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by Roy on 12:05 AM May 21st, 2006 EST (#1)
It's a great article and it will be instructive to see how this documentary film on DV will be buried and silenced.
My advice to the film-maker would be to include an interview with Gloria or Kim or Hillary just to get the major mass media to notice the work.
(Quote) -- "The real victims, they say, are the children who still witness abuse -- children who they say are likely to grow up to be abusers."
Before the children become "victims," it's crucial to destroy their fathers.
Then you have victims, wards of the state, citizens for the Feminazi-Matrix.
Is any of this assault on masculinity at all complicated to figure out?
It appears to be rather, brutally --- OBVIOUS.
by Davidadelong on 09:34 AM May 21st, 2006 EST (#2)
Let's see, does it make a difference what gender a person is if they are abusive? No, it doesn't does it. But if we are to believe our governments, not just in the U.S. but many others as well it would seem that Men are the only real Human Beings walking the face of the earth. As Men are the only ones that have been targeted for reindoctrination by our governments. Let's see, why would our governments be afraid of dissafected young viral Men? Oh, something having to do with wanting a real life, freedom perhaps, or the ability to live their lives with dignity? Control the Men through the Women, and then they don't have to worry about Men getting together in smokey rooms and talking about how to improve their lives now do we? As long as Men preach hate aginst Women, and Women preach hate against Men we will be helping our "masters" continue their control. I would rather be a Humanist as the hero of this article is, and she is a Woman. I would rather be a Person that fights to take control of my own life, instead of allowing myself to be played so as to ensure the slavery of my Grandchildren. "It is a good day to die!"
by Roy on 10:51 AM May 21st, 2006 EST (#3)
"Control the Men through the Women..."
Yeah, it's an intriguing theory.
But as I recall, every single man in Congress voted to approve VAWA 2005-2010.
Or, did their wives and concubines secretly control their votes?
by Davidadelong on 09:27 AM May 22nd, 2006 EST (#4)
Roy, if you haven't already read "Presidential Wives, An Anecdotal History" by Paul F. Boller, Jr. you should. Historically speaking almost every Man of position and power across the globe has had a Woman from a family of privelage and power "behind" them. Documentation of historical People seem to bare out this "supposed theory". Hard for some to admit as well I guess. But it is somewhat obvious that Men in politics in this country have sold out their integrity for future and profit, no? George Will once said that (paraphrase) "Anyone that doesn't believe that any politician of any standing hasn't sold their proverbial soul to the devil to get where they are is a fool!" He keyed in on our presidents after that. What is so hard to believe that a Man in politics would sell out his own gender to ensure his life of privelege? Just check out the votes for VAWA 2005-2010. Add to that the propaganda that has been printed in news papers and on tv that a Man will live longer if he allows his wife to make the major decisions. Our problem goes much deeper than feminism Roy, feminism is just another tool. I prefer to attack the people that have designed this paradigm myself, so as to relieve my Grandchildren from a life of oppression and wage slavery. I figure I really don't have a chance at a decent life myself, so I choose to fight.......
"Erin Pizzey was able to find the seeds of domestic violence in the abusers -- she traced it back to their childhood. She traced it to abandonment of some sort."
I didn't know until reading this that she had formulated such an hypothesis. Interesting...
* MB
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/* Not All Men Are Fools -- Some Are Martian Bachelors
by khankrumthebulgar on 07:08 PM May 25th, 2006 EST (#6)
Government creates the problem then subsidizes the solution. What an insane Society we have going. We are creating a criminal Male underclass by removing Fathers from Families. Then subsidizing a massive Criminal system. How insane is this? The latest on the Duke Stripper Skank is she had sex with 3 Men. Two who were Drivers and her Boyfriend. She is a total Slut and Whore in it for the money.
Now Fox News is not referring to her as a Victim but as the Accuser. And the DA admits she was not given a Toxicology test for Drugs. Even though he said she was given a Rape Drug??? Even though a Police Officer said she was falling down drunk.
This case stinks to high Heavens. Erin Pizzey is in my view a Woman of great Courage and Morals.
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