Lady Gaga Poses in Raunchy Photo Shoot With Young Boy

Story here. Excerpt:

'A one-minute, behind-of-the-scenes video of the shoot, which was photographed by celebrity Terry Richardson (who also shot the controversial “Glee” pictures for GQ last year) features Gaga fondling her breast, licking her bicep, attempting to pull her t-shirt down over her lady parts, and seductively straddling a skateboard between her legs.

However, around the 47-second mark a male toddler randomly enters the equation – wearing a “Supreme” t-shirt while holding Lady Gaga’s hand, and doing a “thumbs up” as seemingly instructed by Richardson.

At this point, the 24-year-old songstress is donning a sexy black bra/panties set, fishnets and is doused in silver jewelry.'

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SF May Ban Infant Circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

'Self-described "civil rights advocates" say that a ballot proposition to ban circumcision is on track for gathering signatures, meaning that San Franciscans may vote on the measure this November.

The proposed law is being spearheaded by local resident Lloyd Schofield, according to the San Francisco Examiner.

It's part of a national push to end the procedure, which some say is steeped in tradition but poses risks and has little medical benefit. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association do not recommend routine circumcision.

Getting on the ballot is the easy part -- only about 7,000 signatures are required. Once it's there, advocates will have to convince voters that snipping off body parts is a bad idea.'

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How Do Filicide Offenders Differ From Other Murderers?

Article here. Excerpt:

'ScienceDaily (May 28, 2009) —People who commit filicide, the killing of their own child, are no more psychotically disordered than other homicide offenders. Research published in the open access journal BMC Psychiatry has shown that prevention of filicide cannot remain the task of psychiatry alone, but health care and society at large must work to prevent the danger.

Hanna Putkonen from Vanha Vaasa Hospital, Finland, worked with a team of Finnish researchers to compare the psychosocial history, index offence, and psychiatric morbidity of filicide offenders with other homicide offenders. She said, "The novel results of this nationwide study reinforce the general impression that filicide offenders are a distinct group of homicide offenders. However, they did not emerge as mentally disordered as has previously been supposed".'

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Perpetrator Relationships of Child Fatalities, 2006

Pie chart from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources here.

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Teen Dating Violence: Girls are much more likely to be the sole perpetrator than boys

Journal from the National Institute of Justice here along with charts showing the rates of perpetration of teen dating violence by gender here. Excerpt:

'These findings are generally consistent with another study that looked at more than 1,200 Long Island, N.Y., high school students who were currently dating. In that 2007 survey, 66 percent of boys and 65 percent of girls who were involved in physically aggressive relationships reported mutual aggression. [7] Twenty-eight percent of the girls said that they were the sole perpetrator; 5 percent said they were the sole victim. These numbers were reversed for the boys: 5 percent said they were the sole perpetrator; 27 percent the sole victim. In a third study, teen couples were videotaped while performing a problem-solving task.

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Australia: Dr Elizabeth Celi talks about men's health, domestic abuse and social bias against men

Video here. A bit old, added 11/14/2009, but still very relevant.

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S. Dakota: Bill aimed at helping fathers in custody cases moves ahead

Article here. Excerpt:

'A House panel Wednesday recommended passage of a bill that would make it easier for fathers in South Dakota to earn shared custody in divorce proceedings.

The House Committee on the Judiciary approved House Bill 1255 on an 8-5 vote. The legislation now will get a hearing on the House floor.

Sen. Dan Lederman, R-Dakota Dunes, introduced the bill. If it passes, judges would be required to begin divorce proceedings with the assumption that joint custody will be awarded to parents. South Dakota law now provides for a child's primary caregiver to be awarded primary custody at the start of a divorce.
South Dakota would be the eighth state to endorse shared parenting if the measure passes, Lederman said.'

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Teenage boys asked to masturbate for high school "experiment"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Jamie Oliver's new TV series has been criticised in Britain after two teenage boys were asked to give sperm samples they later studied in a science class.

The controversial scenes will air on Channel 4 next month as part of Jamie's Dream School, a reality television program that follows the progress of troubled teens sent to a school run by celebrities.

As part of the seven-week series, celebrities were asked to devise classes in their specialty for the school’s 20 students.

In his class, scientist Professor Lord Robert Winston asks two boys aged 16 to 18 to leave the room to produce a sperm sample.

