Top 10 Men’s Rights Issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'The editors at the Good Men Project Magazine asked if I could write a piece on the top 10 issues for men’s rights activists (MRAs). As I am only one man, I felt I could not speak for the rest of the community on how we prioritize issues. So I came up with 17 things we consider problems men face and set up a poll. (I would like to thank everyone who voted, especially from Men’s Rights Reddit.)

It is important to note that the poll is far from perfect. It has a small sample size, and the ability to pick a single issue did not go over well with many MRAs—in their mind, the goals of the movement aren’t so easily prioritized—they’re all important and interconnected. That said, while this poll isn’t perfect, it does, to some degree, reflect the distribution of priorities among those MRAs who participated.'

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Can We Degenderize Domestic Violence?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This gap is being interpreted as sex discrimination by men’s rights activists. It does, in fact, have legal consequences: in 2008, a California court of appeal ruled 3-0 that domestic violence programs that offer services to only women and their children, but not to men, violate the state constitution. “These men … are similarly situated to women as to the need for domestic violence services,” wrote Justice Fred K. Morrison. The court acknowledged that women are affected by domestic violence more than men, so programs do not need to provide equal kinds of services, but must help anyone who comes to their doorstep.

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UK: Sexism is dead, say most British WOMEN

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may come as a surprise to those who feel they’ve hit the glass ceiling or heard one too many blonde jokes.

Most women do not believe that Britain is a sexist place, a poll has revealed.

Fewer than four in ten say they have experienced derogatory remarks or behaviour because of their gender.

And the majority of men and women think both sexes are equally capable of handling challenging and traditionally male tasks, such as making a safe emergency landing in an aeroplane.

The results of the survey, carried out for a group of charities and pressure groups, suggest that most women are far more concerned with solving day-to-day practical problems in their lives than fighting a battle for equality.'


Relatedly, Sexism as a 'war' among women.

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Breadwinners now begging for scraps: Men 55 and older face soaring unemployment

Article here. Excerpt:

'KINGS MOUNTAIN — Allan Nichols describes himself as a well-read, self-motivated native Cheesehead. He has a law degree, spent time with a chamber of commerce, was a corporate lobbyist and spends his nights teaching himself astronomy.

But, since July 2006, that hasn’t been enough to get Nichols, 58, a job.
And he’s not alone. Nationwide unemployment in 2001 among people 55 and older seeking full-time work stood at 442,000. In 2009, that number quadrupled to 1,624,000. And it continues to rise, with 2010 at 1,816,000.

But the story within the story is who’s out of work. Year after year, roughly 50 percent of the annual average is attributed to the white male demographic.

Nichols refers to it as a ‘manpression,’ as older, white male, experienced middle management workers can’t find footing in today’s economy.

“We were the breadwinners,” he said. “Now, we're begging for scraps.”'

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"Harriet Harman"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Few politicians attract as much vitriol as Harman, 60. From commentator Rod Liddle's column asking "So – Harriet Harman, then. Would you? I mean after a few beers obviously," to the Daily Mail mocking her as Harriet Harperson for her perceived political correctness, the verbal attacks can, at times, look like a warning to women not to enter politics.

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5 Ways Feminism Has Ruined America

Article here. Excerpt:

'The bottom line, says Venker, is that, "Feminism has sabotaged women's happiness." Worse, she adds, it's flipped male-female relationships upside down. Just one example: Men more than ever are seeking love, marriage and kids while women want independence.
The book is controversial, especially in liberal circles, for lines like this: "Unfortunately, once feminism came along, women abandoned their pedestal in droves and decided they wanted to share the man's pedestal with him. They claimed they wanted both sexes on the same pedestal to represent equality and prove men and women are the same. Instead, they found themselves in conflict. Since there isn't enough room on a pedestal for both of them, feminists pushed men off to make room for themselves." She added, "That's not equality. That's matriarchy."
'From the book and our recent interview, Whispers has pulled this list:

Five Ways That Feminism Has Ruined America

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WND: "Deadbeat moms"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The White House isn't the only arena in which feminists rule. The feminist elite, aka the women in the media, love to interview women who portray themselves as victims. On the "Today" show last week, Americans were introduced to Rahna Reiko Rizzuto, author of the memoir "Hiroshima in the Morning." Published by The Feminist Press, it is the story of one woman's journey toward "self-discovery" ("Eat, Pray, Love," anyone?) after leaving her husband and two boys behind en route to Japan.

