SAVE 2010 Report: An amazing year

From SAVE:

Below is SAVE’s annual report for 2010 - WOW! Is everyone ready for 2011? VAWA is up for reauthorization!


Website Development:
Did extensive upgrades and enhancements to the SAVE website:

Social Media:
Established Landing Pages, detailed content, and Facebook/Yahoo pages for
1. Victims/Survivors
2. DV Service Providers
3. Policymakers
4. Persons Falsely-Accused
Website traffic averages close to 100 persons per day. Falsely-accused Facebook page has 3,000-5,000 Post Views per day.

April: Turning the Tide
October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month
November: Protect Victims: Stop Mandatory Arrest

Radio Interviews:
Held 40 interviews around the country – estimated listenership: 2 million persons

Press Releases:
Issued 4 press releases

Established the SAVE Award for DV Prevention – awarded to Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council

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Armed woman interrupts TV newscast in US

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A gun-wielding woman burst into a North Carolina television station Tuesday forcing the evening newscast off the air, though no one was injured, the station said.

After a brief standoff with a police SWAT team that surrounded the building of ABC Charlotte affiliate WSOC-TV, the woman was taken into custody. ABC News said she had pulled out a gun and put it to her head, though police later learned the gun was not loaded.

A CBS affiliate in Charlotte, WBTV, identified the woman as Wendy Naidas.'

Ed. note: Also covered here.

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Gather News Pokes Fun at Abused Man

A blog entry "Gather News Pokes Fun at Abused Man" is here and takes the reader through looking at a blogger's jocular approach to a news story of a woman setting fire to her boyfriend's crotch, and a few other examples from a different perspective. What if the target were a woman? Would it still be funny? The conclusion is that, of course, whatever is abuse when done to a woman or child, is also abuse when done to a man. Excerpt:

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Glenn Beck: Julian Assange in the Crosshairs

Transcript here. Excerpt:

'But let me just call woman number one. She met Assange at a seminar hosted by the Swedish Brotherhood Movement.

She is well-known in radical circles, and in college, was protege of the militant feminist academic holding the post on-campus of campus sexual equity officer - whatever that is.

In the past, woman number one has also had a blog posting that has since been removed called "The Seven Steps to Legal Revenge." That explained how a woman can use courts to get their - to get back on unfaithful lovers. "Step Seven" says go to it and keep your victim in sight. Make sure your victim suffers just as you did.

OK. So, here she is. We know who she is. She is a radical, uber leftist. She is at this panel where he has been invited to speak. Now, remember, this is in August. He was invited to be the key speaker at the seminar on war and the role of the media. This is about the time when Assange was threatening to release more confidential documents.

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Breaking Bad: The Male as Designated Criminal

From A Voice for Men, here:

'In her 1989 book, Defining Rape, feminist author Linda Brookover Bourque argued for a shift in the burden of proof in rape cases to the defense, which would entail that the defense establish, with a preponderance of evidence, that it was most likely that a woman alleging rape against her gave clear assent to engage in sex. This argument is made on page 178 of her book.

This is not an argument in favor of men obtaining consent before having sex. No, she means to alter the principal of western jurisprudence in which the accused is innocent until proven guilty through evidentiary proceedings. Bourque proposes a new, improved system in which for accusations of rape, guilt is assumed by the court, and the accused must present overwhelming evidence of innocence.

Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly by unanimity, describes the principle of presumption of innocence as follows:

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Legislative goals for 2011 announced by Fathers & Families

Full summary here. Considering that Fathers & Families had a 100% success record for the year of 2010 (with 5 out of 5 legislative goals accomplished), I eagerly anticipated their forthcoming announcement for their legislative priorities for 2011. Well, they just announced them, and it's an ambitious list. If you want to help them, you can either register as an activist and/or donate.

Here's a shortened overview of their 2011 legislative agenda:

1. Combating Parenting Time Interference [more]

2. Curbing Alimony Abuses [more]

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Duke lacrosse accuser convicted of child abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'DURHAM, N.C. -- A woman who authorities said falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of rape four years ago has been found guilty by a North Carolina jury of misdemeanor child abuse and damaging property.

A Durham County jury on Friday convicted 32-year-old Crystal Mangum of contributing to child abuse or neglect, injury to personal property, and resisting a public officer stemming from a February confrontation with her live-in boyfriend. Mangum was sentenced to time already served before she was released on bail earlier this year.

The jury deadlocked 9-3 on a felony arson charge, and Superior Court Judge Abraham Jones declared a mistrial.'

