Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2011-03-21 23:59
Via email:
Our Second Annual International Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward to Solutions is only 16 days away, and there's just one week left for the early registration discount.
There has never been any better reason to register right now:
1. You can be a part of a global conglomerate - participants from 16 universities - organizations and individuals, professionals and students - from countries including Germany, Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Italy, India and the U.S.
2. Learn from a team of renowned experts about the problems boys and men face today, and how to stop the trend of lower accomplishment in school, higher suicide and incarceration rates, an anti-mail biased legal system, an international media that shames and belittles boys and men - and what these visionaries are doing and recommend doing to make our society better for both genders.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Mon, 2011-03-21 01:57
Link to article here. Excerpt:
'A US sports store worker who told police she was raped and beaten in a robbery in which her co-worker was killed has been charged over the violent attack.
Brittany Norwood, 28, was arrested on Saturday and will appear in court today over the death of Jayna Murray, whose body was found out the back of a Lulemon Athletica store in Bethesda, a small town just northeast of Washington DC.
Norwood, 28, had portrayed herself as another victim in the robbery-turned-murder, telling police that two masked men entered the shop after it closed on March 11.'
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Submitted by el cid on Sun, 2011-03-20 16:17
This editorial states the obvious: if men are doing it, it must be bad.
"Seventy percent of Colorado's registered users are men, a sign that the state's culture of pot use has little to do with medicine."
Men are nefarious liars who obviously are using medical marijuana for something other than pain. The possibility men may end up in chronic pain more often than women is not even explored. We all know men are just plain bad.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sun, 2011-03-20 16:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'At the gilded gates of a colonial mansion in China's seaside city of Qingdao, giggling young couples pose for snapshots, craning their necks to peer in at the sumptuous grounds and gossip about the scandalous liaisons of the female billionaire who lived there.
'I think she's amazing,' says 24-year-old legal secretary Yan Lili, who made a trip after reading Li Wei's story on the internet.
'She has proved that women can have real power in China as well as men.'
Like many Chinese tycoons hailed as establishment role models, Li Wei has risen from a penniless background to unimaginable wealth. Indeed, she is the most unlikely of heroines for at least three reasons.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2011-03-19 18:41
I haven't yet come across a job listing on Craigslist for a networking specialist that requires the applicant to be a young man. But one cosmetic surgeon in Dallas, TX openly states that the position can only be filled by a young woman.
"Dallas cosmetic surgeon/ Med Spa Medical Director needs a part time assistant for office as well as personal assistance. Our atmosphere and type of clientele requires the applicant to be an attractive and polished young lady with a professional and sweet demeanor."
Submitted by Gogonostop
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sat, 2011-03-19 15:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'Children as young as four are being given Ritalin-style medication for behavioural problems in breach of NHS guidelines, the Guardian has discovered, prompting the leading psychological society to call for a national review.
There are no reliable figures for how many children under six have been given Ritalin. But Professor Tim Kendall, joint director of the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, who chaired the Nice guideline committee, confirmed that he had heard reliable reports of children in nursery and pre-school being prescribed medication unnecessarily, and that it was often parents who were putting pressure on GPs. He said: "There are two reasons why parents go shopping for a diagnosis. The first is to improve their child's performance at school, and the second is to get access to benefits. There are always GPs that will do it, but it's wrong to give a child a diagnosis without also consulting schools and teachers."
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-03-18 21:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'STANTON, Ky. — The arrest of a Croatian woman in small-town Kentucky for alleged war crimes two decades ago in the former Yugoslavia "brings her long run from justice to an end," a U.S. marshal said.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert E. Wier ordered that Azra Basic, 52, be held without bond pending an April 1 status hearing and appointed her a lawyer.
As a soldier in the Croatian army, she killed a prisoner and tortured others by forcing them to drink human blood and gasoline, authorities said.
Court documents accuse her of numerous other atrocities, including: Setting a prisoner ablaze, pulling out prisoners' fingernails with pliers, ripping off a man's ear with pliers and carving crosses and the letter "S" into another man's flesh.'
