Judge slams prosecutors, SBI in Durham case

Article here. Excerpt:

'Durham prosecutors and the State Bureau of Investigation broke state laws and violated both the U.S. and state constitutions as they sought the death penalty against a Durham man in the death of his girlfriend’s daughter 13 years ago, according to a judge’s written order that was signed today.

The state intentionally kept information from the man, Derrick Allen, that would have helped his defense.

Those multiple violations by prosecutors and the SBI were willful, flagrant, deceptive, intentional and fraudulent, according to the order by Durham County Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson, the senior resident judge in Durham.'

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Please help prevent circumcision at Caboolture GP Super Clinic (Deadline 14 March 2011)

Please download the Word document from the following link and type your name, title and e-mail address in the allocated spaces on the covering form and e-mail to gpsuperclinics@health.gov.au with the subject line 'GP Super Clinics Community Consultation Registration Form' (before Monday 14 March 2011 2300 GMT).

http://rapidshare.com/files/451850474/Caboolture_14March2011_.doc (link will be deactivated after deadline)

Important: The above procedure is based on the Australian Department of Health and Ageing's own guidelines and must be followed for a successful submission.

Please leave a reply so that I can gauge the number of submissions made.

For more information on the Australian Commonwealth GP Super Clinics program, please see http://www.health.gov.au/gpsuperclinics

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Please help prevent circumcision at Tynnum GP Super Clinic (Deadline 14 March 2011)

Please download the Word document from the following link and type your name, title and e-mail address in the allocated spaces on the covering form and e-mail to gpsuperclinics@health.gov.au with the subject line 'GP Super Clinics Community Consultation Registration Form' (before Monday 14 March 2011 2300 GMT).

http://rapidshare.com/files/451846753/Wynnum_14March2011_.doc (link will be deactivated after deadline)

Important: The above procedure is based on the Australian Department of Health and Ageing's own guidelines and must be followed for a successful submission.

Please leave a reply so that I can gauge the number of submissions made.

For more information on the Australian Commonwealth GP Super Clinics program, please see http://www.health.gov.au/gpsuperclinics

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Canada: Woman arsonist nearly kills prominent former labor leader boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'She was a rising star in management at General Motors. He was a former top union leader at the car maker’s Oshawa plant. But their romance went up in flames when she was charged with setting his house on fire — with him in it.

“It’s quite a story,” says Jim Hoy, who woke up at 5:30 a.m. to the smell of smoke that day in June 2009. “Nobody believes it.”

Turns out there’s much he didn’t know about the woman he proposed to six months into their love affair, according to Hoy, who says his brother has acquired the movie rights to the tale.

It was only the day before her arrest, Hoy says, that he learned her husband was still very much alive, contrary to what she’d told him.'

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UK: 'Work is like slavery’ says teenage girl who 'can't be bothered' to get a job

Article here. Excerpt:

A young woman on benefits says she 'can't be bothered' to look for work because it's like being a slave. Sorche Williams, 19, who has been arrested eight times and expelled from two schools, expresses her views in a new BBC3 documentary. In it, she brags about using her parents' and taxpayers’ money to pay for drink on nights out.
The workshy teenager, who has a criminal record for attacking a police officer, receives £350-a-month in benefits but admits she spends most of her weekly handout on cheap alcohol at student nights. Williams reveals that she receives her benefits on a Tuesday, which suits her because it is usually student night at bars and clubs and the drinks are cheaper.
Williams, who has no qualifications after she was expelled from two schools, is featured in the series Working Girls, which tells of young British women who choose to live on benefits rather than seeking a job.'

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Australia: female head of crime family convicted of murdering relative - smiles for cameras

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'Even as a convicted murderer, Judy Moran put on a show for the cameras.

With a smile and a wave to the assembled media, the gangland widow known for her blow-waved tresses and flamboyant dress headed off to jail on Wednesday for orchestrating her brother-in-law's execution.

Earlier, she looked down, her face reddened and she clasped a tissue in her hands as a Victorian Supreme Court jury declared it had found her guilty of murdering Des "Tuppence" Moran.

She pursed her red lips and appeared stony-faced in a courtroom packed with lawyers and journalists.

At 66, Moran, who has already buried two husbands and two sons to gangland murders, may now spend the rest of her days behind bars for killing off another Moran.'

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Couple confesses to killing boy who wet his pants

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO -- Orange County Sheriff's deputies say a couple beat a 3-year-old child to death because he peed his pants.

Robin Greinke, 26, and Steven Neil, 33, were arrested Thursday night on charges of child abuse, first-degree murder and child neglect.

Investigators said on Feb. 28 the couple punched and struck the boy for more than an hour after he urinated on himself.

"They were upset with him and they tossed him and spanked him and punched him," said Chris Dillon, a homicide investigator.

After the attack subsided, deputies said Neil and Greinke then ordered pizza and watched a movie.

