Cops: Woman raped boy, 13, she met online

Report here. Excerpt:

'SANTA ANA, Calif. — A 36-year-old California woman has been arrested on suspicion of child molestation and rape for allegedly flying across the country to have sex with a 13-year-old boy she befriended online, authorities said Friday.

Rachel Ann Hicks, of Lake Forest, was taken into custody Friday by Orange County sheriff's investigators.

A Maryland state trooper contacted an Orange County sheriff's investigator on Tuesday and reported that the woman initially "met" the boy in September in an X-Box live chat room. The online relationship progressed to phone calls, texting, e-mails and sending sexually explicit images and movies between one another, the sheriff's office said in a press release.
Based on new information, investigators are seeking to identify a second possible victim, a California boy under the age of 18, authorities said.'

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Classifieds-for-women-only site opens

Here we go again... classified service for women only:

"Stop posting on sketchy classified ad sites with people that have other motives. Join LadiesLoop, a free women's only service that allows for a more comfortable classifieds experience for women. Our network of local women's ads is a great place to connect, exchange, and help other women."

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US: Father fights for son's repatriation after kidnapping mother caught

Story here. Excerpt:

'New Yorker Michael McCarty was in a custody battle with his ex-wife Manuela Antonelli when she kidnapped their son Liam--now 9--and took him to her native Italy. That was 2007.

Four years later, McCarty is still fighting to get his son back. Two years after the abduction, Antonelli was deemed an unfit parent by Italian courts (she was diagnosed with psychiatric problems), and Liam was placed in an orphanage in that country. She then kidnapped him again; when she was subsequently arrested, Liam was placed in foster care.

Though McCarty has full legal custody of his son in the U.S., Italian Child Services will not allow him to take his son home. McCarty opened up to Matt Lauer on the Today Show about his ongoing struggle.'

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New Zealand car rental site offers women-only discounts

Read it here. From the site:

"Women are better drivers than men. It's a fact. That's why, on girlsdrive women get a better deal, with low rates from NZ's top car providers, as well as further discounts on insurance. We've also hunted down the best places to unleash your plastic around NZ."

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What women really want: to marry a rich man

Article here. Excerpt:

'The idea that women dislike being financially dependent on men is a myth, with more choosing to “marry up” now than did so in the 1940s, according to Dr Catherine Hakim from the London School of Economics.

After decades of gender equality campaigning many women now find it hard to admit that they want to be a housewife more than they want a successful career of their own, she said.
...Dr Hakim criticised David Cameron for backing the idea of quotas to ensure that more women gain seats on the boards of leading companies. Men dominate top positions because many women simply do not want long careers in business, she said.

Despite 40 years of reforms to promote gender equality at work, a woman’s financial dependence on a man “has lost none of its attractions”, she said.

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'Fathers at risk' in Government's legal aid cut

Article here. Excerpt:

Hundreds of men will face false allegations of domestic violence and child abuse because of legal aid reforms, barristers warned today.

Under cuts announced by Justice Secretary Ken Clarke, aid for divorce cases will be withdrawn with the exception of those involving accusations of violence and abuse.

Peter Lodder, chairman of the Bar Council, said the changes created “a perverse incentive” for unjustified claims.

“We already get far too many unjustified allegations of this sort and our fear is that there is going to be an enormous increase of this sort of allegation,” he said.

“Just imagine the unscrupulous lawyer, or adviser, telling a woman that the only way that she's going to get legal aid is if she says that she's been knocked about or that there is a problem with the children.”'

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Swaziland: Youths blackmailed into circumcision through pool

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'POOL- THE much anticipated ‘Circumcise’ Pool Challenge tournament, which was scheduled for this coming weekend has now been postponed to January 22.

The E30 000 Population Services International (PSI) Swaziland sponsored tournament will be open to circumcised players only.

It was initially slated for November 27 last but had to be postponed to January 8 this year after it was felt that some of the would-be- players were not able to circumcise for them to be eligible to enter the competition, as they were held up at school.
The tournament, meant to encourage pool players to embrace a healthy lifestyle was launched at the Swaziland National Sports Council offices about three months ago.'

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New York Meteorologist Who Allegedly Made Up Attack Story Appears in Court

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK -- A TV meteorologist told police she concocted claims of being attacked because she was under personal and professional stress and wanted attention, a court document released Wednesday shows.

Heidi Jones said nothing as she appeared briefly in a Manhattan court Wednesday to answer misdemeanor charges of false reporting. Her lawyer, Paul F. Callan, said she would fight the charges and had been "unfairly characterized and vilified" in some press reports on her case.

Jones, who has been suspended from her job at New York's local ABC station, told police Dec. 1 that she'd been attacked in Central Park in September and then again outside her apartment in November, according to a court complaint prosecutors filed Wednesday.'