During the interview, the sympathy for Rizzuto was palpable. Never mind that this mother admitted on national television that she never wanted her children in the first place. To the feminist elite – the professors, lawyers, journalists, writers, judges, actresses, bureaucrats, psychologists and activists who use their platform to promote their leftist views – women like Rizzuto are victims. "I realized that I had lost myself, and I wanted to give myself priority," she says. So Rizzuto left her husband of 20 years – as well as her two boys, ages 3 and 5.

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Satire: Obama Says U.S. Needs Progress For Men’s Equality

Article here. Excerpt:

'A little fantasy editing of this Bloomberg news article article: 

“President Barack Obama said women men have made great some strides toward full equality with men women over the past 50 years, yet more progress is needed to close an economic, college degree, and labor market gender gap.

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Bohl: Be a man, our culture will value you less

Article here. Excerpt:

'As of late there has been a lot of hubbub about gender roles. I can hardly seem to escape the noise about them. Talk of the role of women in society is everywhere. At Iowa State we have a women's studies program that "focuses on the study of issues and scholarship relevant to women and gender, challenges existing systems of knowledge and forges new scholarship based on the centrality of gender as a category of analysis," and "seeks to improve critical thinking and to question prevailing assumptions."

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The Trouble With Focusing on Women and Girls

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may come as a surprise that International Women’s Day was met with lukewarm enthusiasm at ForbesWoman headquarters. Feelings ranged from “but we cover women everyday,” to “what the heck is international women’s day?” to “yawn.”

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Judge slams prosecutors, SBI in Durham case

Article here. Excerpt:

'Durham prosecutors and the State Bureau of Investigation broke state laws and violated both the U.S. and state constitutions as they sought the death penalty against a Durham man in the death of his girlfriend’s daughter 13 years ago, according to a judge’s written order that was signed today.

The state intentionally kept information from the man, Derrick Allen, that would have helped his defense.

Those multiple violations by prosecutors and the SBI were willful, flagrant, deceptive, intentional and fraudulent, according to the order by Durham County Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson, the senior resident judge in Durham.'

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Please help prevent circumcision at Caboolture GP Super Clinic (Deadline 14 March 2011)

Please download the Word document from the following link and type your name, title and e-mail address in the allocated spaces on the covering form and e-mail to with the subject line 'GP Super Clinics Community Consultation Registration Form' (before Monday 14 March 2011 2300 GMT). (link will be deactivated after deadline)

Important: The above procedure is based on the Australian Department of Health and Ageing's own guidelines and must be followed for a successful submission.

Please leave a reply so that I can gauge the number of submissions made.

For more information on the Australian Commonwealth GP Super Clinics program, please see

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Please help prevent circumcision at Tynnum GP Super Clinic (Deadline 14 March 2011)

Please download the Word document from the following link and type your name, title and e-mail address in the allocated spaces on the covering form and e-mail to with the subject line 'GP Super Clinics Community Consultation Registration Form' (before Monday 14 March 2011 2300 GMT). (link will be deactivated after deadline)

Important: The above procedure is based on the Australian Department of Health and Ageing's own guidelines and must be followed for a successful submission.

Please leave a reply so that I can gauge the number of submissions made.

For more information on the Australian Commonwealth GP Super Clinics program, please see

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Canada: Woman arsonist nearly kills prominent former labor leader boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'She was a rising star in management at General Motors. He was a former top union leader at the car maker’s Oshawa plant. But their romance went up in flames when she was charged with setting his house on fire — with him in it.

“It’s quite a story,” says Jim Hoy, who woke up at 5:30 a.m. to the smell of smoke that day in June 2009. “Nobody believes it.”

Turns out there’s much he didn’t know about the woman he proposed to six months into their love affair, according to Hoy, who says his brother has acquired the movie rights to the tale.

It was only the day before her arrest, Hoy says, that he learned her husband was still very much alive, contrary to what she’d told him.'

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UK: 'Work is like slavery’ says teenage girl who 'can't be bothered' to get a job

Article here. Excerpt:

A young woman on benefits says she 'can't be bothered' to look for work because it's like being a slave. Sorche Williams, 19, who has been arrested eight times and expelled from two schools, expresses her views in a new BBC3 documentary. In it, she brags about using her parents' and taxpayers’ money to pay for drink on nights out.
The workshy teenager, who has a criminal record for attacking a police officer, receives £350-a-month in benefits but admits she spends most of her weekly handout on cheap alcohol at student nights. Williams reveals that she receives her benefits on a Tuesday, which suits her because it is usually student night at bars and clubs and the drinks are cheaper.
Williams, who has no qualifications after she was expelled from two schools, is featured in the series Working Girls, which tells of young British women who choose to live on benefits rather than seeking a job.'

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