Submitted by DenisP on Tue, 2011-03-29 21:13
Article here. Excerpt:
'Vladek Filler is about to face trial for a second time on the charge of raping his wife, Ligia. He was brought to trial the first time by Bar Harbor prosecutor Mary N. Kellett, who has sought to imprison Mr. Filler despite the fact that she knows that there is no physical evidence that he ever committed a crime, and despite the fact that his accuser Ligia Filler, has proven to be a violent criminal, a liar who has been caught in false allegations against her husband, and a physical and emotional abuser of her husband and children with a history of severe psychiatric problems.
Ligia Filler has been referred to as “certifiable” by sheriff’s department personnel who she repeatedly threatened to kill.
Mary Kellett’s professional conduct in this case breeches virtually all canons of legal ethics where it concerns prosecutors, from intentionally misleading jurors to avoiding pretrial discovery to actually asking a law enforcement officer to refuse to comply with a valid subpoena in order to help her conceal exculpatory evidence.'
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Submitted by Broadsword on Tue, 2011-03-29 14:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'Around four in five female graduates will never repay their student loan under the Coalition’s new tuition fees regime, it emerged yesterday.
An analysis of the student loan system shows that middle-income men who will finally pay-off their loan at the age of 47-50, will bear the brunt of the cost of higher education.
The figures show that between 70 and 80 per cent of women – up to 150,000 a year – will never repay their full loan, compared with 20 to 30 per cent at present. And when loans are written off, 30 years after graduation, the average woman will still owe £26,500.
Under the new regime, graduates will not have to pay off their loan until they earn £21,000 and women will not have to pay anything when they take time off to raise children.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-03-29 00:03
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 17-year-old girl was charged Friday with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful possession of a firearm and battery after deputies say she pulled a gun on her mother during an argument.
Rachel Anne Hachero was upset because her mother wouldn't co-sign on a vehicle purchase, according to a Lee County Sheriff's Office report.
The teen's mother told investigators Hachero threatened to kill her when she refused to co-sign for the vehicle.
Hachero then confronted her mother at home with a gun and pistol-whipped her head, according to the report.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2011-03-27 16:13
Article here. Excerpt:
'During the early hours of March 14, 2006, a group of Duke University lacrosse players allegedly raped and sodomized a Black woman. Over the next 13 months, the sleepy town of Durham, North Carolina became witness to a succession of prosecutorial accusations, full-throated media warnings, and castration marches.
On April 12, 2007, the state Attorney General declared the three lacrosse players innocent of all charges. Two months later, prosecutor Michael Nifong was disbarred on grounds of engaging in fraud, dishonesty, and deceit.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-03-24 22:36
Petition here. Excerpt:
'Every day, thousands of doctors across the country take newborn baby boys from their parents and subject them to a medically unnecessary, painful, life-altering surgery—circumcision.
Parents place their trust in their children’s doctors, and it’s the doctors’ responsibility to tell them: (1) no medical organization in the world recommends circumcision; (2) the foreskin is a normal, important body part; and (3) babies are people with rights, and no baby has consented to circumcision.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-03-24 22:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'Update, 3/16/11–After a tough fight, both SB 528 and SB 917 passed out of the Oklahoma Senate on 3/15. They now head to the House of Representatives. We will keep you informed of continuing developments. Your response to our 3/14 call to action was overwhelming, and we thank all of our members and supporters who participated.
Together with you in the love of our children,
Glenn Sacks, MA Executive Director, Fathers and Families
Ned Holstein, M.D., M.S. Founder, Chairman of the Board, Fathers and Families'
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Submitted by Broadsword on Thu, 2011-03-24 18:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Manual for the Non-sexist Use of Language is being distributed to government offices across Mexico.
It seeks to reduce comments that enforce gender stereotypes, as well as the default use of the masculine form in the Spanish language.
The manual was written by a body that tackles violence against women.
In its introduction, the manual describes itself as "a tool to familiarize federal public workers with the use of non-sexist strategies in the Spanish language".
It discourages the use of phrases such as: "If you want to work, why did you have children," and: "You are prettier when you keep quiet".