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Submitted by el cid on Fri, 2011-03-18 14:33
This is from the comments section of "Illegal Guardians." A link would be better but the comment is too hard to find amid all the others. But I think it's a classic compilation of male/female 2x standards:
Men seeking equal treatment = “backlash”
Women seeking equal treatment = “feminism”
Discrimination against men = “equal opportunity”
Discrimination against women = “discrimination”
A woman with grievances = “victim”
A man with grievances = “angry”
Open discussion of gender issues = “misogyny”
Men looking for equal treatment in the courts = “abuse”
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-03-18 08:27
Article here.
'After hundreds of hours investigating an abduction and rape from the Goshen College campus in January, officers now say the victim fabricated the story.'
Ed.: Also see here.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-03-18 08:26
Story here. Excerpt:
'The innocent man who was wrongly imprisoned for nearly four years because of false rape charges is now suing the city for his ordeal. William McCaffery is seeking $20 million in compensatory damages, as well as another $10 million for what he calls " outrageous as to exceed the bounds of all common and civilized decency."
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Submitted by Mr VanHuizen on Fri, 2011-03-18 08:24
Article here. Excerpt:
"I wrote yesterday about International Women’s Day, saying that despite the improvements of recent decades, women are still not treated as the social, legal or economic equals of men. It’s particularly the case in many parts of the developing world, but, I said, a problem in Britain as well, as the gender pay gap shows.
Unsurprisingly some of you disagreed. One of the ones who did so intelligently (and calmly, which was a rare treat) was Elly, author of the Quiet Riot Girl blog and holder of a PhD in gender equality studies. I offered her the chance to respond, which she’s done. I’ll reprint an extract here – you can read the rest of it on her blog.
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Submitted by Proud_to_be_a_man on Thu, 2011-03-17 19:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'A mother-of-four has appeared in court accused of biting off her boyfriend's testicles in a drunken attack.
Martin Douglas, 45, underwent emergency surgery to reattach his genitals after the alleged attack by Maria Topp.
Mr Douglas, a DJ, called 999 in excruciating pain and operators struggled to understand what he was saying.
Paramedics who attended his flat in Newcastle called police and Topp was arrested.
She has since appeared in court charged with GBH over the February 18 incident in which Mr Douglas was also injured in the arm, the Daily Mirror reported.
The victim was forced to spend several days in hospital recovering from his injuries.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-03-17 02:28
File this under 'male disposability', and once again notice the fact that they are all men. While this article actually refers to these men as men, I have seen others that have referred to them just as 'workers'-- invisible behind their occupations and prescribed gender roles as all-around disposable "heroes". Such "nameless" bravery deserves better, don't you think? Excerpt:
'They are the nameless brave men who are working as the last line of defense at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plants. They stayed behind while everyone else was sent nearly 15 miles away and radiation soars to menacing levels.
There are 200 of them and they work in shifts of 50, earning the inaccurate nickname the Fukushima 50.
At one point, even these men were pulled back 500 yards from the deteriorating nuke plants, but this morning it appears the crisis team was heading back in.
A 27-year-old woman whose Twitter name is @NamicoAoto tweeted earlier this week that her father had volunteered for Fukushima duty.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-03-17 02:16
Each year the federal government spends $84 million for DV education and training programs that smear men as abusers and batterers.
It’s time to pull the funding for this nonsense, until these programs get accredited. This flyer was passed out to all the Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill today.
Help spread the word.
The SAVE Team
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Submitted by David A. DeLong on Wed, 2011-03-16 19:39
Story here. A woman threw a party, gave alcohol to minors, and then raped a 14 year old boy while she was at it. What did our society do to send a message to its taxpayers? The judge gave her 30 days in jail. I would like to see the history of the judges cases whereby men were faced with the same crime, and a comparison of the judges sentences. I would bet that there would be enough evidence to prove sexual bias in the sentences. Any sharp lawyers out there? Would this be possible? Excerpt:
'ASTORIA, Ore. (AP) — An Astoria woman has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for raping a 14-year-old boy at a party.
The Daily Astorian reports that 35-year-old Julie Diane Green pleaded no contest last Friday to rape and endangering the welfare of a minor.
Prosecutors said Green held a party for her children and their friends last August, allowed several minors to drink alcohol and then had sex with one of the visiting 14-year-olds.'
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