Robert Franklin: Case shows need for fathers' rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Jan. 4, a trial court in Bakersfield terminated the parental rights of 17-year-old Christian Diaz. The court didn't terminate Diaz's rights because he's a bad person; he's not. He has no criminal record, no record of drug or alcohol use; he's on the football and baseball teams at his school and holds down a part-time job.

What lost Diaz his son was the fact that he's single. Had he been married to his girlfriend, he'd have had all the rights of any other father, but Diaz, like 40 percent of all new fathers nationwide, is unmarried.

And under California law that means that he, unlike married fathers and all mothers married or single, must take special steps to prove that he's qualified to be his child's father.
For decades now, we have rightly promoted the cause of gender equality in many areas of life. It is past time that the state of California made its laws on parental rights gender-neutral. The welfare of children depends on it.'

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SAVE Expands its Fight for Fact-Based DV Policies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) continues to do battle with the beast VAWA. Here’s its latest press release.

SAVE is having a press conference at the Heritage Foundation offices in Washington, DC on January 27th at which Christina Hoff Sommers will speak. Why that date? It’s the anniversary of the Great Super Bowl Hoax who’s timely death no one laments.

You remember the Super Bowl Hoax. That was when radical DV advocates decided that a recent study done by professors at Old Dominion University showed that the bete noire of the DV industry - sports and testosterone enraged men - went crazy on Super Bowl Sunday and beat up their wives and girlfriends.'

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Proposed Bill Would Create Domestic Violence Registry

Article here. Excerpt:

'RICHARDSON (CBSDFW.COM) – Veronica Galaviz of Richardson is nine months free of the man who tried to first kill her before then taking his own life. Prior to that horrific night, Galaviz said that she spent years being verbally and then physically abused.

But a bill that has been proposed by State Representative Trey Martinez Fischer of San Antonio seeks to create a domestic violence registry, similar to the current sex offender registry. “Once you’ve been in an abusive relationship, you have some trust issues,” Galaviz said. “You always have some doubts, and this would be one way to relieve some of those doubts.”'

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New Study in Kenya finds no association between male circumcision and lowered HIV rates

Article here. It's a small sample but still a significant finding, and isn't the only one with this result. Will the World Health Organization pay attention? Excerpt:

'Using a population-based survey we examined the behaviors, beliefs, and HIV/HSV-2 serostatus of men and women in the traditionally non-circumcising community of Kisumu, Kenya prior to establishment of voluntary medical male circumcision services. A total of 749 men and 906 women participated. Circumcision status was not associated with HIV/HSV-2 infection nor increased high risk sexual behaviors. In males, preference for being or becoming circumcised was associated with inconsistent condom use and increased lifetime number of sexual partners. Preference for circumcision was increased with understanding that circumcised men are less likely to become infected with HIV.'

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Smoking linked to earlier male deaths

Article here. Excerpt:

'Smoking is the main reason why on average men die sooner than women across Europe, according to research.

World Health Organization figures on death rates reveal tobacco-related illness accounts for up to 60% of the gender health gap in most countries.

In the UK, women live an average of four years longer than men, although in recent years the gap has been closing.

Second to smoking, alcohol accounts for about 20% of the disparity, the journal Tobacco Control reports.'

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Student: Teacher's LAPD Husband Threatened Life Over Sex Affair

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Southern California middle school teacher seduced and molested a 14-year-old student in a sexual affair that lasted several months, until the teacher's husband, a Los Angeles police officer, discovered the relationship and threatened to kill the boy, his family claims in a lawsuit.

The suit, filed Tuesday, claims LAPD officer National Beck threatened to kill the teen and his family with his police department-issued weapon in retaliation for the affair.

The incident allegedly occurred when Beck found his wife, Amy Beck, and the boy in his Burbank, Calif., home and she confessed to the relationship.

Amy Beck met the boy while he was in her sixth-grade class at David Starr Jordan Middle School in Burbank, according to court documents. While the boy was working as her teaching assistant, the family claims that "defendant Beck began a coordinated campaign designed to seduce the victim into having a sexual relationship with her and ultimately began sexually molesting and abusing the victim," the suit alleges.'

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Top 10 Unhinged Reactions to the Arizona Shooting (Plus Hanoi Jane)

Article here. Excerpt:

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Advance invitation: Foundation for Male Studies Conference

This is an advance invitation.

