Trojan Condoms: Men are pigs if they don't wear a Trojan
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-06-21 00:26
Get ready for this advertisement (video). Several major TV networks have refused to show the ad.
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Get ready for this advertisement (video). Several major TV networks have refused to show the ad.
Sorry, but
I don't want to split hairs here, but
feminists - male feminists = what exactly?
I think I understand where you were trying to come from though, but I still find what you wrote disturbing. Not to mention the fact that lots of feminist organizations would love to think that MRA's are a bunch of violent men that hate women, and condone violence against women. I'm not saying that we need to sensor ourselves just because of what feminists might think of us, but we shouldn't come off as raving madmen either. Taking a bat to people's heads over feminism?
Further, if you are a troll, that's a classic spin to put on an MRA issue to get things heated up.
I was not posting with that in mind, you misread it
In my last post, I am not responding to anyone else's comment in particular. Also it should be obvious from what I have written during this entire thread, that in every single entry I am not concerned, with what feminists or women in general think about what I have to say. The only thing I am against is attacking anyone on this site, unless it is a known troll like ndlspcb (or whatever she calls herself).
PS: I will now contradict myself: Female MRA, you must be thinking I sound like Hitler with some of my theories..maybe penis envy _is_ a bunch of crap;, maybe most women have a sense of justice..who amongst us men can be sure?
It's irrelevant.
Has Anyone Contacted or Heard from Trojan yet?
Wow. What the hell was their marketing department thinking? Let's imply that males have less value than females and that they are essentially swine? Did Circe take over as CEO?
It isn't too often that a company tries to sell its products by implicitly if not directly offending its target consumers, but then again, most men have little awareness of gender issues and thus probably won't be offended.
Perhaps if the disparate and disorganized groups that make up the men's "movement" could speak out, maybe we could get Trojan to scrap the "Evolve" campaign. It looks like the same corporation that owns Trojan also owns Arm and Hammer, so Arm & Hammer products could be added to the boycott list.
Comment on video at You Tube
The video is also up on and it has generated a number of comments. You can find it at:
Getting back on topic for a moment
If it is true what someone said, that the company that makes Trojans is run by a women, then it must obviously be her hatred of men which results in this commercial. Perhaps it is a subconcious reaction to the fact that she has had herpes since she was 18; or the desire to de-sensitize the male by suggesting they use "rubbers". Whatever.
Well, this thread has been off-topic for way too long, and there seem to be just a small number of guys posting (nothing personal). I doubt that most of the other guys on this board, have kept up with our discussion recently. Also there seems to be several discussions going on at once; and an undercurrent of anger at each other, which is not good for the site. Of course that is largely due to the troll amongst us; this is why trolls like to start arguments.
Finally, if there was ever a thread that made our site look bad, it is this one. Which is the main reason I'm now exiting the discussion. (parting note to the troll: may the fleas of a thousand camels nestle in your bedsheets, the next time you make love with your "partner").
Wrong. True science deals with facts, not personal beliefs or
Female with an anti-male agenda: The mainstream recognition of asexuality is a relatively new and emerging development. Scientists have barely begun to pay attention to it, and besides that, science as a means to "legitimize" human sexuality of any kind is, to me, highly questionable. The scientific community can do as they please, of course, but human sexuality is a personal and acutely individual thing. The fact that you seem to believe that an individual's sexual nature is illegitimate because "scientists" haven't officially written their approval somewhere is irksome. The asexual community, however small, is certainly real and its members know their own orientation better than any random scientist ever could.
1. That's a personal belief, thus an opinion. Science deals with FACTS not opinion. This is why scientific analysis of the male and female gender always trumps feminist ideology. You just observed how this was done when I destroyed your fraudulent claim that asexuality is accepted as a 'legitimate orientation.'
2. A biologist is much better equipped to understand human biology--and make a well-reasoned diagnosis on humans--and such than any average dogmatic female claiming her possible disorder is legitimate.
3. Emotion is by nature not based on logic and hard data but how you feel about something. When we deal with the human body and its responses whether sexual or anything else that is largely the realm of BIOLOGY(i.e. science) not opinion.
4. Just because someone believes something about themselves does not make what they believe to be true(i.e. Some asexual feminist claiming her aversion to sex is a 'legitimate orientation.'). I can believe I am made of Fig Newtons but science says I am flesh and blood. If there is no hard data to support your opinion it is dogma not a fact. Should I choose to continue believing something--even though it has been discredited--then I have lowered myself into the realm of ignorance.
5. Your beliefs--and those who support them--are YOUR BELIEFS. That does not make them actual facts that the world at large--or reality itself--must abide by simply because you believe them.
