American Women should be Outraged!

An up and coming writer and past president of the Independant Women's Club, Amber Pawlick, has written an article (click here) that starts like this "American women should be outraged. Not because of their supposed oppression over the years, not because of over inflated rape statistics that are always being beat into their brains, but because American women have been starved of one of the greatest values open to them while living life on earth – masculinity. " It is an enjoyable read and I hope you like it as much as I did. As a minor forwarning: this woman is hetrosexual.

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MANN Chat: An Activist by Any Other Name

I will host this week's MANN chat on
Wednesday night (7/30), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="">usual location. 
The topic will be "An Activist by Any Other Name."  As activists,
we work in a world of words.  Therefore, we have to be careful
about the words we use to advance men's issues.  But what are the
right words?  If we use some words, we will alienate men--and
women--who could be allies.  On the other hand, if we try to be
too "nice" and please everyone, we'll drive ourselves mad.  Where
is a workable balance?  What are the words that "push people's
buttons"?  How can we use them, or avoid using them, to
communicate most effectively?  Join us to talk about the role of
language in men's activism.

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30 Reasons Why Feminists Really Are 'Feminazis'

Angry Harry has written an interesting list of similarities between Nazism and feminism.

If his article entitled "30 Reasons Why Feminists Really Are 'Feminazis'" isn't at the top of the page after today, you might have to scroll down or search for it.

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UK Father's rights group stage protest

HombreVIII writes "Fathers-4-Justice has been getting a lot of press in the UK for their demonstrations this summer. Perhaps this is because they demonstrate in biohazard overalls while setting off air raid sirens? Find out more here."

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Toronto Star column attacks fathers' rights advocates

HombreVIII writes "Michelle Landsberg slams father's rights activist in this article entitled Children of divorce need our protection. A few excerpts - "The fathers' rights activists have shrewdly thrown up a fog of misstatement, false "anecdotes" and outright lies designed to elicit public sympathy. The first whopper: "Every child has a right to two parents" and "Kids need fathers.""

- "A loving father, of course, is a boon to any child. But just any old father? A drunk, a batterer, a tyrant, an infantile male supremacist? A man who stalks his ex-wife through the courts? I don't think so."

- "Maybe fathers are being bamboozled by their own propaganda."

Maybe Ms. Landsberg is so bamboozled by her propaganda that she inadvertantly slipped and attacked fathers in that statement instead of father's activists."

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Sacks Blasts Those Harassing Kobe's Accuser

Men's and fathers' issues radio talk-show host Glenn Sacks blasted those threatening and harassing the alleged victim in the Kobe Bryant rape case, calling them "demented animals" on his Los Angeles talk show His Side with Glenn Sacks. The entire statement, which Sacks read on his Sunday, July 27 show on KRLA AM 870 can be found on the underlined hyperlink.

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I Refuse To Be Pigeonholed

Garth writes "This intelligent article discusses how, these days, superficial things (skin colour, sex, sexual orientation) are used to measure how "worthy" your opinions are, and how this approach in fact works towards conformity rather than diversity."

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Suzy Whaley - A Winner even when a Loser

Rob writes "Like another female golfer, Anneka Sorenstam, this story paints Suzy Whaley as a crusader for women and a winner even when a loser. There are a number of issues with this type of reporting. Firstly, her male golf partners were "exemplary" because they allowed her onto the green first to take the applause. Mindless chivalry? She played "for women and their daughters" and "carried herself with the dignity...of champions". Leaving aside the fact she qualified by "beating" men (she was allowed to play from the Ladies tees in the qualifying tournament), she ended up about 146th out of 150. Hardly a winner! I'm firmly for equality, but this incessant focus and reporting slant that women are taking on and "beating" men is pointless and surely just riles the men. In addition, how do the jobbing pros on the PGA Tour feel about a place being taken in the Open by a qualifier who did not have to meet their qualifying criteria?"

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1st Men's Issues Study opening in Oregon

HombreVIII writes "Many of us have lamented about the lack of men's issues sections in our local bookstores, but for Gordon Clay a men's issues section isn't good enough. Gordon is the owner of the new Men's Issues Study, a library soon to be opened in southern Oregon. After having toured 26 US states with thousands of men's issues books, cassettes, and videos in his Browser Bookmobile, Mr. Clay has created a new home for them by personally funding the construction of a suitable building to house them out of his own savings. The building was completed on July 19th and the shelves are expected to be fully stocked in August."

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Media trend - Sympathetic regard for violent women

CJ writes "A typical trend in the media that deserves attention is how females who commit acts of violence often get sympathetic regard and complete consideration concerning what may have lead to these actions. Here is a story about a woman who did an armed carjacking, a 33-mile chase, rammed several police cars and struck a state trooper and the article is sympathetic and inquires for reasons why it happened. The report goes on to bring up custody issues (rare case where a couple lost custody), and how someone feared she was fleeing an “abusive spouse,” I would like to add that another car chase occurred around the same time that involved a male, and both got media attention, but there has been no follow up about what happened in a sympathetic light for his case. If a man had done this, he would be charged criminally – no matter what, end of story."

Like0 Dislike0 What's a home-maker worth?

Matt writes "MSN is at it again with: this

Actually, accoring to our old friend Jed Abraham (author of "From Courtship to the Courtroom"), being a homemaker is worth half of whatever it is your husband made when you were being a home-maker (male home-makers don't get similar consideration).
Some more from MSN:
here as well
What's the lesson here for the gals? Divorce the sucker while you still can~
Get this, too:
and here as well
This beaut finishes with:
"Also on the bright side, discovering that a second income really doesn't contribute much financially can free a spouse to learn new skills, go back to school, pursue an unprofitable dream career or launch a home-based business that may pay little during the first few years. If you're going to work for free, after all, you might as well enjoy it."

I.e., let your husband finance your get-set-to-divorce plans so after you take him for half he's worth, get the kids, get his $ flowing in alimony and C/S, you can still go get a job, too! Wooo!!! *Thuch* a deal!"

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Australia considering quotas for government boards

HombreVIII writes "From the article .... The poor turnout has prompted calls for quotas of up to 50 per cent, to set an example to industry.
"I don't think that (figure) is a bad thing," SA Water chief executive and board member Anne Howe said.

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Oh My God.

The Gonzo Kid writes "The story speaks for itself. Click here" Now this is a bit of a weird one, don't know quite what to make of it.

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NCFM suing battered women's shelters

HombreVIII writes "Three cheers to Angelucci and the National Coalition of Free Men, who have decided to represent Eldon Ray Blumhorst in a suit against battered women's shelters for discrimination.
From the article -
"According to the complaint, Eldon Ray Blumhorst's civil rights were violated when he called each of the Los Angeles County shelters last December telling them he "needed shelter from domestic violence perpetrated against him" and none of the shelters took him in."

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His Side: Bush Caves in to Feminists on Title IX

Anon User writes "Largely due to Title IX, over 350 men's collegiate athletic teams have been cut over the past two decades. Glenn will discuss the feminist assault on men's collegiate athletics and the recent Bush cave-in on Title IX reform with Charlotte Hays, senior editor of the Independent Women’s Forum, and Leo Kocher, Board President of the College Sports Council, on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, July 27. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to His Side

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