The Case Against Alimony

A while ago, most of you read my article against alimony and I said I'd get back to you when it's finished, well it's practically finished but when I read Lee's post on alimony I had to post this, so click "read more/post comments" to read it. The article is co-written by Allen Cole and I must say were it not for him, chances are this article would not exist. So read it well, learn the counter arguments, and tell people the way it is.

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Black men- the biggest victims of feminism

CJ writes "Here is a disturbing article that glorifies the successes of black women over black men. A quote from the article "Not just teachers but the entire educational support system now favors girls over boys, argues Monette Evans, a Tuskegee College vice-president." “Most black males were encouraged to be athletes,” not scholars. None made it big as jocks (obviously); instead, “over half of the males who graduated with me are in jail.” The main focus of the article is that it is "hard to find a good black man" My opinion is that if black women (society) wants more good black men, start creating academic environments that are pro-male, because the current academic climate is misandric, and is expecially broken for the black male.

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Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does

CJ writes "

Enjoy this humorous article about how today a woman is empowered by anything that she may do (shopping, buying shoes...), but also realize that mass marketing efforts DO ACTUALLY embody this feminist ideology, and this could account for the dramatic increase in misandric messages in all commercial media outlets. This is so because feminism is a class-based ideology, and so it tends to see everything in antagonistic terms. So, in order for women's lives to get better, men's lives must get worse, and this is reflected in contemporary mass media. Enjoy and reflect..."

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MANN Chat: Attacking Misandry on Campus

I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (2/26),
starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="">usual location. The
topic for this chat will be "Attacking Misandry on Campus."   In a
recent essay, href=""> Glenn Sacks artfully described
some of the problems college men face on campus.  Those problems
are rooted in misandry and happen not just on college and university
campuses, but in elementary schools and high schools as well.  From
labeling young boys as "proto-rapists" and "proto-harassers" to
inviting notorious man-hating women to speak at graduation ceremonies,
misandry is alive and well in the academy.  Wanna do something
about it?  Join us at tonight's MANN chat to discuss strategies
for dealing with misandry on campus.  See you there!  (Please
note: This is the topic I had hoped to discuss last week, but the chat
server was down.)

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Pheminism at work - From the "MS." files

The Gonzo Kid writes "I don't know whether this is believable or unbelievable. Read this: Martha Burke's email is Drop her an email and let her know what you think. On second thought, it is believable. This is what "feminism" is all about; if you've ever doubted it, here's the smoking gun. Fight the Evil!!!!!"

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Do shirts and ties discriminate against men?

Serge writes "Have your say." Pointing out the double standards here will be a good thing.

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Chivalry Linked to Sexist Views of Women

Martian Bachelor writes "Here's some classic damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't academic "research" on chivalry and sexism which was in the news recently. A short quote may help give an idea: "Chivalry isn't all it's cracked up to be, suggests new research showing that men who hold doors for women also tend to hold sexist views about them...""

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Privilege Check List

Dan Lynch writes "This is funny and yet so true. Anyways due to administrations requests I am going to post a check list that you should check out. Just read the first comment of this thread to see an interesting view by an unknown author."

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Discrimination against boys

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Bill Maher's New Show

Dan Lynch writes "Bill Maher is getting a new show. After looking at the site I think its possible that a person can submit their own ideas for a topical discussion. Now I don't know the whole score but I believe that Maher did try to bring some men's issues to the table but was stiffled for whatever reason. The advertisement I have heard states that the guests will have far more "Freedom" to discuss their beliefs on the issues. I think this is an oppurtunity worth trying despite the high chance for *rejections*. Personally its my dream to have more feminists and more masculists debating in the same room. Let's hope Bill stands true to his word."

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DLJ to Resume Publishing

Trudy W. Schuett writes "Yuma AZ — After a six-month hiatus, the DesertLight Journal has returned to a regular publishing schedule. Beginning with the March issue, to appear March 1, the DLJ will contain both some familiar features and some new additions. In addition to news of the groups and orgs of the international men’s movement, the DLJ will include book reviews, news of new book releases, as well as short fiction and poetry related to men’s issues.

As in the past, subscriptions will be free. Those wishing to subscribe can go HERE

to sign up. Past subscribers are asked to also go to this address and sign up, as this is a different process than the previous delivery method.

Writers wishing to submit work should e-mail the publisher, Trudy W. Schuett, at for more information."

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Men's Activist Page in France

This is a French website for men's activists around the world.

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Violence and Gender Reexamined

Dan Lynch writes "I came across a new book (Violence and Gender Reexamined) written by Professor Rich Felson and published by the American Psychological Association. The author goes on to describe that it is the 'non violence'(or chivalry) in regards to women that is the sexism. Plus a great deal more. The Author does not play to any agenda and shoots from the hip. I will post the flap synapsis of the book with written permission from the author. Also; the contents and the first chapter of this book is available upon request to my email address,(all with the permission of the author). One final note on this book. It was found in a university display. A good sign in my opinion. My email address is"

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"" ads still at it

IncredibleTulkas writes "It seems is still at it with their "voodoo doll" commercials, which portray a woman torturing a man for fun.
Apparently this is considered "humorous" despite the fact that the man is always in the receiving end-- or, more accurately, BECAUSE of this fact; the message is clearly that, the image of a man torturing a woman is considered horrendous, while the image of a woman torturing a man is hilarious.
Although has apparently toned down the ads from former portrayals of genital mutilation (I'm not sure since I refused to dignify the new commercial by watching it to completion),'s simple history of misandry makes even the appearance of impropriety to be as unacceptable as Lorena Bobbit selling steak knives. Furthermore, the violent misandry portrayed in this commercial is unacceptable on its own."

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Default Paternity Fraud Sponsor - California

warble writes "It pleases my to announce that California Senator Roy Ashburn has agreed to carry a bill crafted and proposed by NCFM, LA. For political reasons, this bill will focus on obtaining relief for the victims of default paternity judgments.

It is based on proven language that has taken years to develop and extends the efforts of Roderick Wright and Stan Dorio who have been so helpful in establishing a foundation on this issue.

Paternity fraud from default judgments is a major problem in California. For example, in L.A. County 79% of all paternity judgments are default judgments. As a consequence, California has a 120% paternity rate because more fathers are being assigned to children than were actually born. This means that we have many cases where two fathers are legally assigned to pay child support. An example of this is the Yvette and Chaka Kee family. They are victims of the actions of a fraud mom that has two fathers assigned to her child. Naturally, the corrupt and dishonest opposition supports this practice.

This bill promises, if passed, to grant relief to the poor and many families that suffer from the effects of paternity fraud. The proposed bill also allows for the recovery of damages in civil court where there is actual provable fraud on the part of the mother. NCFM, LA notes that there is no state that has such provisions as a matter of law.

Finally, NCFM-LA, CAPF, ACFC, NCFC, and others will be participating in a Paternity Board sponsored by Governor Davis to draft recommendations on the future laws relating to paternity fraud.

I'd also like to thank Roderick Wright, Stan Dorio, Dianna Thompson, Carnell Smith, Marc A., Taron James, and all those that wrote the letters when requested to petition the California Legislature for support of our proposed language. Obtaining support could not have been accomplished without everybody coming together as a team. This proves that we can make a difference when we work together as a team


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