His students are then asked to compare the samples under a microscope with the sperm of animals, including horses and pigs.'

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Australia: Female Anchor Sexually Harasses Male Anchor

Video here.

I wonder if she's going to lose her job like those Sky Sports broadcasters? Fat chance. Notice that it's on Channel Ten's Youtube page too.

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VAWA Reform -- Call to Action

This coming week, Congress will be out of session. Senators and Representatives will be back in their homes district, holding meetings with constituents.

The main topic of discussion will be the federal budget. Earlier this week, President Obama proposed a budget that would produce a $1.1 trillion deficit for 2012. The Obama budget proposal includes over $777 million for VAWA and other domestic violence programs.

It is critical that we take action TODAY and contact your lawmaker’s local office and request to set up a meeting this coming week. I am attaching a hand-out that you can use – or use your own handout. If we implement the recommendations spelled out on the flyer, we will be able to help more true victims, remove dangerous mandatory arrest policies, remove false allegations, and save taxpayer money!

To get your lawmakers’ phone number, just do a Google search under the person’s name, or look in the phone book.

Folks, this is the real deal. Either we act now, or we wait until 2016 when VAWA comes up for reauthorization.

The SAVE Team

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Canada: Common law couples deserve fair shares when separating, top court rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Supreme Court of Canada made it easier today for common law couples who split up to claim a fair share of property or assets they played a substantial role in building.

Ruling unanimously on two cases that involved estranged common law couples, the Court emphasized that when one partner has contributed substantially to a business, property or the success of the other’s career, they should gain a benefit that properly reflects their contribution.

The Court stressed the importance of adopting a flexible approach when it comes to assessing the relative role of each partner and working out a dollar amount that reflects those roles.'

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California Woman Held for Duct-Taping Toddler

Story here. Excerpt:

'HESPERIA, Calif. -- A California woman is under arrest after authorities say she duct-taped her 2-year-old son

San Bernardino County deputies say 19-year-old Danyella Higgins was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of cruelty to a child.

Deputies went to the home of the Hesperia woman after a photo was sent to her friend showing her 2-year-old son with duct tape around his hands, feet and mouth. The recipient called authorities.'

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Please send this complaint to the Australian Press Council -- Deadline is 3 Mar 2011

Please download both of the documents from the following links, type your name and e-mail address in the appropriate fields of the Word document and then e-mail both documents to with the subject 'Complaint Forms' (before 3 March 2011 0730 GMT).

Important: The above procedure is based on the Australian Press Council's own guidelines and must be followed for a successful submission.

Please leave a reply so that I may gauge the number of complaints sent.

Thank you in anticipation.

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American Boy forfeits championship by refusing to wrestle girls in major high school tournament

Link here. Excerpt:

'A standout high school wrestler in the United States has refused to compete against a girl at a major tournament because he says grappling with girls conflicts with his religious beliefs.

Year 10 student Joel Northrup, the son of a church minister, forfeited any chance of becoming champion when he defaulted on his match against year nine student Cassy Herkelman at the Iowa state high school wrestling tournament.

Northrup, who is home-schooled but was wrestling for a local high school, said in a press release that he withdrew because he does not think boys and girls should compete in the sport.

"I have a tremendous amount of respect for Cassy. However, wrestling is a combat sport and it can get violent at times," he said.
It is unfortunate that I have been placed in a situation not seen in most other high school sports in Iowa," he said.'

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Rwanda: Elastrator-like circumcision device being tested

Link here. Excerpt:

'The PrePex system works through a special elastic mechanism that fits closely around an inner ring, trapping the foreskin, which dries up and is removed after a week. A study conducted by the Rwandan Ministries of Defence and Health in 2010 found the device to be safe and effective.

"You don't need a sterile environment, you don't need anaesthetic, you don't need to use an operating theatre," Agnes Binagwaho, permanent secretary in Rwanda's Ministry of Health, told IRIN/PlusNews.

"In Africa, where we lack medical infrastructure, we feel it is the best way to go," she added.

Although cost-effectiveness studies are still under way, Binagwaho said the elimination of factors such as anaesthetic and highly trained staff as well as the gains made by the shorter healing time meant it was likely that the PrePex system would be cheaper than traditional clinical male circumcision.

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