UK: Domestic violence policy is a 'war on men' claims Tory

Article here. Excerpt:

'A TORY councillor has vowed not to campaign for his party until it reverses a policy designed to combat domestic violence.
Portsmouth City Councillor James Williams (pictured) announced he will not work for the Tories outside his own Nelson ward unless it withdraws the new 'Go' orders.

The orders give senior police officers on-the-spot rights to remove men suspected of committing acts of domestic abuse from their homes for 48 hours. Courts can then extend that to two weeks.

The policy was designed by the last Labour government, but is now being piloted in three areas of the UK by Home Secretary Theresa May. There is no equivalent policy aimed at women. Cllr Williams says the orders challenge freedom and are part of a feminist war on men.'

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"The Disneyland Daddy" offers toxic view of dad in post-divorce shared parenting scenario

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mike gets the kids every other weekend and every Wednesday. The kids love going to Dad’s because there are “no rules.” They get to do pretty much whatever they want. Weekends are filled with video games, trips to the mall, pizza and movie outings. And candy. Lots and lots of candy. Wednesday nights are TV nights. The kids never do their homework on Wednesday nights because, after a long day, Mike wants to kick back. He doesn’t want to have to deal with questions about homework. Vicki resents Mike’s free-for-all parenting and calls him “The Disneyland Daddy.”

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Position Vacant: Senior Women's Health Promotion Officer

Link to posting here. Excerpt:

'Indicative Total Remuneration: $70,972 - $79,411 (pro rata) - Perm P/T
Services are gender specific and designed to address complex health needs that result from the intersection between violence, mental health and wellbeing. WHS addresses these issues through a range of strategies including counselling, group work, community development, health promotion, training, education and sector development.
You will have experience in gender analysis training or you would have provided gender related training in a health care setting'

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DOJ OVW soliciting commentary

Via email from SAVE:

All –

The DoJ Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) has a National Advisory Committee that meets periodically to give recommendations.

The Committee has a meeting coming up on Jan. 28 in Washington, DC. If you can’t attend in person, you can submit written testimony. Here’s how:

Persons unable to obtain reservations to speak during the meeting are encouraged to submit written comments, which will be accepted at the meeting location or may be mailed to the NAC, to the attention of:

Catherine Poston, Attorney Advisor
Office on Violence Against Women
United States Department of Justice
145 N Street NE, Suite 10W 121
Washington, DC 20530

Telephone: (202) 514–5430
Fax: (202) 305–2589

For more information, see:

Be sure your testimony is factual, objective, and polite.

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Assange case: Has feminism gone too far?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many in Sweden reject claims that Assange, who appeared in a London court Tuesday, is the victim of a U.S.-led conspiracy. Instead, the country has been gripped by a very public and often explicit discussion about intimate behavior and relationships. The case has even made some question whether feminism has been taken too far in this supposed bastion of gender equality.
Feminism is a mainstream concept in Sweden and the country has among the toughest sex crime laws in the world. In fact, lawyers have been known to joke that a man must get written permission before having sex.
Pelle Billing, a M.D. who lectures and writes on gender and men's issues, worries that Sweden’s rape and domestic violence laws make it difficult for men to get a fair trial.
“So how is man supposed to know what the boundaries are if the women don’t know?” Billing asks. According to him, feminism in Sweden has stopped being about equal rights and has begun to infringe on men’s rights.'

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Texas Woman Charged in Alleged Murder-for-Hire Plot

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Texas woman tried to hire an undercover officer to kill two people living with her estranged husband, so he would return home, police say.

Wise County Sheriff's deputies on Friday arrested 39-year-old Gloria Ann Ames after she allegedly made the deal and exchanged money with the officer, reports.

Ames, of Chico, Texas, was charged with two counts of solicitation of capital murder and was being held in the Wise County Jail on a $1 million bond, according to the station.

During a jailhouse interview on Monday, Ames allegedly said that she had been married 10 times and that desperation drove her to the crime.'

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CNN piece asks: Are women leaving men behind?

Opinion special here. Excerpt:

'Why is this? As one fertility expert surmised in my Atlantic story: These mothers "look at their lives and think their daughters will have a bright future their mother and grandmother didn't have, brighter than their sons even, so why wouldn't you choose a girl?"

In certain segments of society, men are struggling to stay relevant in this rapidly changing economy, as manufacturing jobs disappear. Women, meanwhile, are making many more of the decisions: how to raise the children, manage the money, even whether to get married at all.

Let me say this again: This is not feminist gloating. It's not any kind of value judgment. It just is. Women are in so many ways filling the roles that men traditionally filled.

Many of the changes happening are obviously beneficial to women: They have more economic freedom and power than ever. But many of the changes are not all that positive for women.

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F&F: Misguided DV Groups Back Discredited Battered Mothers Custody Conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference was held over the weekend in Albany, New York. Several misguided domestic violence advocacy groups, including the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the National Network Against Domestic Violence, co-sponsored the conference. Sadly, this is a prime example of a serious problem afflicting most domestic violence organizations, one which tarnishes the often noble work they do—their consistent failure to recognize and acknowledge false abuse accusations.

