Fathers 4 Justice protest causes national furore

AngryMan writes "The fathers' rights protest at London's Buckingham Palace has caused a national scandal. Good work guys! Details


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Dating advice from a "man-trainer" on MSN

CJ writes "MSN is so casual and blatant in publishing astonishingly misandric articles. Here is a “love advice” columnist whose credentials read as follows: Womanly Arts and Mama Gena's Guide To Owning And Operating Men. Her advice in this particular piece tells women to “Join the ranks of the brilliant man-trainers of the world: Women who use men to fulfill their dreams and desires!”...and… “guys on their own recognizance won’t necessarily aim very high. A beer and a channel-changer is about enough excitement for them” The problem with this form of casual misandry is that the same type of article with the genders reversed would not be published as it would be highly offensive to women. Let's write MSN to tell them what the "man-trainer" can do with her advice...


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The perennial issue of female nudity

AngryMan writes "Britain's biggest-selling newspaper 'The Sun', publishes a topless photo on page 3 every day. This article


traces the history of this phenomenon, and the efforts of feminists to stop it. It's interesting to hear the models themselves defending their choices. I accept the argument that nude girls are not news, but it's difficult to accept the feminist whining about them being exploited - look how much money they earn! This kind of censorship is really about policing male sexuality, and attempting to manage the sexual market-place by controlling the supply-side."

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ABC's new Fall Headliner: "Desperate Housewives"

Saw an ad for it today on the side of a bus and just knew what to expect... my suspicions well-confirmed. The show's pilot plot is discussed here. Look for plenty of husband-murdering and complaining about all the things mom isn't getting, aside from the house, car, lack of job responsibilities, etc.

What's "funny" is that the concept authors, etc., all seem to be men - or at least the ones they talk about on the site. Sad but predictable.

I am sure it'll get high ratings.

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Activist opportunity for Virgina residents


Those who live in Virginia, especially those whose House rep. is Jim Moran, will be interested to know Mr. Moran is sponsoring a women's issues conference for Sept. 18, 2004. Info found here. Please contact Mr. Moran's office by using his site feedback form here asking for equal time for men.

Please click "Read More" to see the note I sent him.

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Fathers 4 Justice protest at Palace

AngryMan writes "A protester dressed as Batman has climbed on to the balcony of Buckingham Palace. This is the latest in a series of recent high-profile demonstrations by the British men's rights group Fathers 4 Justice. Long may it continue.

Details here.

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As a father, where do I go from here?

J writes "Hi,

I spare you the details, but when my wife levied false allegations of domestic violence in Nov 03, the last thought on my mind was to attack the lies and twisted references to truth. I was too focused on saving my marriage, living on the hope of reconciliation for our children, 4, 5 and 11. Now she's filed for divorce and 100% legal and physical custody. She denies: (1) her psychosis (e.g. seeing demons leap from one person to another, putting oils on the heads of our children who she fears might be possessed -- REAL Andrea Yates stuff, (2) her perjuring herself numerous times in her written declaration to the court and to the court appointed 730 evaluator, and (3) her moving her lesbian lover in when she moved me out. The problem is, with women, it seems allegation carries the day, and all the documented evidence in the world will do a man no good. I have an attorney (just recently fired one for not fighting), but in the 9 months I've been battling this I've lost my house, the kids and over $20,000. I love my little ones. Any suggestions???


Hombre - We get a lot of submissions here asking for assistance for troubled fathers, so any large organizations that any of you know of which can offer real help to men in these situations will be appreciated by many readers.

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Germaine Greer cheers divorcing women

bandersnatch writes "In this article, feminist Germaine Greer recently was quoted saying that "the high rate of divorce should be celebrated as the major sign of progress in the feminist movement." What ever happened to trying work things out first?"

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Australia: Woman beats boy viciously, gets 4 months

Proving once again that the phenomenon of women-are-innocent-even-when-proven-guilty spans the globe, this from Australia. She is found guilty yet sentenced to only four months in jail for doing what would have landed a man in jail for *years* had the genders been reversed.

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Update on Zeta-Jones stalking case

AngryMan writes "The trial has been delayed because the stalker attempted suicide and then blamed Zeta-Jones for driving her to it. You can't help pitying the woman. The latest tawdry episode is here.


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Glass corridor?

Indianmale writes "India's top corporate (women) professionals are quitting their jobs to stay at home and take care of the kids. The story blames it on `social conditioning'. At another place, it also mentions the choices available to women - work (full time or part time), stay at home (for the kids or yourself), and the flexible working conditions offered by corporates (one year's leave, time off to attend an event in which her daughter participates). None of these choices are available to men. (Under the current law applicable to Hindus and Christians, the husband has a legal obligation to support his wife). The story is here"

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Nicole Kidman Booed For "Child Love" Film.

Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Democracy in action: Theater patrons walked out and booed viciously at the movie screening for Nicole Kidman's new film which features her molestation of a 10-year-old boy -- only as she is a woman, this act of pedophilia is referred to as "love". As excellent as it is that she received the public ridicule she so richly deserved, how do you feel the audience would have reacted if Tom Cruise had made a movie about himself taking a nude bath with a ten-year-old girl, and would his character have had the brass cojones to tell an unsuspecting public that it is entirely okay because he "loves" the girl in question?"

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More men report being molested by Women

apetr writes "In this article

men reporting being sexually assaulted is on the rise. Men, given an outlet for these crimes against them will show that it is not the majority of men who are perpetraitors, establish some other shelters and such for men and you will see just how many have been abused."

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Another Teacher and Student

CPM writes "Story here

It seems that "teaching" is the preferred profession for these perverts who need an icebreaker to prey upon young boys. With all of these teacher/student "trysts" that I am aware of, it seems that it is almost always a woman that is the pervert. Knowing how the media try to bury incidents of criminal behavior by females, I can't even fathom how many of these teacher/student incidents aren't even making it to the news. Perhaps women should not be allowed near young students, you know kind of like male day care workers.

I particularly like when she said that it was not just about sex. Well, then it must be ok, so long as there was more to it than just sex. There's also the money she will try to get if she can manage to get herself knocked-up.

Geez we almost need a seperate category here just for these female teacher/young boy stories.

If you'll excuse me, I'm late for a vomit appointment..."

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50 Year Old Female Teacher Accused Of Sex Assault

Anonymous User writes
In this disgusting story we read that:

"Cecelia Schneider, a high school mathematics teacher, is accused of child endangerment and aggravated sexual assault. "


"Complaints against Schneider, suspended with pay from her job as a mathematics teacher at Monmouth Regional High School, Tinton Falls, allege that in 2002 she performed oral sex on the boy and produced and distributed child pornography, specifically a photograph of herself with the toddler.

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