Due Process

From A Voice for Men:

"Read that again. It's not hyperbole. Under the plan proposed by some Swedish legal experts, once a woman cries "rape," the accused male would be sent away to prison for many years unless he could prove consent." Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Jessica Valenti's take on the Assange sex case in last Sunday's Washington Post was more of the same old same old, a mish-mash of the usual feminist victim blather about America's supposed tolerance of rape.

But then, just as we are nodding off, Valenti tosses a bucket of ice water on us by -- it seemed to me (you read it and decide for yourself) -- at least tacitly endorsing what would be the most unjust, inhumane, morally grotesque law in our entire jurisprudence. Read carefully what she says:

"...we should look to [Swedish rape laws] as a potential model for our own legislation.

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The Masculinity Conspiracy: Chapter 4 now online


What if the biggest conspiracy in human history had gone completely unnoticed?

What if that conspiracy was responsible for some of the biggest problems the world faces today?

Wouldn’t you want to know? Wouldn’t you want to do something about it?

Well guess what: You can.

The Masculinity Conspiracy is a free online book about masculinity. It argues that nearly every assumption about masculinity in contemporary society is wrong. The result is nothing short of exposing a worldwide conspiracy that has been preventing humanity from reaching its fullest potential.

Chapter 4 (Relationships) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online.

This chapter examines how the theme of relationships is mobilized in the conspiracy via two books: Double Your Dating: What Every Man Should Know About How to Be Successful with Women by David DeAngelo and Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Relationships by John Gray.

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SAVE continues intensive lobbying efforts in DC

From SAVE:

Today SAVE lobbyists had a total of 8 meetings in the House and Senate to discuss needed changes to the upcoming VAWA reauthorization bill. Tomorrow, we have 15 more meetings scheduled. SAVE is now recognized as a major “player” in the VAWA reauthorization debate.

We are also distributing this flyer on I-VAWA. We are 99.9% sure that we have stopped I-VAWA, but we’re not going to give any opportunity for the bill to slip through the 111th session of Congress at the last minue. And beginning Jan. 3, it will be a whole new ball game.

Make plans now to attend our Jan. 27-28 lobbying event in Washington DC, and to attend the Super Bowl Hoax commemoration event on Jan. 27 at the Heritage Foundation. For more information, contact

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ABC: 'John Boehner Cries. Again. A Lot'

Article here. The article examines whether women are held to a different standard when showing emotion. What do you guys think? Excerpt:

'"This is not exactly the first impression you want to make to the American people," said Republican strategist Ed Rollins. "We've seen his sensitive side enough already. But a sensitive side isn't what the country wants to see in a strong leader. He's got to show strength and leadership and a willingness to stand up to the president. You never saw Pelosi crying"
"For men, it is a sign of compassion. For women, it's a sign of weakness. It's the double standard that worries me," said Democratic strategist and ABC News consultant Donna Brazile.

Hillary Clinton cried briefly at a campaign stop in New Hampshire in 2008. She was criticized, by some, for manufacturing the tears as a way to appeal to women voters.'

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Duke false accuser in court for domestic abuse charges

Story here. Excerpt:

'DURHAM -- When Cpl. John Tyler got to the small Lincoln Street apartment just after midnight in February he was responding to a 911 call placed by a scared 9-year-old girl, he testified Thursday.

"Once the telecommunicator heard the screaming, the complainant appeared to be scared and hung up," Tyler said describing the information he had as he entered Crystal Mangum's apartment.

Tyler was the second witness to testify Thursday in Mangum's trial, in which she faces multiple felony charges related to the Feb. 17 domestic violence call. The charges include arson, injury to personal property, resisting arrest and contributing to the delinquency, abuse or neglect of her children.

Attorneys spent five days weeding through 40 potential jurors to pick 12 and two alternates who could try Mangum without prejudging her credibility because of her false rape accusations in the Duke lacrosse case.

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Editorial: Is feminism about justice and humanity, or just about women?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Unless feminism is not about justice and humanity. If feminism is about women, however, then the condition of men is irrelevant.

If far more men have suffered economic hardship in the recession, there should be rejoicing that they are returning to work. It ought not be an occasion to suggest that sexism is coming into play so the goal of having women as secondary citizens is affected. Men are not trying to “snag” a woman's job. Men are simply trying to find work, any work, including work that had been done formerly by another man.

Today, “A Doll's House” would need rewriting. Nora might put it this way: “Before everything else, I'm a woman. I want women to gain power notwithstanding the real conditions of the world. It is only women who concern me. Men may be human, too. I'm not sure.”'

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WikiLeaks founder victim of feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

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Yahoo News asks: "Does Obamacare discriminate against men?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously told the American people that Congress needed “to pass the [Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act] so that you can find out what is in it,” and with each passing day Americans are learning more and more about what their government has planned for them.
Of the many new boards, agencies, and programs the law creates, those implemented for the benefit of women are among the most common, a fact some say renders the law inherently unequal.

There are at least 7 new agencies and departments devoted solely to women while there is not one office for men or male specific ailments.

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New Yahoo Group: Male Positive Media

Male Positive Media is a place for those who are interested in viewing or ordering various media (TV, video, music, movies, books, articles and art) that portray men and boys in a positive light. Members are encouraged to submit their own examples of male-positive media for others to enjoy.

With the excess of negative portrayals of males in the mainstream media (MSM), this group is a much-needed refuge for those who would like a more upbeat representation of males.

Please keep submissions on topic and refrain from posting media that represents males in a negative stereotypical manner as those coming here will want to avoid such portrayals.

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UK: Young women move ahead of men in the salary stakes as pay gap shrinks

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young women have reversed the gender gap and raced ahead of men in the pay stakes.

Landmark official figures showed yesterday that a woman in her 20s working full-time will typically earn 2.1 per cent more than a man in her age group.
The turning of the tables comes after a decade in which younger women – increasingly better educated and better motivated than men – have been remorselessly narrowing the historic pay differentials between the sexes.

The achievement appears to be a death blow to the long-standing argument of equality campaigners that women are paid worse than men because they suffer from discrimination and disadvantage on the part of employers.

A spokesman for the Government Equalities Office said: ‘The narrowing of the gender pay gap is very welcome but it still remains too large, which is why the Government is committed to promoting equal pay and taking measures to end discrimination in the workplace.’

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A Voice for Men: A Response to Christopher Kilmartin

Blog post here. Excerpt:

'As you can also see here in the comments to my original article, Kilmartin, a member of the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (SPSMM), aka Division 51 of the American Psychological Association, an organization of gender activists, posted a comment expressing his frustrations at what he called my “distortions,” of the subject. He also posted a list of studies and invited me to scrutinize them, saying “After you read them, I will look forward to your reasoned criticism of the scholarship.”

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Save the Date: Super Bowl Hoax: The Continuing Distortions about Intimate Partner Abuse

From SAVE:

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is pleased to announce an upcoming event to commemorate the Super Bowl Hoax. “Super Bowl Hoax: The Continuing Distortions about Intimate Partner Abuse” will feature a series of presentations designed to highlight how domestic violence half-truths and misrepresentations continue to the present day. The event will be held on Thursday, January 27, 2011 in Washington DC.

These distortions of fact have become deeply imbedded in American culture, and cause harm to the many offenders and victims of domestic violence who are being denied the services and protections they need.

The event will be held at the Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington DC 20002. The event will be held 12:00 – 1:30pm. Attendance is free, and advance registration is required. Email your name, organization, and telephone number to Teri Stoddard, Event Manager:

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