Submitted by Broadsword on Sun, 2011-02-13 18:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Deutsche Bank's Josef Ackermann's deliciously impertinent comments that having women on company boards would make them more feminine, more "colourful and more beautiful" has caught the world on the hop and both sexes gasping at his gall.
In Germany, Silvana Koch-Mehrin of the FDU-EU told Handelsblatt: "If Mr Ackermann wants more colour in the executive committee he should hang some paintings on the wall."
Speaking from Oslo, Benja Stig Fagerland, the businesswoman who helped the Norwegian government to get half of its board positions filled by women, said she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She decided to laugh, adding: "Although there are a lot of men using this pretty argument to hide their fear that there are some bright women coming into business who are challenging their competencies."
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sun, 2011-02-13 18:41
Article here. Excerpt:
It was meant to put women on a par with men.
Women golfers have long faced restrictions at their local courses on what times they could play and which bars they could drink in. Often they were blocked from becoming club captain.
So when Harriet Harman introduced the Equality Act to give women more rights in work places and social settings, golf clubs were seen as ripe for reform. But the drive by Labour’s leading feminist seems to have landed in the bunker. Many women golfers say that, following the changes, which have brought an end to men-only tee-off times at many clubs, they now have to pay more for membership.
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Submitted by insdel2005 on Sun, 2011-02-13 16:48
"You see him playin on any given Sunday, win the super bowl but drive off in a Hyundai." - Kanye West
Article here. Excerpt:
Former NFL defensive end Chidi Ahanotu was forced by a judge this week to surrender his 2002 NFC championship ring to help pay a $130,000 debt to his ex-wife's lawyers, The Tampa Tribune reported.
Ahanotu, who played for the St. Louis Rams the year the team was upset by the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl, will have to give up his ring or risk being jailed. He has been resistant to part with the memento, claiming it's only worth $500, not the $10,000 his ex-wife's lawyers believe they can get for it.
But that's not all. Mainstream media writers can't resist putting together an article about divorce or child support without adding in a little misandry at the end:
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Submitted by insdel2005 on Sun, 2011-02-13 16:20
Article Here. Excerpt:
Hip Hop News 24-7 recently interviewed rapper J-Kwon about his interesting child support situation. During an interview with Miss Georgia, J-Kwon informed listeners that he'd been paying $2,500 per month in child support for seven years for a child that was eventually determined not to be his.
The artist goes on to say that he was jailed for not making the child support payments, which derailed his entire career by killing his ability to earn income.
He also said that when it was determined that he wasn't the child's father, the courts provided no remedies whatsoever for him to retrieve the tens of thousands of dollars he'd paid over a seven-year period.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-02-13 05:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'It is not often charges will be dropped midtrial — and even less often that a jury will applaud and offer to write letters to try to help the accused retrieve their job.
But that is what happened in a felony domestic violence case in San Francisco Superior Court this week when prosecutors gave up on the case after the alleged victim kept switching her story on the stand, the Public Defender’s Office announced Thursday.
The San Francisco man, 24-year-old kitchen manager Francisco Garcia, was accused by his former girlfriend of smashing her head into a wall multiple times and threatening to kill her and their toddler.
But Garcia said the woman only made the allegations after he told her he would go to court for a custody arrangement for their child. She took the news poorly and told him things were going to “get really bad for him,” Deputy Public Defender Eric Quandt said in a news release.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-02-13 05:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'Women who make false allegations of rape after suffering domestic violence by their partners could escape prosecution under new guidelines published today.
Others who have suffered prolonged intimidation and abuse, or were pressured into retracting their claim by their alleged attacker, will also be less likely to be charged.
Young or immature women who make false accusations without realising the seriousness of their actions are similarly unlikely to be prosecuted, along with those whose claims do not lead to a man being detained or charged.*
The reforms, announced today by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer QC, follow a ruling by Court of Appeal judges last year over the case of a 28-year-old woman who had earlier been jailed at Mold crown court for perverting the course of justice.'
*Ed.: Emphasis added
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-02-13 05:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Young women are outpacing men in educational attainment and there’s little sign males will make up ground any time soon.
Nearly one in four women had earned a bachelor’s degree by the time they reached age 23, compared to just one in seven men, the Labor Department said Wednesday. And while a growing share of professions are expected to require a college education in the future, men don’t appear poised to make up the education gap.
The Labor Department’s report was based on a long-term survey of Americans born between 1980 and 1984. The results are from the latest round of questioning, which took place in 2008 and 2009 when respondents ranged from 23 to 29-years-old.
