Prostitutes bribed to make false rape claims

Daily Nation and have uncovered a story in which they reveal...

"Human rights activists have encouraged Kenyan prostitutes to submit fake rape claims against British soldiers"

"They told me that if I said I was raped by British soldiers and showed them my baby then I would get three million shillings [£30,000]," Miss Muguri said. "I would take two million and they would take one."

"I know none of them was raped. The fathers were either British soldiers or tourists or white Kenyan citizens. If a child looked partly Indian we would tell them to say they were raped by Gurkhas."

"Another prostitute, Rose, who has two mixed-race children as a result of liaisons with Italian tourists at the coast, refused to say she was raped, despite attempts by activists to persuade her."

"However, lawyer Martyn Day maintains that most of the claims are genuine and is set to continue with the legal action on behalf of several hundred Samburu and Maasai women."

Anyone want to make some money by claiming Martyn Day raped you?

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