Feminists are obnoxious bigots and men have a raw deal: Tory MP calls for male equality

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men are increasingly the victims of ‘obnoxious bigotry’ by women and should start ‘burning their briefs’ in protest, according to a rising Tory star.

Dominic Raab, a new MP tipped for high office, said men were getting a ‘raw deal’ from the cradle to the grave following years of anti-discrimination legislation favouring women.

He pointed out women in their 20s are now paid more than their male peers, who work longer hours, retire later and die earlier.

Mr Raab, the 37-year-old MP for Esher and Walton in Surrey and a former chief of staff to David Davis, called for an end to what he called feminist bigotry.'

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I guess all men are still rapists huh?

Unbelievable claptrap... the video that accompanies it is hilariously bad...

Oh how I hate being a man. I mean... all I can think of is having sex with every woman I see! And forcing myself on them if they don't co-operate!!! It's terrible...


And yes, it was paid by MY taxes! Disgusting...

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Over 1,000 undergo male ‘cut’ in US-funded drive

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bukoba. A total of 1,158 men in various Lake Victoria islands have been circumcised in the four weeks as part of efforts to curb the spread of HIV in Kagera Region.

The International Centre for Aids Care and Treatment Programmes (ICAP-Tanzania) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare are conducting a male circumcision drive at two designated government hospitals in the region.

As of June 2010, over 1,000 males aged between 10 and 55 had been circumcised at Rubya and Kagera regional hospitals while 1,158 others were circumcised in the four weeks preceding the official launch of the male circumcision campaign on Saturday.

The campaign is being supported by the American people through the US President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (Pepfar).'


US President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (Male Circumcision)

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Watch Oprah's All Stars Candidly Chat About Penises

Videos here.

'On Ask Oprah's All Stars, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and Suze Orman address audience concerns. Tonight, a lesbian couple asked if they should circumcise their son; instead, they received loads of frank penis talk from Orman and host Gayle King.

Here are three individual clips from the segment—which ran about six minutes total—during which Dr. Oz attempted to explain the pros and cons of circumcision to the couple, who are expecting a son in just a few short weeks.

In the first, King interrupts Dr. Oz before he can begin to address the couple's question by asking him, "Don't you think penies look better circumcised?"

And finally, another "Uncut penises are gross!" moment from King, with a bonus from Orman.'

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Kentucky man goes to doctor for circumcision and his whole penis is removed

Story here. Excerpt:

'Phillip Seaton says when he awoke from the surgery, he discovered that the doctor had removed his entire penis.

The doctor who performed the surgery, Frankfort Urologist Dr. John Patterson says he removed Seaton’s penis because he discovered a cancerous growth on it. He says he performed the procedure to keep it from spreading.

But the lawsuit alleges that the doctor was not given authorization to remove his penis. It indicates that performing the procedure deprived Seaton the opportunity to get a second opinion.

The cancer turned out to be a stage one cancer, considered by many medical experts to be treatable.'

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Opinion: 'A painless, lifesaving surgery'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Woman Arrested For Sending Boy, 12, Into The Cold

Story here. Excerpt:

'HILL DISTRICT (KDKA) – A woman was arrested after allegedly kicking her 12-year-old son out into the cold early Sunday morning in the Hill District.

According to the criminal complaint, officers were called to the corner of Chauncey Street and Webster Avenue for a juvenile not wearing shoes at 2:22 a.m.
Cosby was taken into custody after officers noticed “glassy blood shot eyes” and alcohol on her breath.

The 12-year-old boy stated that his mother had come home from a bar and started yelling at him. He then made her food and she continued to yell and forced him to leave the house.'

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Australia: Do men get a rough deal?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Seems a bit rich these days to claim there is a ‘‘glass ceiling’’ for female jobs. Load of cobblers, isnt it? I mean, Australia has a female Prime Minister and a female Governor-General.
The National Council of Women thinks so and no surprise there. I recently chatted with Victorian leader Jennie Rawther who pointed out that, among other things, women at the end of World War 1 had to give up their jobs to returning servicemen -- even though their husbands may have been killed in combat. There was no widow’s pension, nor child support.