Because the same percentage of males and females — 16% — were enrolled in college at age 23 “it is unlikely the gap in educational attainment will close in the next few years,” according to the report.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-02-13 05:28
Article here. Excerpt:
'Now that's a huge gender disparity in college completion at ages 22 and 23, but I predict:
1. This gender degree gap will receive almost no media attention, and certainly no attention from the gender activists, who demonstrate a selective concern for only those gender imbalances that favor men.
2. There will be no calls for government studies, or increased government funding to address the problem, and nobody will refer to this persistent gender degree gap as a "crisis."
3. President Obama will not address the issue by signing an Executive Order creating the "White House Council on Men and Boys," like he did for women and girls.
4. Neither Obama nor Congress will address the gender degree gap by invoking the Title IX gender-equity law, like they have considered using for the gender gap in some college math and science programs.
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2011-02-12 19:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'Of course, I now realize that the businesswoman who demanded the plane be held up for HER whim was merely epitomizing the essence of feminism: IT'S ALL ABOUT ME. It didn't matter how many other people on that plane missed their connections or were late for critical appointments. This woman got HER way, and that's all that counted.
It's the ME mentality of feminism that bugs me. As I see it, just about everything associated with feminism is meant to promote the agenda that it's all about women: their needs, their wants, their goals, their career ambitions, and everyone else be damned. Who cares how many are inconvenienced as long as her desires are met? Who cares about her husband's needs? Who gives a rip about the needs of her children?'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-02-11 23:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'TORONTO - Karl Rosier and his 12-year-old son were on the verge of being evicted from their new apartment, but they're breathing a little easier thanks to an 11th-hour decision by the Family Responsibility Office to return the East York man's assets.
The 34-year-old says he tried repeatedly to explain to the government agency, which accused him of owing $10,141 in child support, that his son lived with him and he couldn't provide for him if his bank account was frozen.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-02-11 23:51
Article here. Excerpt:
'A former Vernon, B.C., elementary school teacher is on trial for allegedly having more than 200 sexual encounters with one of her students.
Deborah Ashton, now 45, was charged in 2008 with invitation to sexual touching, sexual assault and touching for sexual purposes a person under 14 years of age.
The alleged victim was 12 when the purported relationship began in 2003.
Their sexual relations continued for two years and would take place either at her home, where she lived with her husband and two children, or at the boy's home, Crown prosecutor Neil Flanagan told the court Wednesday.'
"relationship"? "relationship"?? "relationship"???!
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-02-11 23:43
Story here. Excerpt:
'REGULAR Gulliver readers will undoubtedly recall the case of Mirko Fischer, the hedge fund manager from Luxembourg who sued British Airways after it forced him to change seats because of an internal policy that forbade seating adult men next to unaccompanied minors. (Mr Fischer ended up in the position by switching seats with his pregnant wife so that she could look out the window.) Last month, Mr Fischer won his lawsuit against the airline over what my colleague described as "this sexist bit of nonsense," and a court awarded him costs and £750 in damages. (He donated the money to child-protection charities.) Now it seems Mr Fischer has won again. British Airways has changed its policy and will now "ensure that the seating of unaccompanied minors is managed in a safe but non discriminatory manner," a spokesman told the Telegraph.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-02-10 16:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'The gender imbalance among Wikipedia contributors is not even news. The Wikimedia study came out in August 2009 and was covered by the Wall Street Journal at that time. In the 17 months (which the Times rounds down to "about a year") that this report has been searing the Times' consciousness, the paper has come up with exactly zero new facts to explain the contributor imbalance. Instead, the paper recycles Women's Studies bromides about a female-hostile society, providing a striking display of contemporary feminism's intellectual decadence.
The idea that these gender imbalances represent gatekeeper bias was demonstrably false even before the Wiki reality check. Any female writer or speaker who is not painfully aware of the many instances in which she has been included in a forum because of her sex is self-deluded. Far from being indifferent—much less hostile—to female representation, every remotely mainstream organization today assiduously seeks to include as many females as possible in its ranks. ...'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-02-10 07:57
Story here. Excerpt:
'Volusia County deputies are contemplating charges against a 13-year-old girl they say falsely reported she had been raped, they said today.
The teen Tuesday told law officers she was sexually assaulted near Phonetia Drive in DeLand about 9:05 p.m. She said a man approached her from behind while she was walking her dog and dragged her into some woods at knifepoint.
Deputies quickly determined the story was a hoax, they said. The girl had been with a 13-year-old boyfriend, a sheriff's spokesman said.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-02-10 07:56
Story here. Excerpt:
'The 19-year-old called police on 6 November last year reporting she had been attacked in Church Road West in Crowthorne.
Officers began an inquiry but failed to find any evidence to support the claim.
Last week they spoke to the woman again who admitted the claim was false. She was cautioned.'
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