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by klp on 01:23 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#1)
[A]ll states will be mandated under this bill to establish marriage promotion programs and to meet numerical performance objectives. NOW regards marriage promotion efforts targeting low-income women as potentially coercive, discriminatory and an invasion of privacy.
Horror of horrors...holding women to marital vows and (Gulp) involving men in child raising [SARCASM].
If it concerns her that much, why don't NOW's state chapter lobby their respective states to decline this federal money? There's no mandate to accept it.
by Thundercloud on 04:04 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#5)
If Gandy is "alarmed" then that is a good thing. It means we're making progress.
"Hoka hey!"
by MAUS on 05:21 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#7)
by RandomMan on 02:04 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#2)
Gandy is a proven liar, hypocrite, androphobe and misandrist of the first order. She opposes marriage, responsibilities for women and all sorts of other things which have been proven to be socially beneficial. She demands privilege for women at the expense of men, and should, generally speaking, be shot into space for the greater benefit of humankind. Without a radio.
But seriously, who gives a damn what she has to say.
As for "extremist father's rights groups", what a load of hypocritical bullshit. Way to capitalize on the propaganda around the frameup of F4J, Kim! I suppose she thinks that all money should go to extremist mother's rights groups, and that would be AOK, right? Or is it sexist to call a mother a mother now? I can never keep track of NOW's constant revisionism and newly invented double standards.
The more things change....
by Clancy
on 03:31 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#3)
You said what I would have said - if I'd thought of it first. The "extremist father's rights groups" comment raised both of my eyebrows. I think slamming my head against my desk ought to help me make some sense out of that screech.
by RandomMan on 03:51 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#4)
A billion in feminist pork via VAWA and the massive, constant transfer of assets from men to women just isn't enough for Kim. Apparently she wants the other 12% of funding that fathers and marriages have to share, too! Wouldn't it be nice for a change if a woman, better yet, a feminist would try contributing to the public purse instead of just raiding it? (Men pay around 70% of taxes, last time I checked).
Slamming my head against my desk repetitively is the only way I know of to clear this stuff out of my head, Clancy!
by Roy on 05:16 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#6)
The National Organization for Women (NOW) is losing members at a rapid rate.... so dramatic that NOW will not report on their current membership statistics.
In their heyday, less than 2% of American women belonged to NOW.
But, Emily's List has the real goods.... the most money of any PAC to spend on bribing members of Congress to support feminist goals.
The future of NOW will likely be Kim Gandy and one lesbian internist typing out her ever more hysterical press releases into the netsphere.
Girls who have access to education and careers (60% of all university students are now female) do not any longer describe themselves as feminists.
Maybe that's why VAWA 2005 contains so many programs to go after marginalized women (read Black women in cities and Native American women on reservations) in order to recruit a new NOW constituency?
NOW has become a silly Vanity Press for one very disturbed former beauty queen wannabee.....
by AngryMan
on 11:16 AM February 10th, 2006 EST (#11)
>Gandy is a proven liar, hypocrite,
>androphobe and misandrist of the
>first order
Don't forget 'heterophobe' as well.
"Those who promise us paradise on earth have never produced anything but hell." Karl Popper
by Yanyan on 07:53 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#8)
Pro marriage initiatives and fathers' rights? Government funded? Politicians getting the message? Naaaaawh, it's a joke - must be.
If it's really true there's another idea they need to absorb fairly soon. As long as the courts go on treating men as walking wallets and sperm donors, no amount of 'initiatives' will make any difference.
Time to hang on in there.
by Davidadelong on 11:48 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#9)
The budget cuts combined with the current laws will force Men and Women into marriage. Therefore creating more wage slaves to keep the federal and state employees on the job of oppression. If one were to take out the obvious slanderous comments about Men in her article she points out some interesting things. Seniors are getting screwed, as well as everybody else. Of course the budget is "LARGE" for defense and "national security". Once again the American public is being forced to provide the actual dollars for the corporations that will profit from this situation. It makes me sick. Oh well, at least the government is spending some money on Mens' programs, even if it is designed to screw us over.
by khankrumthebulgar on 10:10 AM February 11th, 2006 EST (#12)
NOW and the other FemNags are alarmed at the growth of the Men's Movement. exceeded its bandwidth recently. Data indicates the Marriage Strike is growing. This is more problems for the FemNags as younger Women are increasingly repudiating the Lesbian dominated Feminist Movement.
Worse yet Phyliss Schafly, Katie O'Beirne and other Women are writing books and articles tearing Feminism apart. Even Feminist Women are now saying the movement is damaging Women's Lives. When Feminists who are in their 40s and older are saying Feminism is harming Women the movement is in serious trouble.
They lost the last Presidential Election even though they pulled out all the stops. Women are repudiating Abortion and demanding restrictions. A Anti-Abortion Chief Justice and Associate Justice were confirmed to the High Court despite their objections. Yes life is rough. The VAWA Act will not help them as more US Men are going offshore to find wives.
The International Marriage Broker's Act is a feeble attempt to regulate Market Demand for Women. It will not work. The shaming language AW are using is falling on deaf ears. Men have become immune to it.
