Restaurants increasingly discriminating by age and sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today, plenty of bars and lounges around the US impose similar — if not stricter — age restrictions, hoping to curb unruly behavior sometimes exhibited by newly legal drinkers and appeal to an older crowd. But such age limits are still unusual at restaurants, as evidenced by the recent controversy around a Missouri eatery.

Bliss, an upscale Caribbean restaurant that opened last month in the suburbs of St. Louis, provoked numerous headlines and fervent debate for limiting entry to women 30 and up and men 35 and up. As Barounis sees it, the uproar over the restaurant’s age policy suggests it might have been too extreme.'

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A shortage of young men in the workforce could weigh on housing, Social Security, and growth for years to come

Article here. Excerpt:

'America's job market is mysteriously short of young men.

It's a trend experts say will drag on the economy and could take years to fix, mainly because men have already been dropping out of the workforce for decades.

According to Carol Graham, a senior fellow of economic studies at the Brookings Institute, the labor force participation rate of prime working-age men has been declining over the last twenty years. Today, 11% of men aged 25-54 don't have a job and aren't looking for one, more than triple the percentage recorded in 1955, when just 3% were out of the workforce, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.'

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Why Matriarchies Fail

Video here. Erin Byrd talks about why matriarchies are fundamentally unsustainable. She also cites a couple books that take on feminism.

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Are Young Men Really Becoming More Sexist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nearly 25 years ago, two prominent political scientists formally discovered a political gender gap. It had been an “established orthodoxy in political science” that women in advanced Western democracies were more right-wing than their male counterparts. But when Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris examined more than 60 countries across the world, they found that from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, women had been moving to the left. They predicted that this gender split would continue to grow, with women moving even further left in the future.

But the modern-day focus on this split is increasingly on the radicalization of young men—are they moving further to the right?

All around the world—from Poland, where the far-right party supported a total ban on abortion, to South Korea, where the #MeToo movement sparked a fierce backlash—political commentators are raising questions about whether young men are becoming less liberal and less gender egalitarian than their fathers and grandfathers.

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Top Spanish Court Rules Kiss Without Consent Is Sexual Assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'Spain's Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that a kiss without "tacit consent" can be considered sexual assault just months before former football federation chief Luis Rubiales will stand trial over his unsolicited kiss at the Women's World Cup.

The Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling from the southern region of Andalusia which convicted a police officer of sexual assault and sentenced him to one year and nine months in jail for kissing a woman on the cheek who was in police custody.'

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Sexism Against Men in TV Commercials

Essay here. Excerpt:

'I understand that people do not like to read through a video. I tried to keep the text to a minimum in my video "TV Commercials and Gender" at So I would like to expand the discussion of the video here, fill in some of the blanks, and add some further ideas.

First, I would like to discuss a couple of rules that did not make the video.'

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Ukranian women "taking men's places" on the front line

Article here. In the wording of the title is the expectation that it's men who should be doing the fighting. Why not the women? The whole article drips with white feathers... Excerpt:

'She'd been in the army for 18 months, having joined up out of a desire to protect Yarema, her five-year-old son, and her parents, who lived a 13-hour drive away in Lviv, west Ukraine.

Ukraine does not conscript women – unlike men – but it is running out of soldiers: 31,000 have been killed in action since February 2022 (although no official figures have been released) and many don't want to face the obvious risks. According to reports, at least 20,000 men have dodged the draft and fled Ukraine illegally, while officials in recruitment centres have been discovered taking bribes of up to £1,200 to help them avoid it.

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The Female Teacher-Student Sex Epidemic That Nobody Is Talking About

Video here. Better Bachelor reviews the not-so-recent trend of female teachers stat. raping* their students.

*Though often referenced as "having sex with"

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Inside the industry where workers are four times more likely to die by suicide

Article here. Excerpt:

'WORRYING statistics have revealed that builders are more like to die by suicide than any other industry.

And the issue is worsening, despite general efforts to get blokes to open up about their mental health.

New figures show 749 construction workers took their own lives in 2022.

