More DV double-speak from Sen. Harry Reid (Action Alert)

From SAVE:

Remember Sen. Harry Reid’s wacko-bizarro comment last year about unemployed men – but not unemployed women – being abusers? Well, Mr. Reid is at it again…

On Tuesday, Sen. Reid released a statement for Women’s History Month. First he talks about ensuring that women are “treated equally to men.”

Then in the very next paragraph, he talks about renewing VAWA “which has helped millions of women affected by violence.” Nothing about abused men being “treated equally to women.”

Mr. Reid needs to hear from a couple thousand upset Americans. And if you want to make three, or four, or five calls to his office, that’s perfectly fine. Here’s his phone number: 202-224-3542. Tell him VAWA is also supposed to help the millions of men affected by violence.

The SAVE Team


Senator Reid Releases Statement on Women's History Month

March 1, 2011

Washington, D.C.—Nevada Senator Harry Reid today made the following statement recognizing Women’s History Month:

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White House, Women's Wages, Myths

Article here. Excerpt:

'But the White House, in thrall perhaps to ultra-feminists, opened its discussion of women's pay by using a sensational headline-grabbing comparison, 75 cents on the dollar, and it did capture many of the headlines.
Since full time means 35 or more hours a week, the table compares men who work 50 hours with women who work 37.

And women do work less than men. The report states on page 27 that "women of every educational level and at every age spend fewer weeks in the labor force a year than do men." In addition, "on the days that they worked, employed married women age 25-54 spent less time in labor market work and work related activities than did employed married men in the same age group-7 hours and 40 minutes, compared to about 8 hours and 50 minutes."'

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Police: Woman Lied About Being Raped, Cut With Razor

Story here. Excerpt:

'UNIONTOWN, Pa. -- State police said a Fayette County woman made up a report that she was bound with a dog collar, cut with a razor, beaten and raped last month.

Trooper Heather Clem of Uniontown said Leah Dawn Saluga, 30, has entered an unspecified treatment program and will be charged with making a false report to police on Feb. 20.

Police said Saluga claimed she was raped by a man dressed in women's clothes who was walking his dog in a wooded section of Luzerne Township.'

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Canada: Court upholds infanticide defence

Article here. Excerpt:

'TORONTO — The Court of Appeal for Ontario has ruled that mothers who kill their babies may use an infanticide defence and cut time off their sentence.

The court ruled Wednesday that a woman can be charged with infanticide even if there is evidence of murder.

"If the Crown proves that the accused committed a culpable homicide, the jury must then decide the nature of the culpable homicide. The jury should be told to consider infanticide first," the ruling says.

"If the Crown fails to negate at least one of the elements of infanticide beyond a reasonable doubt, the jury should be instructed to return a verdict of not guilty of murder, but guilty of infanticide."'

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"My ego is less bruised than my respect for network news"

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the interview with Guthrie I shared that I am underwhelmed by government reports like this. Too often studies about women are produced under the assumption that women are a victim class in need of extra attention from government, including special reports. While the White House study touched on the fact that women are healthier, more educated and have more choices today than ever before, the real “story” — and the reason NBC devoted the lead segment of the nightly news to the report — was to discuss inequalities that still exist between men and women.

Let me start by busting the myth of the wage gap, which states that women earn 76 cents on the dollar for doing the same job as a man. Let’s be clear — even the American Association of University of Women and the Department of Labor have acknowledged that if you look beyond the raw data, and control for variables such as education, time taken off from the workplace, and career choices, the wage gap largely disappears.'

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Mom Charged After Son's Body Found in Oven

Story here. Excerpt:

'JACKSON, Miss. – A Mississippi mother was arrested Wednesday in the death of her 3-year-old son after authorities said they found the child's burned body in an oven.

Washington County Coroner Methel Johnson said police found Tristan Robinson's body inside the electric oven at his mother's apartment shortly after midnight. Johnson said the child had been burned in the oven, but an autopsy was ordered to determine whether he died before or after being put there.

Greenville Police Chief Freddie Cannon said Terrie A. Robinson, 24, was charged with murder. She was to be arraigned Thursday in Greenville, a city of about 35,000 residents in the Mississippi Delta.'

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Study: Women Are in Charge at Home

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men might throw their weight around at the office, but at home, women are the bosses.