For years the Conference, which is also co-sponsored by the National Organization for Women of New York State, has promoted a parade of child custody cases which they use to support their claim that “protective parents” frequently are losing in family court because the courts hand child custody to batterers who employ false claims of Parental Alienation. They advocate reforms which will make it easier to deny fathers shared custody or visitation rights based on unsubstantiated abuse claims.'

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Judge orders that five-year-old girl must sleep over at father's home

Story here. For once, a judge (a female one too!) that seems to be pushing through the crap and making a sensible decision. Excerpt:

'A JUDGE hearing a dispute over access to a five-year-old child has said the girl should no longer sleep in the same room as her mother or half-sister, so that she is better prepared to stay overnight with her father with whom she has never lived.

The Family Court ordered the girl have overnight visits to her father from January even though a family consultant said in October that she would not be confident ''for some considerable time'' to stay overnight. Another psychologist had recommended the child be given ''no less than two years'' to adjust to sleepovers at her father's home.'

Two years??!!!! The article is relatively strong on the mother's reasons why this shouldn't happen, but it does add in a couple of points from the father near the end. But good news that at least one judge is doing the right thing.

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Titanic: Women and Children first? Think again

Here is an article reporting on the casualty figures from the Titanic divided into class, age group, and gender. Excerpt:

'First of all, if you were a man, you were outta luck. The overall survival rate for men was 20%. For women, it was 74%, and for children, 52%. Yes, it was indeed "women and children first."

But what about class? Well, third class women were 41% more likely to survive than first class men. And third class men were twice as likely to survive as second class men.'

Something left unmentioned but can easily be calculated from the figures is that a third class woman had a 35% greater chance of being saved than a third class child.

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Woman reportedly told police she stabbed husband ‘because he drives me nuts’

Story here. Excerpt:

'BANGOR, Maine — A local woman allegedly told police Thursday that she stabbed her husband because “I can’t stand him, and he drives me nuts.”

Cynthia Dorion, 57, of Bangor was charged with aggravated assault, assault with a dangerous weapon, and domestic violence assault after she allegedly stabbed her husband in the back with a knife at about 6:50 p.m. Thursday in the couple’s kitchen.

The attack appeared to be unprovoked, Greg Campbell, assistant district attorney for Penobscot County, said Friday.

Dorion allegedly was intoxicated when she stabbed her husband.

She was released Friday morning from the Penobscot County Jail after posting $1,500 cash bail, according to jail personnel.

Information about the man’s injuries was unavailable Friday.'

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Australia: Couple aborts twin boys in favor of having girl

Story here. Excerpt:

'A COUPLE so desperate for a baby girl that they terminated twin boys are fighting to choose the sex of their next child.

The couple, who have three sons and still grieve for a daughter they lost soon after birth, are going to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to win the right to select sex by IVF treatment.

They say they want the opportunity to have the baby daughter they were tragically denied.

An independent panel, known as the Patient Review Panel, recently rejected the couple's bid to choose the sex of their next child using IVF.

They have gone to VCAT in a bid to have that decision overturned.'

Ed. Note: Submitter's comments are posted in the first comment for this story.

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US: 'Mother,' 'Father' Changing to 'Parent One,' 'Parent Two' on Passport Applications

Article here. Excerpt:

'The words “mother” and “father” will be removed from U.S. passport applications and replaced with gender neutral terminology, the State Department says.

“The words in the old form were ‘mother’ and ‘father,’” said Brenda Sprague, deputy assistant Secretary of State for Passport Services. "They are now ‘parent one’ and ‘parent two.’"

A statement on the State Department website noted: “These improvements are being made to provide a gender neutral description of a child’s parents and in recognition of different types of families.” The statement didn't note if it was for child applications only.
“Changing the term mother and father to the more global term of parent allows many different types of families to be able to go and apply for a passport for their child without feeling like the government doesn’t recognize their family,” said Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of Family Equality Council.'

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A Voice for Men: "Welcome New York Times Readers"

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you came here after seeing A Voice for Men mentioned in the New York Times, welcome. You were led here after reading the following:

“Lurking around the edges of the male studies movement, moreover, in Web[sic] sites like Paul Elam’s A Voice for Men, is a certain amount of anti-feminist hostility, if not outright misogyny,” or so says Times writer Charles McGrath.

Please allow me to take a brief moment to demonstrate how fallacious this statement is, and why.

First, and it seems silly to have to say this, we are not “lurkers” here, though I give McGrath due credit for creativity with dark metaphors. Very compelling.

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SAVE announces Super Bowl Hoax Anniversary event in Washington, DC

Via email:

On Thursday, Jan. 27, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) will host a conference to commemorate the Super Bowl Hoax, and to highlight the continuing misrepresentations of the domestic violence industry.

The keynote speaker will be Christina Hoff-Sommers, author of Who Stole Feminism? Other speakers will include Phil Cook, author of Abused Men, and Mr. Carl Starling, a man who was falsely accused of domestic violence as a result of the DV myths.

The event will be held 12:00-1:30pm at the Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts, Ave, NE, Washington DC. Complete registration information is found in this flyer. The conference is being held as part of a 2-day lobbying event on Capitol Hill.

The meeting will conclude with an announcement how to stop the torrent of misleading and false information from the DV industry.

This will be a historic event – don’t miss it!

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