The Build Network UK said deaths increased 12 per cent in a year from 668 in 2021.

It added that suicide rates are the highest of any industry, with labourers four times more likely to die by suicide than the national average.

Network founder Andy Stevens said: “Every year these figures increase and it is time something was done to halt this alarming rise.'

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Teacher accused of having sex with female ex-student and tried to lure her into threesome with her husband loses her license

Article here. Currently she faces no criminal charges. Excerpt:

'A high school teacher has lost her license over accusations she had a long-running sexual relationship with a former female student.

Lindsay Amber Eileen Dolson had been teaching at an unnamed school in Canada at the time, during which she 'committed acts that, in all circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful,' a discipline committee wrote.

They further branded her actions from about 2014 to 2015 to be both 'dishonorable or unprofessional,' and 'engaged in conduct unbecoming [of] a member [of the Ontario College of Teachers].'

The committee added she 'abused [the student] psychologically or emotionally' to the point where she was left suffering from 'adverse emotional and psychological effects'

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Dads Rock: The Evidence - excellent positive report about fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s good to be able to share positive news about men and fathers and this article does just that. Largely research based, it debunks some of the myths about fathers, including his time with the children, the positive impact of a fathers’s presence in the home and more.'

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Disney Executive Caught on Tape: ‘There’s No Way We’re Hiring a White Man’

Article here. Excerpt:

'However, after Governor DeSantis and Disney buried the hatchet, those cries died down until now. Twentieth Century Television Senior Vice President Michael Giordano was caught on a hidden video saying that Disney explicitly does not hire “white men” for specific roles.

Michael Giordano’s comments are only a few minutes in the video, with some intermittent reactions; however, Giordano says some damaging things about Disney’s hiring practices and inclusion policies.

Certainly, there have been times where, you know, there’s no way we’re hiring a white man for this…. There are times when it’s spoken.

Reporter: How would they say it?

There’s no way we’re hiring a white man for this role. They’d be very careful how they’d message that to agents.'

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As Ukraine Expands Military Draft, Some Men Go Into Hiding

Article here. Excerpt:

'As Russian forces are on the attack across the front line, the Ukrainian military has been desperately trying to replenish its war-battered forces, embarking on a large-scale mobilization campaign backed by new laws.

While many Ukrainian men have answered the call to serve, some others have tried to evade conscription. Even before the latest mobilization push, thousands of men had fled the country to avoid service, some of them swimming across a river separating Ukraine from Romania. Now, as officers scour the country’s cities to draft men of military age, currently 25 to 60, many people like Vladyslav have gone into hiding, fearful that conscription is a one-way ticket to the front line.

It is not clear how many men are hiding out, but in big cities like Kyiv and Lviv, social media groups alerting members to the movements of draft officers include tens of thousands of members.'

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Alabama college offers $75,000 in trade scholarships to women only

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Alabama college is offering $75,000 in scholarships for trade programs – but only to female students.

The goal “is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in Gadsden State’s career technical programs,” according to a news release from the community college.

The list of “qualified programs,” include welding, construction technology, and civil engineering.

“This scholarship program is an initiative to get more women into manufacturing, construction, and transportation careers in order to help develop the workforce in our area,” Dean Alan Smith stated in the news release.

Smith did not respond to a voicemail on Monday that asked for comment on potential legal problems for the scholarship.

But Ed Barlett of SAVE Services said the program violates Title IX, a federal law that forbids discrimination on the basis of sex in higher education.

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Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'But Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Jack Reed (D-R.I.) defended the proposed policy change, arguing that women can hold many warfighting positions without serving as front-line infantry troops.

“Women are doing a remarkable job in our forces today, and if we were in a situation requiring a draft, I think we would need all able-bodied citizens 18 and above,” he said.

“If we go to a draft, that means we’re in a serious, serious situation,” he added.

“It’s not like World War II where we need a lot of infantry. We need cyber experts, we need intelligence analysts, linguists, etc. Wait a second, there are a lot of women out there that can do this better than men,” he argued.'

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