No Real Men in France?

Kathleen Parker has offered this commentary on recent news items about French men.

First, I'd like to say that, in part because I've visited France about a dozen times, I know a number of French men who are as heteronormative (Like that word? I couldn't resist.) as any American man. Her article, though, does carry some insight and a forecast regarding those dark clouds on the horizon. The following contains a few excerpts and my own commentary. If this seems long, please pardon the rantings of a married male. (A tip o' the hat to Tom Ellis.)"The French finding of maternity envy was the result of a telephone survey of more than 500 fathers, 38 percent of whom said that, science permitting, they'd like to have carried their children through the nine-month gestation."

Looks like the feminized schools may be succeeding in deconstructing boys, at least in many cases.

"On the other hand, science is closing in on an artificial womb that may make gestation possible outside a woman's body. Although touted as a solution for women unable to bear children, such wombs conceivably could be made available to men who want babies without the messy complication of a female."

I suppose "messy complication of a female" means facing the threats of losing contact with your children, being forced (under penalty of imprisonment) to pay for children even if you never get to see them and even if you've proven that they aren't your offspring, being forced to pay alimony or (if one prefers) household support or maintenance to someone with whom you no longer have a relationship other than that of mistress and slave, enduring endless insinuations or outright declarations to the effect that you are fundamentally inferior, having little or no defense if you are violently attacked, being slammed with false accusations while knowing that if it's proven that the accusations were false the woman will face little or no punishment... I could go on and on, of course, but anyone with so much as a single gray cell already knows the list.

"Strapping on our Huxley hats, we easily visualize a brave new world in which women, no longer essential to procreation, are eliminated."

I doubt it. For one thing, most men will still want women around for sex. For another, I question whether men have it in them to hate women as much as feminists hate men and boys. I wonder if men have an instinctual inclination to protect themselves, women, and their children, while women have an instinctual inclination to protect themselves and their children, with little or no instinctual regard for men beyond a concern for how men can provide for women and their children. Nonetheless, a hurricane of rage is barreling down the tracks at society. (Yeah, it's a mixed metaphor. Hey. I'm ranting.)

"Men — rage-filled by their former roles as sperm donors and human ATMs — would have a newly leveled playing field."

Damn straight. She certainly sees the rage coming. But let's not forget men having their health concerns ignored by the majority (read "female") elected government, still facing the all-male draft, being systematically and relentlessly extirpated from the academy... Again, the list goes on and on.

"It can't be mere coincidence that his (Michael Jackson's) trial on charges of pedophilia — the ultimate expression of the narcissistic impulse — intersected with the birth of a postmodern man who's all boy."

And the arrival of the artificial womb may well intersect with the crash of advanced societies, especially European, due to deconstruction of males, extreme population collapse, and a host of other feminist blessings.

Hold onto your hats!

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