6. The people in the asexual website mostly think of sex as just sex. They continously berate SEX as SEX. In all reality the true purpose of sex is procreation; that act ensured the survival of the human race. This is what activists cannot conceive. Their unnatural aversion--or claimed aversion--towards a natural and quite healthy part of human biology confounds them. In ignorance they continously rail against that which was responsible for bringing them here in the first place. I am pretty sure the majority of the morons on the asexual forums were conceived from what your buddy NBC alluded to as "lower activity."
THE BOTTOM LINE: Sex is what brought you here FOOL!
Female with an anti-male agenda: As for the sexual disorder you brought up, that has been widely acknowledged within the asexual community and taken into account, and no member disputes the fact that there are people in the world who have that particular disorder. However, asexuals obviously do not feel that their orientation is in any way connected to a disorder, if for the simple fact that "disorder" implies a problem, an obstacle to leading a comfortable life. Someone with a disorder will generally want to seek out help to correct said disorder. This is not the case with asexuals; for the most part, asexuals are perfectly comfortable with asexuality itself and only uncomfortable because of certain sexuals such as yourself who act dismissively or hostilely toward the orientation. An asexual has no interest in "fixing" themselves; a person with a sexual disorder, I imagine, would want a solution.
So because they "believe" they don't have a disorder they don't have one? LoL! You're hilarious!
I'm pretty sure crazy people think that they are sane. Racists don't think they are racist. Some feminists don't think they hate men; while calling every man an abuser. The list goes on, the world is full of people with personal opinions about themselves that do not match up with reality.
As I said the legitimacy of their orientation is not a fact. I will not let you mislead others into believing it is. Feminists have a tendency to lie, lie, lie to no end and they always base these lies on how a woman FEELS about it. I find it alarming--and very revealing--that you have done the same throughout this discussion.
Female with an anti-male agenda: In my original comment, I simply wanted to point out to you the existence of asexuality because it is, indeed, something to be taken into account when speaking of human sexuality. If you are uncomfortable with the concept for whatever reason or if you disagree with that lifestyle, etc., you're entitled to that sentiment -- but there's no need to ridicule, insult, and dismiss other people.
No. You came in and attempted to derail the thread by propagating it. You blatantly attempted to mislead the inhabitants of this forum. I destroyed your lie and you got bitter because of it.
I could care less. I am here to destroy the lies put forth against heterosexuality, men and even women by the feminist state that will try ANYTHING to separate men and women from their own biological inclinations towards lovemaking, companionship, and interest in each other. Even using this new crap you keep bombarding us with. It will not work; men and women are attracted to each other sexually by NATURE. You cannot break that bond. No angry woman can, it will always be present. Just as I shall always be present to put my intellectual foot in your ass everytime you present dogmatic, misandric information.
TO THE OTHER POSTERS: This discussion has become tiring. Let us resume the conversation pertaining to the Trojan commercial.
P.S. About the forums. Bitch I don't have the time to go through the dozens of claims of sexism, abuse by men, railing against the patriarchy, hatred for lovemaking between women and men, or the fact that the majority of the angry posters are women. You seem to be attempting to get others to head over to the site and I refuse to advertise for you.
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
You Are Assuming? ...
... that whoever eventually performs your desired act of fellatio will be a female ad co. creative dept. twenty-something "hottie" with a compliant attitude?
Because it might turn out to be a feminist chauvinist pig of the faux-male persuasion!
Be careful what you wish for ax--
LoL Ax!
The troll comment was hilarious! I think I will go back under MY bridge now since I just burned theirs down. *grins*
*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57
Trojan Commercial
I think that since some men are such pigs that they don't tell a woman when they hava an STD, that if this commercial gets them to use a condom, or gets the woman to put one on them, then run the commercial.
And how do you think men get them?
Men get STDs by having sex with women who don't tell them they have an STD. Yet you won't find Trojan or anyone else portraying women as pigs because some do that sort of thing.
Glad you are here, ianarf81. A lot of MANN regulars will not like what you just wrote and will flame you hard. [I don't like what you wrote, either, but I prefer "constructive engagement".] Nonetheless, the only way to de-program you, or at least get you seeing things from other perspectives from what you've been taught by the mass media and in your compulsory WST101 class, is to point out where your judgments have implicit 2x-standards or misandrist underpinnings. So stick with us. We'll have you cured in no time. =)
Down Boy
That was sufficiently dismissive. (Of the idiot female poster.)
I always like it when MrReality is restrained and not intentionally abusive.
He's like a dog that cannot be trained.
Gotta love it!
Bassicaly, a sex ed teacher agreed with me.
Like everyone else, I was very offended when I saw this commercial. I just couldn't help but think "Why as a man is it my job to help birth control, and not both mine and the girls?" and the same week, we had to go to a sex ed thing at school. The teacher, a female, had said "Ladies, you need to have condoms to! and make sure you put the condom on his penis, make sure its there." and I thought "Why can't they see it this way, and not degrade me?"
