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by Demonspawn on 02:42 AM February 10th, 2006 EST (#1)
In many southern states, a teacher can 'recomend' a young student to be evaluated for ADHD, be seen by the school shrink, and then have ritilin (or some other ADHD drug) given to the child by the school nurse..... ALL WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT!
Mind you, if that ever happened to my son, I wouldn't be suing, I'd be walking into the school with a few loaded firearms.
Extreme? Perhaps. However, I have a personal history with Ritilin and with ADHD. I have ADHD (confirmed with an EKG long before it was a 'popular' diagnosis for problem children). I was 14 or 15 when I was put on the drug. If any of you have children with ADHD I STRONGLY RECOMEND you use behavorial techniques to combat the outbursts rather than drugs. For me, the drug left me feeling like I was a zombie traped in my own body, unable to take any action, simply watching a movie of my life with my eyes as a camera. It left me deeply depressed, and suicidal. After one of my attempts, my parrents finally listened to me when I begged them to never put me on it again.
ADHD is not as bad as people make it out to be. Once you know how to deal with it, you'll learn that you can be 'more productive' than other people... the trick is just to have two or three things going at the same time. For example, I don't do homework (I'm in college now) without the TV or the radio going. If I'm in a real pinch to get stuff done, I simply to two assignments at the same time. It's honestly easier for me to do it that way than to do one thing at a time.
As I'm reading over my post again, it strikes me that I have to worry about my son being given Ritilin without my consent, but not my daughter.
by Davidadelong on 09:54 AM February 10th, 2006 EST (#3)
Since you are in college, and you like to multi task, do some research on ADHD, and why the system is using drugs to subdue these children. It is nothing more than a planned action to keep the People down. I think you might be amazed at the bullshit, and just a little pissed off. Then if you do the research, share it with everyone you can.
by Davidadelong on 09:50 AM February 10th, 2006 EST (#2)
It is funny that all the research that says that Children that are supposed to have ADHD do not need drugs; they need a different learning envirement. Why, most Children diagnosed with ADHD are of higher intelligence. The only thing that those drugs do is make them fit in to the rest of the class, nothing like keeping the brightest and smartest in the masses doped up and stupid! If one were to study history one would find that most of the greatest innovators would be considered today to have ADHD. I guess they don't want any "real" thinkers growing up. If one were to really think about this, it would really be cause for alarm. Now it seems the Girls are under attack, and finally there is some concern. "It is agood day to die!"
by klp on 10:00 AM February 10th, 2006 EST (#4)
From what I have read on this "disorder", the symptoms seem to be little more than a laundry list of behavior that annoys teachers.
by al_nbd on 08:28 AM February 11th, 2006 EST (#5)
Very remarkable and significant comment on the topic was given in the Chicago Tribune: 9fdawarnings,1,1628167.story?coll=chi-news-hed
"In a surprise move, a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted Thursday to put a black box warning—the most severe possible—on drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."
Warning about the danger of those drugs is called "surprise move". Maybe this was said by some highly professional and competent medical scientist? No. This judgement was done by two newspaper (obviously female) journalists: Judith Graham and Judy Peres. As you can understand - there is nothing serious if several tens of children will die, until these children are boys. Much more importantly is to decrease the natural activity of boys with drugs in order not to lower girls' self-esteem due to their lower natural activity.
by Roy on 02:13 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#6)
In her book WOMEN WHO MAKE THE WORLD WORSE Kate O'Beirne has an entire chapter on the anti-boy environment (indeed, intentional feminist campaign)in our schools.
The ADHD/Ritalin conspiracy is just a sub-department in a pervasive social experiment to "reform" masculinity.
(Excerpt) -- " We parents of boys have meekly allowed gender warriors to treat our sons like unindicted coconspirators in history's gender crimes, while parents of girls permit their daughters to be patronized as helpless victims of a phantom, crippling sex bias in America's schools. Classrooms have been turned into feminist re-education camps to stamp out all sex differences and smother the natural attributes and aspirations of girls and boys. When Gloria Steinem, who has raised neither, declared 'We badly need to raise boys more like we raise girls,' she summed up the feminist conviction that boys' gender identity had to be radically re-formed. And the feminist reeducation project in our schools is determined to 'free' young girls from their natural feminine traits. Our schools and universities are battlefields in a determined feminist campaign of indoctrination and intimidation, and students and scholarship have been the casualties."
I highly recommend Ms. O'Bierne's book.
It will give you more documented ammunition against feminism than you could glean from weeks of web-grazing on MRA sites. (She has done the research, done the fact-checking with 20 pages of citations, and made an airtight case....)
After reading the book, I was struck by the realization that the feminists' fantasy of an Evil Patriarchy may be just a needy projection by a gender that desperately seeks to find an explanation for why men really do not take them at all seriously.
by JulianDroms on 03:17 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#7)
What a bunch of bull crap. Black labeling is put on packaging to indicate danger of medical complications - usually death or severe disability as a potential complication of medication use.
It's not for the purpose of maintaining an opinion that drugs are over-prescribed.
This committee is trying to play politics with a scientific and medical issue.
If you don't like ritalin, there is an easy solution - don't take it. Or, don't put your kids on it.
If anything, all that is needed is legislation stating that young adults and children have the right to refuse medication for ADD, and that in refusing to do so, they do not forfeit rights to equal protection they would have if medication use were statutorily prohibited.
People need to stop minding other people's business. That's how feminists got us where we are today in the first place.
by Davidadelong on 04:06 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#8)
Baloney for sure, but the baloney is that ritalin, and other drugs like it are being over prescribed, an abuse of the medical community/drug companies/mental health? community. Sort of like the pot calling the kettle black, eh what? Young Parents being pressured by the 'professionals" that are supposed to have their Childrens best interest at heart were playing politics long before the FDA did. I am just gald that this was put out, at least now perhaps some Parents will question the "professionals" that are suggesting, very strongly I might add that their Children take drugs. The feminists didn't get us here without the help of the government either.
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