Kathleen Parker pulls the "I'm not a feminist, but..." routine

Anonymous User writes "I am giving you a link to Kathleen Parker's latest article not strictly because it's father's day, but because Kathleen is perpetuating a hateful stereotype about the nearest man, and is doing it in a indirect attract and repel way. She's done this before, as evidenced by this previous article I will try to explain below."

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"I want you to observe how the first 8 paragraphs are full of praise for father's restraint, but then the ninth paragraph is this:

"Women are frankly better at defending themselves than men are, which may be a function of the fact that they were the underdogs for so many centuries. Under the heel of a boot, one learns to think creatively. Men are just beginning to feel the crunch of gravel pressing into their faces."

You see, according to her, we deserve it! Kathleen sows seeds of hatred by pulling the "I'm not a feminist, but..." and then states a feminist statement? If she's saying feminist things, then's she's a feminist! You, as a man don't notice these things, because the dose of misandrist poison comes from behind a facade of weakness, and is enough of a low dose to destroy over time, unlike feminists who use high doseages of manhating poison which would trigger something you could react to.

In fact, I would say conservative women and feminists are the "Good cop, bad cop" and both of them are working against you as a man, comprimising everything you are and do as a man. See here:

Good cop, bad cop

She also quotes the Gilder Fallacy of which I am posting a link to disprove her claims, and I am also reminded of Esther Vilar saying that men are praised for their qualities useful to women.

In short, don't trust conservative women any more than you would a feminist."

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