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F4J Is Back
posted by Matt on 01:10 PM May 21st, 2006
Men's Organizations RandomMan writes "F4J re-launched itself (after the smear campaign that tried to shut it down), with a high profile protest on a live lottery broadcast. Details here."

Erin Pizzy interview discussed on journalist's blog | Alternative Sentencing Urged for Women in High-Incarceration States  >

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MRA's Defining Their Mission (Score:2)
by Luek on 05:52 PM May 21st, 2006 EST (#1)
Quote from article:

Guy Harrison, a spokesman for the paternal rights group, said it was the group's duty to warn parents about family law

I like this! It is the mission of MRA's to warn society about the corruption in family law. Just as it is the duty of citizens to protect society from tyrannical aggression from foreign and domestic sources.
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