A study, which was just released, finds that wives have more power than their husbands in making decisions and dominating discussions.

"The study at least suggests that the marriage is a place where women can exert some power," said lead author David Vogel, a psychologist at Iowa State University (ISU). "Whether or not it's because of changing societal roles, we don't know.”

The results counter past research.'

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Good Morning America: 'It's Official: Women Win Battle of Sexes'

Video here. The (male) author of the book "Man Down" outlines the many ways in which women have men beat in all possible critical ways imaginable. You be the judge.

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American Airlines still catering to women

I contacted them as to why they have a special site for women only ( and not men. No answer yet.

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Study: Scientists develop first reliable test for prostate cancer

Article here. Excerpt:

'Guildford - Scientists at the University of Surrey have developed a unique urine test, which is twice as effective at diagnosing cancer that has developed in the prostate than the current prostate specific antigen (PSA) test.

The findings are being hailed as a major breakthrough in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer in men. The urine test is so accurate it could be in use to screen all men over 50 within twelve months. Scientists have found a protein called E-N-2, which is only produced by prostate cancer cells. The new test identifies E-N-2, and detects 60 to 70 per cent of cancers.'

Good timing because March* is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

*In the UK. In the US, it's September. Too bad it's not all 12 months, though.

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2nd Conference on Male Studies: Solutions - Update

Via email:

This is an invitation to a timely and highly relevant symposium, sponsored by the Foundation for Male Studies: The Second Annual Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward to Solutions, at the New York Academy of Medicine on April 6, 2011 - to on-site and on-line participants from across the globe.

As a concerned academician, educator, student, mental or physical health professional, counselor, law enforcement specialist or media professional, mother or father concerned with the deteriorating performance and status of males nationally and globally in terms of education, physical and mental health, employment, and personal relationships, you will want to be part of this historic event.

Why? Because allowing the unbridled continuation of current trends can only have cataclysmic results in all phases of our personal, national and global affairs.

Click here to register.

Event info here.

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Wall Street Journal: "Strides by Women, Still a Wage Gap"

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Women have not only caught up with men in college attendance but younger women are now more likely than younger men to have a college or a master's degree," wrote Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, and Christina Tchen, chief of staff to first lady Michele Obama, in a foreword. "Yet, these gains in education and labor force involvement have not yet translated into wage and income equity."

The report depicts a sea change in women's roles over the past few decades, away from child-rearing and housekeeping to serving as a pillar of family finances and America's economy. Still, single-mother households are more common than those with single fathers, a big reason why women are more likely than men to be poor, despite higher unemployment among men. And women continue to lag behind men in science and math-oriented occupations, as well as in earnings.'

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EU court bans insurance sex discrimination

Story here. Excerpt:

'BRUSSELS: The European Union's highest court on Tuesday barred the insurance industry from charging different rates for men and women, saying the widespread practices amounts to sex discrimination against millions.

The ruling ordered changes effective December 21, 2012, to auto insurance, life insurance, medical coverage and other plans, potentially affecting tens of millions of customers across the continent. For example, many women driver would see their car insurance costs rise even though they are considered safer on the road.'

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Woman gets probation after having sex with 16 year old boy

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 26-year-old Redwood City woman who had a sexual relationship with the 16-year-old son of her day care employer pleaded no contest Tuesday to reduced charges of trespassing, according to the San Mateo County District Attorney's Office.

In return for her plea, Vanessa Craighead will be placed on probation and prohibited from working with minors in the future.

Craighead worked as a preschool teacher at a day care operated by the mother of her teenage victim. In October 2009, she accompanied her boss' family on a trip to Disneyland and shortly afterward started a sexual relationship with the 16-year-old, according to the district attorney's office.'

Why does this woman get any choice in the matter? Even if the victim doesnt want to testify against her, they have the evidence and admission of the rape.

So why does she get off and is not required to be registered as a pedophile?

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"Educated Women Get Paid Less Than Uneducated Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Getting into college -- the more competitive the better -- ensures you will have a successful life, or so you're told.

Throw gender and other factors into the mix, however, and the picture becomes less clear.

One recent study shows a disappointing return for elite colleges, especially for women. Another study shows a disproportionate disadvantage for college binge drinkers that are women.'

Check out some of the comments, which show people are not taking the half-truths lying down.

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