Science is disproving their dogma. Too bad FemNags. You day is over. And the angry savages in Islam are knocking at the door, insisting the world embrace Sharia. European and Western Women may well find out what real oppression is living under Sharia.
by Davidadelong on 09:01 AM February 12th, 2006 EST (#17)
Thomas, I racked my brain, short process, and the only thing I could come up with other than snippets from the news here and there would be a federal reserve library. The government keeps tabs on this stuff and prints it in reports that can be found in these establishments. I believe they have state by state info, as well as trends nationally. I hope this helped. One caveat' though, most times the tomes that hold this information are a year or two old. But, if the project you are working on includes some historical perspective then a fed reserve library would be a good bet I'm thinking.
by Roy on 02:48 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#14)
Yesterday on an AM metro radio talk show I listened to a discussion on the popular womens' lament about "Why are there no good men?"
It seems that population statistics now indicate that there are many more unmarried-wanting-to-be-married women than marriageable men in almost all ethnic groups.
This means that there is fierce competition among unmarried women to snag a marriageable guy.
Black women face a particular scarcity of economically viable black men, due to rates of unemployment and incarceration.
Hispanic men living in the U.S. face the opposite scarcity of eligible unwed Latinas, because illegal immigration has brought many more Hispanic men stateside than women. (Women tend to immigrate only when they have a husband or father already in El Norte.)
White women are perplexed by the scarcity of financially well-off white marriageable men. (Guess they haven't yet made the connection between the influx of women into the labor market taking away jobs from men, i.e. -- formerly prime heterosexual marriage prospects with a decent income.)
In the end, feminism will expire of its own lack of practicality. It seems to produce almost nothing that "normal" women desire.
But it will live on for hundreds of years in the socialistic university system of Women's Studies departments, where tenure will permit aging irrelevant skeletons to preach ideological sexist bile and publish to the increasingly marginal choir.
The more difficult challenge will be repealing feminist laws and legal practices in the DV, Divorce, and Anti-Family Industries ... lingering franchises of Feminism Inc.
by Davidadelong on 04:15 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#15)
Funny you should mention the difficulty of changing things Roy. I have had two different attorneys tell me that it will be like "pulling hens teeth" to get some "fair legislation" passed due to the cottage industries that have sprung up that feed off of the divisionary tactics of the current politics "of the land". Why, my goodness, we can't have all those vampires that are sucking the life blood of our nation go without jobs now can we? "It is a good day to die!"
by MR on 08:48 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#16)
"This means that there is fierce competition among unmarried women to snag a marriageable guy."
The biological clock is ticking fast for snotty, young gender feminists. It won't be long until these women, who blame men for everything, continue that practice, but physically morph into the bitter old fem hags who go around grabbing their crotches and shouting about "choices" and "Patriarchy."
There's nothing more pathetic than a barren wombed man-hater, overwhelmingly frustrated by her "life choices" and unable to take responsibility for them.
Where are all the good men??? They're certainly hiding from women like these who've worked overtime to make all women a danger to men.
Battered by political correctness, exploitive women, and man-haters, it's certainly a dangerous world out there for a man to chance a relationship with a woman - any woman.
by Roy on 01:11 PM February 12th, 2006 EST (#19)
Most men simply do not understand how the global franchise of Feminism Inc. actually works.
First of all, you should Google "Emily's List."
This cabal of radical feminists enjoys the richest coffer of PAC funds in America.
These fems buy and sell politicians every day before lunch and never even have to burp!
Why do you think VAWA 2005 passed unanimously in our Congress without any public media exposure of the men's rights movement's efforts to reform this unconstitutional piece of legalized sexist fascism?
The CongressMEN are eunuchs all down to the last undescended testicle!
As just one small aspect of Feminism Inc., every state in this union has a regional domestic violence industry funded by VAWA.
This apparatus begins in your State's Attorney General's office, and then is imposed upon all citizens through a tax-funded network of DV Commissions that work mostly at the county level.
Each month in every state in every county, domestic violence "educators and counselors" get together to compare notes about how to advance their male-hating agenda.
If you doubt this conspiracy, call your county's Assistant State's Attorney's office and ask for the schedule for your county's DV service provider's meetings.
Then, just for your personal amusement, ask if the meetings are open to the public!
Better yet, take a day off work and go sit in on a day's worth of Family Court sessions at your county's circuit "Law and Justice Center!"
It will be educational, it's "free," and you'll be amazed to witness first-hand just how easy it is to legally rape men over and over and over....
by Radioactive on 07:23 AM February 13th, 2006 EST (#20)
I could not agree with the writer more. Do you know, I was falsely accused of rape. Violent rape. The woman inflicted the injuries on herself and I was no where near her when she said it happened. The State of Washington paid this woman to testify against me from their "victims compensation fund". After the incident was actually investigated and just not going by her word, they found the charges to be false but they did not prosecute the woman in any way. I know this sounds like a rant, but I am passionate about the men's movement and a new member in this forum. I could use all the help I can from the more experienced members. I feel I have much to offer.
Take care,
by MR on 02:14 PM February 13th, 2006 EST (#21)
I understand. I've been in the men's movement for years. The gender feminist, women's movement today is nothing more than a taxpayer funded hate movement targeting all males as criminals, or criminals wainting to happen.
Here's a group on Washington you might find interesting.
Taking Action Against Bias In The System
As always, I tell everyone I meet to join this group. We are getting quite a membership established on the West Coast and throughout the U.S. I belong to the L.A. Chapter.
National Coalition of Free Men
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