Letter from Farrell to men's activists

Warren Farrell sent us the following letter...

"On Tuesday a few friends of yours in California will vote for
children to have their dad only if you call them, and only if you
address your friends' unconscious ambivalence: their openness to
voting for me versus their desire to make their vote count. Here's
how they can do both:

Explain that there's about a chance in a billion that their one vote
will make the difference between the winner and the loser. But since
I am identified on the ballot with fathers' issues, each vote for me
can be seen, and delivers a crystal clear message to politicians,
"stop giving moms the right to children while making dads fight for

In brief, their vote will tell politicians, "you can no longer ignore
dads". (This is the way the Green party forced politicians to no
longer ignore the environment.)

If your friend objects, "I care about children, not dads," explain
that since every child is half their mom and half their dad, a vote
for me is a vote for a child to have both halves of itself.

It's the first chance we've ever had to do this. We don't know if
we'll have that chance again. Please think of a California friend and
make that call tonight.



www.warrenfarrell.com "

Until recently I'd been offering a new challenge to you everyday to work for the men's rights cause by supporting Farrell. Election day is today! This is your last chance to participate by taking up Farrell's challenge and talking to any friends you have in California, or if you don't have friends there discussing it on a California forum.

"What did you do when a politician ran on a men's issues platform?"

"Nothing, I was tired and didn't want to miss my favorite TV show."

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Mensactivism.org. Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:


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