It also advises against referring to women as possessions, as in phrases such as "Pedro's woman".'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-03-24 00:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'"Men may be jerks," my husband likes to occasionally declare, "but women are insane." I hate to admit it, but he's right-and anyone who has spent two years living in a sorority house filled with alpha girls (I'm raising my hand) can attest that this is true.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2011-03-23 12:12
In case any readers happen to have expertise in this area. Link to posting here. Excerpt:
'The Department of Health and Ageing is seeking tenders from capable and experienced organisations for the design and establishment of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health and commencement of the first wave of data collection. The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health (the Study) was announced in 2010 with the release of the National Male Health Policy. The development of the Study stems from priority area five of the Policy, which focuses on building a strong evidence base on male health to inform policies, programs and initiatives. Over time, the Study will provide a national research resource of current and valid information on male health. The Study will examine the health and wellbeing of Australian males with a focus on the social, economic, environmental and behavioural factors that affect the length and quality of life of Australian men and boys. Information from the Study will be used to inform policies and service provision.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2011-03-23 08:19
(The quotation marks were in the original article headline and seem to be an editor's device to further distance the perpetrator from her actions.)
Link to article here. Excerpt:
'A 92-year-old US woman has been arrested for allegedly shooting at her neighbour after he refused to give her a kiss.
Gun-toting grandmother Helen Staudinger fired her 350 semi-automatic pistol at 53-year-old Dwight Bettner when he rejected her advances, reported.
Mr Bettner had asked her to leave his home, in Marion County, Florida, but she said she would only go if he kissed her. She left angry when the man declined, telling her to "get your [expletive] out my house", it is claimed.
The police arrest report added: "She appeared to have the impression that there was a relationship between them.
"The defendant said she came home, got her gun, and went back to shoot his car that he loved so much."'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-03-23 02:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'Overwhelmingly, both disciplines adhere to a specific form of feminism that was labeled “gender feminism” by Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. As Sommers observed, “somewhere along the line, conventional masculinity became politically incorrect. In some circles, it's treated as a pathology in need of a cure.”
A foundational premise of gender feminism (and thus a premise of Men’s Studies) is that male culture or “the patriarchy” oppresses women through institutions such as the free market and through dynamics such as the social construction of gender identity. Gender is considered to be a social creation, not a biological one, and traditional masculinity is seen as inherently abusive to women.
Whatever the truth of the politics, Male Studies is not going away quietly or soon. A second conference is scheduled for April 6 the New York Academy of Medicine. An academic journal is in the offing: Male Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal will be launched in 2011.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-03-22 07:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'The human papillomavirus is a man's issue.
That's undeniable after Monday's release of a new report that revealed that half of American men might be infected with human papillomavirus . Until then, HPV was thought by most to be a woman’s virus because it causes cervical cancer. That was never true; HPV, which is spread through sexual contact, should always have been as much a male concern as a female concern.
The vaccines, a miracle of cancer prevention, were approved for females and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. When they were approved for boys and men ages 9-26, the news was largely met with “Why bother? Women can get the vaccination.” Now, though, it’s obvious to everyone that HPV is a male issue, too. So get vaccinated or if you are the parent of a boy, have him vaccinated (parents of girls should have them vaccinated too, of course).'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-03-22 06:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Author Suzanne Venker doesn’t think the feminist movement liberated women.
In fact, she thinks the movement has sabotaged American women’s happiness. Venker writes “according to a 2007 report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, as women have gained more freedom, more education, and more power, they have become less happy.”
The saddest part of this misguided view of human nature is that it hasn’t made women any happier. In fact, it has done just the opposite. According to a 2007 report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, “As women have gained more freedom, more education, and more power, they have become less happy."'
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Submitted by redwoodwriter on Tue, 2011-03-22 06:04
Kay Hymowitz, author of "Manning Up: Has The Rise Of Women Turned Men Into Boys?" offers her judgments about young men in this interview. She praises the recent advances women have made relative to men. Then she condemns and shames young men which, she says, aren't "grown up" until they are on their own, making the big bucks, married, and having children. In this humble contributor's estimation, what she's saying is "if men aren't doing what women want them to, i.e., following the female dream scenario, then they aren't grown up." I say that these young men are doing what makes the most sense, given the hostile legal and social environment surrounding dating and marriage. More specifically, young men are going their own way, and not doing what the women want them to do. So I receive this interview as a complaint about the fact that men aren't supporting women like they used to do... and women don't like it. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2011-03-22 00:43
This is a response to the consultation questions on page 80 of the government White Paper Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our strategy for public health in England.
The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2011 1600 GMT.
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