I didn't ask her thoughts on the as, because the room would get hyped up. The room was already having bad vibes from a video. Why make it worse?
It may be the reason there
It may be the reason there are plenty of london escorts to call if you do have the desire. It doesn't make you a pig just human. Woman have desires too.
A little disappointed...
I came here hoping to find a site where I could find some men seeking equality the way women can at feminist websites.
Instead, it really just seems I've found a group of people who think they're the greatest beings in existence, and anyone different is some horrid, unintelligent, worthless creature.
I was particularly disheartened by your rejection of asexuality, and how one person seems to feel that accepting asexuality somehow hurts men... What about happy asexual men? Do they not count as men? Do they not deserve equal rights?
In addition, this site is anti-woman. The woman who posted didn't say anything against men, tried to get into this site to join the cause, and you flamed her off for no good reason. How can we increase the people in support of equal rights for men if you turn away people so superficially?
I've been to feminist sites that state their beliefs, summed up usually in feminism = humanism, insomuch as they fight for human rights, really, and not women's rights. They're against the flawed divorce systems that for no good reason virtually always favor mothers in custody cases, they're against putting men down for choosing to be stay at home dads, they don't believe men are evil as how you apparently believe women are evil (as evidenced in the comments about women being the enemy...). Generally, this is actually what ends up represented in their posts and comments. As is fitting with this promotion of human rights, they denounce discrimination against homosexuals (or whatever-sexuals), any of the races, any of the genders...
I really wanted to find something where I felt I could expand myself without having to resort only to feminist sites, and even some of those are disappointing, because they often trail into misandry or just get so over the top with where they find injustices it's hard to take them seriously...
Why is it that every man MUST be different from every woman? Do you guys not realize that the differences between men and other men are just about always greater than the average differences between men and women? By not accepting all men wholeheartedly, and by declaring half of our species the enemy, how do you really expect to reach equality? How is this going to help us all?
For the record, I think the custody/divorce laws need to be revamped (a friend's brother AND his children have been screwed for the longest time by his crazy ex wife's custody of the children and exorbitant child support payments that don't even go to the kids, because his son SLEEPS ON THE FLOOR and doesn't have a bed, for ONE example), women should be required to register for the draft as well as men, and that Trojan commercial is pretty offensive and stupid.
Indeed, speechless. I don't
Indeed, speechless. I don't know what to say, but the fact that if I were in the place of those networks I wouldn't show the ad neither. It's not like I have consumed some Suboxone or something, it is just that I don't agree with it.
Real Responsibility
If you were walking around the Grand Canyon at night relying on me to guide you and fell you off a cliff and were killed. Should I be held responsible ?
Same with sex,I've heard all this from women on Talk show etc and they are stupid comments.
Men should always use a rubber.
(a) Don't spread you legs if the incoming missle isn't unarmed.
Women wouldn't become prostitutes if men weren't paying for sex.
(a) Generally they do it for the money, if you doubt it ask them to do it for free.
The truth is men do want mainly one thing, and women want everything.
The difference is men are willing to pay for what they get and women want men to pay for what they want.
Men will marry down economically, women don't generally
Men and women are equal in different ways, so children won't grow up overly gross or overly snoby.
It's our job to teach children to fart and a womens job to teach them to say excuse me.
Below is one of my many rants on you tube
Selective Bitching
Notice that women only bitch to their boyfriends, husbands, etc.
Dis they bith when rap demeaned them on a daily bases.
They bitch about Palin who actually was doing everything they profess a woman should be.
The truth is you can do 999 things right and they will rag on you until YOU GET IT RIGHT.
They're self centered It's all about me mentality is hurting our country also.
They are losing their Values to buy values from China, etc.
They always say they want an open honest relationship, but tell her you'd rather fuck her sister than her and see how honest she wants you to be.
They are so sneaky and coniving they want to knw what you are doing every second and where you are.
But they won;t tell you yhey humped their dog an a regular basis.
Try this make one of these statements and I'll tel you the response.
Say: Women select the man.
They: No men select us
Or it's a mutual selection
Then say this: Women make the selection when they spread their legs, then after a few kids think it's divorce time.
Say wpmen have more paths to the brain, so why do they block the paths in a grocery store with their shopping cart as though they are the only ones there.
Wonder what she would tell all the female escorts
Really man if Trojan would have to take an advert out for all the London Escorts in the UK, wonder what that would be like, if she has so much hatred for men wonder what she feels about those women who service men.
Oh come, please be polite.
Oh come, please be polite. How can you even talk like that to a women? Indeed, the topic of this article is a little bit too much for men. It should be definitely changed or closed because this discussion won't lead to anything good.
Drug Rehab Center
Hello joeAnne. Thought I'd let you know this thread is 2 years old.