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Feminists slam the "rape apologism" of Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann

Article here. Looks like the online radical feminists are on the warpath (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to a couple of well-known political lefties, Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann, for their defense of Wikileaks' Julian Assange (Assange has been bogusly accused of sex crimes by two female groupies in Sweden, one of whom is a known radical feminist).

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Child's face lashed with metal dog leash, court told

Story here.

'A woman who beat an eight-year-old girl with the metal end of a dog leash plans to become a midwife, the Adelaide District Court has heard.

Tara Jefferson, 20, has pleaded guilty to intentionally causing harm to a child.

The court heard she struck the girl in the face with the leash at least 10 times.

It was told Jefferson had a fight with the child's father and took her anger out on the child while she was caring for her.

The court heard the woman is now four months' pregnant and intends studying midwifery, but the criminal proceedings may affect her career prospects.

She will be sentenced next month.'

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Canada: Judge lets loose on family law itself in opinion

Article here. Excerpt:

'Judge Quinn’s 31-page decision boils over with the frustrations of a family-law judge who is called upon time and again to referee bouts between couples who were once in love. He even takes a shot at family law itself, saying that spousal support is “the roulette of family law – blindfolds, darts and Ouija boards being optional.”

And he anticipates criticism of his tone: “The parties repeatedly have shown they are immune to reason. Consequently, in my decision, I have tried ridicule as a last resort.”

In a novel twist, Judge Quinn granted the wife, Catherine, sole custody of the feuding couple’s 13-year-old daughter. However, he ordered Larry to pay Catherine just a dollar a month in spousal support.

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Assange released from jail on bail

Story here. Excerpt:

'A London court granted Julian Assange bail Thursday and he walked out of jail a free man. For now. Assange is still under house arrest and faces an extradition hearing in Janurary. Our correspondent explains what's next for Assange and any U.S. charges against him.

Julian Assange walked out of jail on Thursday, his first freedom in nine days.
So far, Assange is not facing charges related to WikiLeaks. A hearing on Sweden's extradition request will be held next month. For now, Assange is required to stay at a friend's 10-bedroom mansion, where he is free to use the internet.'

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"Burqa bungle" in Australia points up MRA issues

Video report here. The MRA issues here? She plays the woman card twice (or has it played for her): first she says the officer touched her, which was shown by the film to not be true. Undoubtedly she would not have made that accusation had the officer been female. Secondly, after she is exposed as a liar, a man speaking on behalf of the local Muslim community asserts she ought not to be put in jail because she is the mother of seven children. No man could try making that claim and not get laughed off the stage or told he should have thought of that before committing the crime.

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SAVE launches state DV Legislative Project

From SAVE:

Much of the mischief of the DV industry takes place at the state level.

So last night SAVE launched our state Domestic Violence Legislative Project, with 18 persons from 11 states on the call, with considerable enthusiasm and gusto! The DVLP is a growing network of advocates who are working to establish DV laws and policies that protect victims, safeguard families, and respect due process.

We have set up a webpage to highlight this important new initiative

Our next teleconference will be Wednesday, January 19. If you would like to join the state DV Legislative Project, contact Teri Stoddard at

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Former Ohio State teaching assistant to be charged with attempted murder, kidnapping

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former Ohio State teaching assistant will be charged with attempted murder and kidnapping after she allegedly shot her ex-fiancé and then forced him into her car Tuesday morning, Dublin police said.

Thirty-year-old Melissa "Missie" Stredney of 3081 Wakefern Place in Columbus taught a lab section of chemistry 122 before OSU fired her in February 2009 after receiving reports of misconduct.

Dublin police received a 911 call at 7:53 a.m. Tuesday saying a woman with a gun was trying to force a man into her silver Chevrolet Cavalier in the back parking lot of NCO Financial Systems at 5626 Frantz Road.

Police spotted and pulled over the car a mile from the scene and took Stredney into custody.'

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Police: WABC weather gal in 'rape' lie

Story here. Excerpt:

'WABC/Channel 7 weather babe Heidi Jones was arrested for perpetrating the ultimate snow job -- falsely claiming to cops that a man had tried to rape her while she was jogging in Central Park, sources said yesterday.

Jones, who anchors the station's weekend evening weather coverage and fills in on "Good Morning America," was charged Monday with filing a false report, a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted, she could face up to a year in jail or a $1,000 fine.
Jones spun a story that proved to be as unreliable as a five-day forecast, telling police last month that she was assaulted in September while pounding the pavement in the city's back yard, the sources said.'

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