On April 6, 2011, the foundation is having their Second Annual Conference on Male Studies, Looking Forward to Solutions. This global web-broadcast conference will gather scholars representing a wide range of academic disciplines including anthropology, education, history, medicine, politics and psychology – and have them present captivating findings at the New York Academy of Medicine. The current condition of males as well as real-time solutions will be laid out to a live audience in over 10 countries. Moderated by Guy Garcia, an award-winning journalist, novelist and multimedia entrepreneur, and author of The Decline of Men: How the American Male is Tuning Out, Giving Up, and Flipping Off His Future, this conference promises to capture the interest of many professionals including professors, students, physicians, psychologists, politicians, health care specialists, authors and educators.

Please visit for more details.

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Joint Physical Custody Moves Forward in Minnesota

Article here. Excerpt:

'Cautious optimism, admittedly. But those of us who have long rooted for Olson's tireless efforts on behalf of families will take what we can get.

"Nothing is ever a sure thing, and there are always surprises at the Legislature," said Olson, volunteer founder of the nonpartisan Minnesota-based Center for Parental Responsibility ( "But there is a strong degree of confidence among legislators that JPC will pass both the House and the Senate this session."

JPC is Joint Physical Custody, a bill presuming equally shared parenting after divorce. It's a nod to dads, who are too often marginalized in custody disputes.
Olson isn't slowing down. She was on her way Wednesday night to yet another meeting with another group of lawmakers interested in implementation of JPC, "who wanted to be sure they really understood and none of us were shooting from the hip." She was more than happy to oblige.'

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Position Vacant: Administration Officer - Leaders Institute of SA (LISA)

Link to posting here. Excerpt:

'The Leaders Institute of South Australia is the State’s premier leadership development organisation. We are a not-for-profit organisation that offers unconventional, unmatched and unforgettable opportunities for personal and professional growth and community engagement. Our programs include the Governor’s Leadership Foundation (GLF) Program, the High Impact Women in Leadership Program, the Edge Program and the Governor’s Leadership Foundation Alumni Think-tank program.'

From the LISA website:

'Research undertaken by the South Australian Government’s Office for Public Employment found that in the SA public sector only 24% of all applications for executive positions came from women and that women were significantly under represented at a senior level (ASO6 and above).

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Ask Dad: I Want My Man to Get Circumcised

Travesty here. Excerpt (have barf bucket handy):

Q:'I'm very much in love with a new man. I think he's the one. Marriage material. There's just one little problem. He's uncut, and I hate to say it, but it really grosses me out. I want him to get circumcised, but how could I possibly ask?'

A:'So let's set aside the merits. I think you've really hit on something here. A truer test of devotion you will not find. His saying "I love you," giving you a ring, buying you a house, all good signs to be sure. But cutting off part of his body, in the most sensitive and nerve-wracking spot possible? That, my dear, is true love. If he'll do it, you've got a keeper.'

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UK: Woman faces prison for false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nicola Osborne told police she was attacked by a man who forced her into a car after pulling up alongside her as she walked in Fratton Road, Fratton, in the early hours.

The 32-year-old claimed he drove her to a nearby park and raped her before her back to Fratton Road at about 3am on July 5 last year.
Addressing Osborne, Judge Price said: 'The offence to which you have pleaded guilty is a very serious offence indeed.

'It is almost inevitable that you will be going to prison.'

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Ireland: False rape claim woman gets suspended sentence

Story here.

'A woman who falsely claimed she was raped in Bushy park in Dublin has been given a suspended three year sentence.

Liz Jameson rang 999 in the early hours of the morning in March 2009 saying she had been raped by two men who had grabbed her while out walking.

A month later she retracted her claims, saying an 11 year addiction to prescribed medication had resulted in a merging of reality and fantasy. She also told Gardai she lied about having terminal cancer.

During sentencing today the judge was told she's "more mad than bad".'

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UK: Reading woman jailed for false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'Emma Blunden, 21, told police she had been raped in a Newbury hostel in 2008 and claimed she was attacked by three men at a Reading house in February 2010.

A total of four men were arrested following her allegations.

Blunden, of College Piece, Mortimer, was convicted of two counts of perverting the course of justice in December at Reading Crown Court.

Det Sgt Elton Evans, of Thames Valley Police, said: "I think this sentence sends out a very strong message to people who falsely report any type of crime, not only rapes.

"Making false reports of crime is a very serious offence and Blunden has made false allegations about very serious incidents on two separate occasions."'

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The Futurist: 'Misandry Bubble'

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Executive Summary : The Western World has quietly become a civilization that undervalues men and overvalues women, where the state forcibly transfers resources from men to women creating various perverse incentives for otherwise good women to conduct great evil against men and children, and where male nature is vilified but female nature is celebrated. This is unfair to both genders, and is a recipe for a rapid civilizational decline and displacement, the costs of which will ultimately be borne by a subsequent generation of innocent women, rather than men, as soon as 2020.'

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