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Study: Ninety percent of domestic violence education programs lack accuracy

Article here. Excerpt:

'A report released today by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) shows nearly all federally-funded domestic violence education programs fail to meet minimum standards of accuracy, balance, and truthfulness. "At most one in 10 domestic violence training, education, and public awareness materials and programs are accurate, balanced, and truthful," reports SAVE.
If you're wondering how we got here, it has to do with a radical ideology, the lack of oversight, and the creation of myths, hoaxes and lies. Have you ever read that 95% of domestic violence victims are women? How about, "Domestic violence is the number one reason women go to the emergency room"? Do you think that more domestic violence occurs on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year? None of these statements are true.

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Crisis Control Center tackles domestic violence this Super Bowl season

Story here. Excerpt:

'Football fans across the nation are patiently waiting for that historical day in American history when their football champion is finally named. While the beloved commercials are playing on the television and the dogs are out grilling at half-time, the local Crisis Control Center in Durant will be tackling domestic violence in their first ever “Tackle Domestic Violence” fundraiser.

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Israel: Blasting feminists, Kadima MK appoints herself champion of men's rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kadima MK Yulia Shamalov Berkovich, speaking recently at a conference organized by a lobby group dedicated to preserving the Israeli family unit, delivered a scathing attack on feminist values, insinuating that complaints of sexual harassment are often ungrounded.

"I've never been sexually harassed," she told the conference organized by Familists in Ramat Gan last month. "When a man flatters me, I'm happy. It's part of the natural balance of nature." The full speech can be viewed on the group's website.

The organization, headed by Gil Ronen, is dedicated to "saving and rejuvenating the Israeli family unit," according to its website. Its members see their mission as combating so-called "genderists," whose true agenda, they believe, is persuading women to leave their husbands and take their money and children. The group says its mission is to support "the sanctity of marriage between man and woman," and for that to happen, a man must be a man and a woman must be a woman.'

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Teacher suspended for standing by while 2nd-graders perform 'sex acts'

Story here. No mention of the teacher's gender. Statistically it's safe to assume the teacher is female but there is a chance that it's a he and not a she. Stay tuned. In any case, it's beyond disgusting. Excerpt:

'OAKLAND (CBS 5) — A teacher at Oakland’s Markham Elementary School has been suspended indefinitely after school officials said a pair of second-graders performed sex acts on each other in class – with the teacher present.

“I think everyone is taken aback over this shocking incident,” Troy Flint, the spokesman for the Oakland Unified School District, told CBS 5. “Of course, it is hard to understand how that could have occurred.”
In one case, several students apparently took off their clothes and were naked in the classroom. In the second incident, a boy and girl reportedly engaged in oral sex in front of their classmates.

Flint indicated that the suspended teacher, whose name was not released by the school district, was present for both of the incidents.

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Don't Save the Princess

This ingenious little video doesn't fit any standard MANN category. It appears to be a simple computer game, but in reality it's a story about a demanding "princess" who exhausts the labor and finances of the men in her lives. By all means, watch "DON'T SAVE THE PRINCESS," but play the real game only if you dare!

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Chicago Teacher Sentenced For Molesting Football Player

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO (STMW) – A former teacher was sentenced to two years of sex offender probation Wednesday after she admitted she molested a teenage student from the private Christian West Side high school where she taught.

Kathryn Vail-Wesley, 24, received the sentence after she pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated criminal sexual abuse for the late 2008 incident involving the then 17-year-old male.

Vail-Wesley sexually assaulted the victim both at her home and in her classroom at Chicago Hope Academy, according to Cook County prosecutors

The case drew headlines in 2009 when the victim’s mother revealed her son was forced out of school following revelations of the assault.'

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San Francisco man hopes to bring about ban on circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'At his website that presents the proposed bill and a picture of a happy baby, Schofield calls for the residents’ support that “will help us to protect all infants and children in San Francisco from the pain and harm caused by forced genital cutting," adding that "damage ranges from excruciating pain, nerve destruction, loss of normal, natural and functional tissue, infection, disfigurement and sometimes death."

According to the bill, performing circumcision will be made a misdemeanor punished by a 1000 dollars fine or jail time for up to a year, or both.

The only exception in Schofield's vision will be made if the surgical operation "is necessary to the physical health of the person on whom it is performed because of a clear, compelling, and immediate medical need with no less-destructive alternative treatment available, and is performed by a person licensed in the place of its performance as a medical practitioner."

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