It wasn't until around 5 a.m. on March 1 that the couple called 911. Greinke told investigators she made the call because her son was wheezing and she couldn't sleep.'

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SAVE Tells Congress to Cut $26 Million for No-Drop Prosecution

This flyer is being distributed to all Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill. The flyer explains why mandatory arrest is a bad idea, and how Congress can save $26 million from domestic violence programs.

Feel free to distribute – and to adopt for use at the state level, as well.

The SAVE Team

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Australian government announces grants to support new and established Men’s "Sheds"

A new shed will do them good. Link to media release here. Excerpt:

'Older and disadvantaged men in South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia will soon have more help to meet and find social support with Australian Government Grants for Men’s Sheds.

New sheds will be established in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales with another 16 established Men’s Sheds around the country to receive a grant to assist them to develop and upgrade their workspaces and buy equipment and tools or to employ staff help manage a shed’s operation (see table attached).

Minister for Indigenous Health, Warren Snowdon, said Men’s Sheds play an important role by providing meeting places for men to stay connected within the community, while helping their physical and mental wellbeing.

“Based on the traditional backyard shed, Men’s Sheds provide a relaxed place for men to meet and continue a hobby, learn new skills, or just pop in for a chat and a cuppa,” Mr Snowdon said.

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Ova-Fusion and the Elimination of the Male

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are men expendable? After millennia of vigorously hoisting their species to the top of the food chain, is XY now a barrier to additional progress? Has the ball game for “dudes” expired? Will the future be self-reproducing super-women? With males… extinct? Kaguya indicates Yes. In 2004, the first bi-maternal mammal was artificially created in Tokyo via parthenogenesis, a process in which an altered ovum, acting like a sperm, attached itself to another ovum to form an embryo that successfully matured.
In the 1970s and 1980s lesbian separatist science fiction writers began imagining methods of creating a sustainable culture without needing men for procreation. In 1975, The Female Man, by Joanna Russ, presented the “merging of ova” in a female society. The Y Chromosome, by Leora Gom (1990), also had females multiply via “ova-fusion,” a procedure eerily forecasting Kaguya’s emergence.

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Please help prevent circumcision at Mackay GP Super Clinic (Deadline 9 March 2011)

Please download the Word document from the following link and type your name, title and e-mail address in the allocated spaces on the covering form and e-mail to gpsuperclinics@health.gov.au with the subject line 'GP Super Clinics Consultation Registration Form' (before Tuesday 15 February 2011 0730 GMT).


Important: The above procedure is based on the Australian Department of Health and Ageing's own guidelines and must be followed for a successful submission.

Please leave a reply so that I can gauge the number of submissions made.

For more information on the Australian Commonwealth GP Super Clinics program, please see http://www.health.gov.au/gpsuperclinics

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Action Alert: Respond to San Francisco Weekly Hit Piece on Parental Alienation

F&F Action Alert here. Excerpt:

'The new front page San Francisco Weekly story California Family Courts Helping Pedophiles, Batterers Get Child Custody is a one-sided attack on the legitimacy of Parental Alienation that dismisses the widespread problem of false accusations of domestic violence and child abuse in family court proceedings. Write a Letter to the Editor of the SF Weekly and tell them your thoughts and experiences by clicking here.

We also suggest you comment on the piece on the SF Weekly website by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the page.'

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UK: Bad girls: An investigation into a new breed of young women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recently, a former armed robber offered to show me how teenage girls are moving in on the drugs market.

As we stood on a city street corner, he dialled a number and asked the person who replied if they had ‘a little ting’ for him — street slang for a parcel of drugs.

Within minutes, a slim and pretty girl, aged no more than 15, had appeared at our side.

He admitted he was astonished — even envious — of the ‘success’ girls like this were enjoying as drug dealers on his estate.

‘They’ve got money on them all the time. They always dress sharp. They may be only 14 or 15, but they never wear the same trainers more than two days in a row.’

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Testicular cancer rise and sperm quality fall 'due to chemicals'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sperm quality significantly deteriorated and testicular cancers increased over recent years, a Finnish study says.
The University of Turku research suggests environmental reasons, particularly exposure to industrial chemicals, may be behind both trends.

A UK expert said chemicals may affect the development of male babies.
"Our findings further necessitate the efforts to identify reasons for the adverse trends in reproductive health to make preventive measures possible."'

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Proposal for a White House Council on Boys to Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The White House is finally gearing up to create the equivalent of the White House Council on Women and Girls. Dr. Warren Farrell, with the assistance of 28 prominent authors, educators, researchers and practitioners, has drafted the Proposal for a White House Council on Boys to Men.
Hopefully this can be an important building block for putting men’s issues on the political agenda in the US, and around the world.

I met Dr Farrell last summer, and I believe he is just the right person for this kind of work, so it’s great to see that President Obama trusted him with the task of drafting this very important document.'

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