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Hong Kong Bachelor Skips Marriage & Goes Directly For Surrogate Mother

Article here. The story describes how an affluent Hong Kong businessman skipped marriage and used a surrogate mother to get his three new sons. One quote from the article, offered by a surrogate mother brokering agency employee in California:

"She says about 40% of clients are single men who pay anywhere from $20,000 to $35,000 for a surrogate mother, "depending on her experience.""

Perhaps men have been for too long thinking they needed to get married to have children? Want to avoid all the legal hassles, financial jeopardy, and emotional trauma associated with marriage, but you still want to have kids? Maybe using a surrogate is the way to go? Feminism, and all its efforts to make marriage inhospitable and unattractive, seems to be pushing men into this. At the same time feminism seems to be objecting to the use of surrogates, in part because women often think that the surrogates are forced to do this for money.

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F&F: Time Magazine Urges Changes to Hague Convention to Help Mothers Who Abduct Their Children

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

In Protecting Kids: Rethinking the Hague Convention (12/10/10), Time magazine uses a study that’s so bad as to be almost spurious to promote the article’s astonishing anti-father bias.

The Hague Convention was originally drawn up in 1980 to address the problem of parents absconding with children across international borders. Time asks:

So what happens, three decades later, when research indicates that 68% of the abducting parents in cases under this treaty are mothers — and that many of them are fleeing abusive spouses?

To which the obvious answer should be, “Nothing.” Without evidence showing that the courts aren’t competent to deal with claims of abuse by parents, why should the Convention be changed?

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"The Bachelor" gets slapped, says he "deserved it," gives slapper roses

Watch it here. As long as we have men who are ready to excuse violence done to them (publicly, no less), then does the movement really stand a chance against the tide of self-loathing so many men have internalized? If you didn't find that clip very disturbing, then may I suggest you consider the idea that you are like a fish that has been swimming in dirty water for so long, he doesn't even know clean water when he sees it.

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Texan declared innocent after 30 years in prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'DALLAS – A Texas man declared innocent Tuesday after 30 years in prison had at least two chances to make parole and be set free — if only he would admit he was a sex offender. But Cornelius Dupree Jr. refused to do so, doggedly maintaining his innocence in a 1979 rape and robbery, in the process serving more time for a crime he didn't commit than any other Texas inmate exonerated by DNA evidence.

"Whatever your truth is, you have to stick with it," Dupree, 51, said Tuesday, minutes after a Dallas judge overturned his conviction.'

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Foundation for Male Studies needs support

Via email:

The Foundation for Male Studies needs your help. FMS is working hard to add courses of study, centers and departments to the educational institutions of this nation - to spread the understanding of all aspects of boys and men - from anthropology to education to biology to psychology. We must do something now to stop the tide of lack of understanding, misdirected behavior that is prevalent from the youngest of boys all the way up to their maturity as men.

Many statistics prove that looking away will ultimately lead to a meltdown in our society. Here are just a few:

* According to the US Census Bureau, more women are going to college today than they did a decade ago, while the percentage of men attending college is decreasing relative to women;

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City rings in new year with killing of man by woman as he tried to break up fight

So feminists insist men start fights and women are the peacemakers. Sometimes, sure. Other times, not. In this case, a father of 7 is killed trying to break up a fight between two women. Charges she faces? Manslaughter, and assault. Excerpt:

'Rochester, N.Y. - The family of James Singleton, 46, said the way they understand it, Singleton was simply trying to break-up a fight between two women when he was stabbed early Saturday morning.

Rochester Police Investigators say Singleton was stabbed in the leg with a piece of broken glass and that the wound severed his femoral artery; Singleton died at the hospital Saturday night.

Monday morning Nancy James, 52, pled "not guilty" at her arraignment in Rochester City Court. James is charged with manslaughter for Singleton's death and with assault for stabbing the other woman, Patria Brown.'

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Canada: N.B. case fuels debate over domestic violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'After a night of drunken revelry that escalated into a violent street fight, Crystal-Dawn MacKenzie grabbed a knife from her neighbour's kitchen, yelled "I'm going to kill him" and stabbed her common-law husband in the collarbone.

If the knife had moved just a centimetre in either direction, Patrick Andrew Thomas likely would have lived, a pathologist later testified. But the 29-year-old bled to death on a downtown Saint John street.

Eight months later, Ms. MacKenzie walked out of a New Brunswick court a free woman after a nine-woman, three-man jury in Saint John acquitted the 28-year-old mother of three of second-degree murder, accepting that she had finally snapped after years of abuse at the hands of Mr. Thomas.

The Crown filed an appeal last week, a rare move for a jury trial. Prosecutors are arguing that the judge erred in his definitions of murder and self-defence and that Ms. MacKenzie had alternatives to killing her husband to escape his violence.'

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